PL/SQL User's Guide and Reference
- != relational operator
- " quoted identifier delimiter
- % attribute indicator
- %FOUND cursor attribute
- %ISOPEN cursor attribute
- %NOTFOUND cursor attribute
- %ROWCOUNT cursor attribute
- %ROWTYPE attribute
- %TYPE attribute
- ' character string delimiter
- ( expression or list delimiter
- ) expression or list delimiter
- * multiplication operator
- ** exponentiation operator
- */ multi-line comment delimiter
- + addition operator
- , item separator
- - subtraction/negation operator
- -- single-line comment indicator [2]
- . component selector
- .. range operator
- / division operator
- /* multi-line comment delimiter
- : host variable indicator
- := assignment operator [2]
- ; statement terminator
- << relational operator
- <<<< label delimiter
- <<= relational operator
- <<> relational operator
- = relational operator
- => association operator
- > relational operator
- >= relational operator
- >> label delimiter
- @ remote access indicator
- ^= relational operator
- abstraction
- actual parameter
- address
- aggregate assignment
- aliasing
- aliasing, parameter
- ALL comparison operator
- ALL option [2]
- ALL row operator
- AND logical operator
- anonymous PL/SQL block
- ANY comparison operator
- apostrophe
- architecture
- arithmetic operators
- ARRAYLEN statement
- assignment statement, syntax
- assignment
- association operator
- asterisk (*) option
- asynchronous operation
- attribute
- AVG group function
- Bachus-Naur Form (BNF)
- base type [2]
- basic loop
- BETWEEN comparison operator
- binary operator
- bind variable
- binding
- blank-padding semantics
- block
- body
- BOOLEAN datatype
- Boolean
- built-in function
- call, subprogram
- carriage return
- case sensitivity
- case, upper and lower
- CHAR column, maximum width
- CHAR datatype
- character literal
- character set
- CHARACTER subtype
- character value
- CLOSE statement [2]
- collating sequence
- column alias
- column, ROWLABEL
- COMMENT clause
- comment
- commit
- COMMIT statement
- comparison
- compilation, using the PL/SQL Wrapper
- compiler
- component
- composite type
- concatenation operator
- concurrency
- conditional control
- constant
- constraint
- control structure [2]
- conventions
- conversion function, when needed
- conversion, datatype
- correlated subquery
- COUNT attribute
- COUNT group function
- CURRENT OF clause
- current row
- CURRVAL pseudocolumn
- cursor [2]
- cursor attribute, %FOUND [2]
- cursor FOR loop
- cursor variable [2]
- cursor
- data encapsulation
- data integrity
- data lock
- database changes
- datatype
- DATE datatype
- date
- DBMS_ALERT package
- DBMS_OUTPUT package
- DBMS_PIPE package
- DBMS_SQL package [2]
- DDL, support for
- deadlock
- DEC subtype
- DECIMAL subtype
- declaration
- declarative part
- Declare Section
- DECLARE TABLE statement
- DECODE function
- default parameter value
- DEFAULT reserved word
- DELETE attribute
- DELETE statement, syntax
- delimiter, list
- dependency, remote
- DEPT table
- digits of precision
- DISTINCT row operator
- distributed transaction
- division by zero
- division operator
- dot notation [2]
- DUP_VAL_ON_INDEX exception
- dynamic FOR-loop range
- dynamic SQL
- elaboration
- ellipsis
- ELSE clause
- ELSIF clause
- embedded PL/SQL
- EMP table
- encapsulation, data
- END IF reserved words
- END LOOP reserved words
- Entry SQL, support for
- environment
- error
- error message, maximum length
- evaluation
- EXAMPBLD script
- EXAMPLOD script
- exception
- exception handler
- exception-handling part
- exception
- executable part
- execution environment [2]
- EXISTS attribute
- EXISTS comparison operator
- EXIT statement [2]
- explicit cursor
- exponentiation operator
- expression
- extensibility
- FALSE value
- features, new
- FETCH statement [2]
- fetching across commits
- Fibonacci sequence [2]
- field
- file I/O
- FIRST attribute
- FLOAT subtype
- FOR loop
- FOR loop, cursor
- FOR loop
- FOR UPDATE clause [2]
- formal parameter
- format mask, when needed
- format
- forward declaration
- forward reference
- function [2]
- GLB group function
- GOTO statement
- GROUP BY clause
- group function
- handler
- handling exceptions
- hexadecimal number
- hidden declaration
- hiding, information
- host array, using with PL/SQL table
- host language
- host program
- host variable
- identifier
- IF statement
- implicit cursor
- implicit datatype conversion
- implicit declaration
- IN comparison operator [2]
- IN OUT parameter mode
- IN parameter mode
- INDEX BY clause
- index
- indicator variable
- infinite loop
- information hiding [2]
- initialization
- INSERT statement, syntax
- instantiation
- INT subtype
- INTEGER subtype
- interoperability
- INTERSECT set operator
- INTO clause
- INTO list [2]
- INVALID_CURSOR exception
- INVALID_NUMBER exception
- IS NULL comparison operator [2]
- iteration
- iterative control
- join
- label
- LAST attribute
- LEVEL pseudocolumn
- lexical unit
- library
- LIKE comparison operator [2]
- literal
- local subprogram
- lock
- LOCK TABLE statement
- lock
- logical operator
- LOGIN_DENIED exception
- LONG datatype
- LONG RAW datatype
- LOOP statement
- loop
- LUB group function
- maintainability
- MAX group function
- maximum length
- maximum precision
- membership test
- MIN group function
- MINUS set operator
- mixed notation
- MLSLABEL datatype
- mode, parameter
- modularity [2] [3]
- multi-line comment
- multiplication operator
- mutual recursion
- name resolution
- name, cursor
- named notation
- name
- naming conventions
- NATURAL subtype
- NATURALN subtype
- nesting
- network traffic, reducing
- new features
- NEXT attribute
- NEXTVAL pseudocolumn
- nibble
- NO_DATA_FOUND exception
- non-blank-padding semantics
- NOT logical operator
- NOT NULL constraint
- NOT_LOGGED_ON exception
- notational conventions
- notation
- NOWAIT parameter
- NULL statement
- null
- nullity
- NUMBER datatype
- numeric literal
- NUMERIC subtype
- NVL function, treatment of nulls
- OCI (Oracle Call Interface)
- OPEN statement
- OPEN-FOR statement
- operator
- OR logical operator
- OR reserved word
- Oracle Call Interface (OCI)
- Oracle Precompilers
- Oracle, Trusted
- order of evaluation [2]
- OTHERS exception handler [2]
- OUT parameter mode
- overloading
- p-code
- package
- package, product-specific
- package
- packaged cursor
- packaged subprogram [2]
- package
- parameter
- parentheses
- pattern matching
- performance
- pipe
- PL/SQL block, anonymous [2]
- PL/SQL compiler
- PL/SQL engine
- PL/SQL syntax
- PL/SQL table
- PL/SQL table attribute
- PL/SQL table
- PL/SQL Wrapper
- PLS_INTEGER datatype
- pointer
- portability
- positional notation
- POSITIVE subtype
- POSITIVEN subtype
- pragma
- precedence, operator
- precision of digits, specifying
- predefined exception
- predicate
- primary key, PL/SQL table
- PRIOR attribute
- PRIOR row operator [2]
- private object
- procedure
- productivity
- program unit
- PROGRAM_ERROR exception
- propagation, exception
- pseudocolumn [2]
- pseudoinstruction
- pseudotype
- public object
- qualifier
- query work area
- quoted identifier
- RAISE statement
- raise_application_error procedure
- raising an exception
- RAW datatype
- read consistency [2]
- READ ONLY parameter
- read-only transaction
- readability
- REAL subtype
- record
- RECORD datatype
- record
- recursion
- REF CURSOR datatype
- reference type
- relational operator
- remote dependency
- REPEAT UNTIL structure, mimicking
- REPLACE function, treatment of nulls
- reraising an exception
- reserved words
- result set [2]
- result value, function
- RETURN clause
- RETURN statement
- return type [2]
- reusability
- REVERSE reserved word
- rollback segment
- ROLLBACK statement
- rollback
- row lock
- row operator
- rowid
- ROWID datatype
- ROWID pseudocolumn
- ROWIDTOCHAR function
- ROWLABEL column
- ROWNUM pseudocolumn
- RPC (remote procedure call)
- RTRIM function, using to insert data
- runtime error
- sample database table
- sample programs
- savepoint name, reusing
- SAVEPOINT statement
- scalar type
- scale, specifying
- scheme, iteration
- scientific notation
- scope
- script, SQL*Plus
- SELECT INTO statement, syntax
- selector [2]
- semantics
- separator
- sequence
- sequential control
- server, integration with PL/SQL
- session
- session-specific variables
- set operator
- side effects
- signature
- significant characters
- single-line comment
- size constraint, subtype
- SMALLINT subtype
- snapshot
- SOME comparison operator
- spaces, where allowed
- spaghetti code
- sparsity
- specification
- SQL cursor, syntax
- SQL standards conformance
- SQL*Plus
- SQL92 conformance
- SQLCHECK option
- SQLCODE function
- SQLERRM function
- standalone subprogram
- START WITH clause
- statement-level rollback
- statement
- STDDEV group function
- STEP clause, mimicking
- stepwise refinement
- STORAGE_ERROR exception
- stored subprogram [2]
- string comparison semantics
- string literal
- STRING subtype
- structure theorem
- stub [2]
- subprogram [2]
- subquery
- substitution variable
- SUBSTR function
- subtraction operator
- subtype [2]
- SUM group function
- support for SQL
- syntax definition
- tab
- TABLE datatype
- table, PL/SQL
- terminating condition
- terminator, statement
- ternary operator
- THEN clause
- timestamp
- TOO_MANY_ROWS exception
- top-down design
- trailing blanks, how handled
- transaction [2]
- transaction processing [2]
- transaction
- TRUE value
- truncation
- Trusted Oracle
- truth tables
- type definition
- unary operator
- underscore
- unhandled exception [2]
- UNION ALL set operator
- UNION set operator
- UPDATE statement, syntax
- user session
- user-defined record
- user-defined
- UTL_FILE package
- VALUE_ERROR exception
- VARCHAR pseudotype
- VARCHAR subtype
- VARCHAR2 datatype
- variable
- VARIANCE group function
- visibility
- WHEN clause [2]
- WHILE loop
- wildcard
- words, reserved
- work area, query
- ZERO_DIVIDE exception
- || concatenation operator [2]
- ~= relational operator