Also, you can assign new values to a cursor variable and pass it as a parameter to subprograms, including subprograms stored in an Oracle database. This gives you an easy way to centralize data retrieval.
Cursor variables are available to every PL/SQL client. For example, you can declare a cursor variable in a PL/SQL host environment such as an OCI or Pro*C program, then pass it as a bind variable to PL/SQL. Moreover, application development tools such as Oracle Forms and Oracle Reports, which have a PL/SQL engine, can use cursor variables entirely on the client side.
The Oracle Server also has a PL/SQL engine. So, you can pass cursor variables back and forth between an application and server via remote procedure calls (RPCs).
To execute a multi-row query, Oracle opens an unnamed work area that stores processing information. To access the information, you can use an explicit cursor, which names the work area. Or, you can use a cursor variable, which points to the work area. Whereas a cursor always refers to the same query work area, a cursor variable can refer to different work areas. So, cursors and cursor variables are not interoperable; that is, you cannot use one where the other is expected.
A query work area remains accessible as long as any cursor variable points to it. Therefore, you can pass the value of a cursor variable freely from one scope to another. For example, if you pass a host cursor variable to a PL/SQL block embedded in a Pro*C program, the work area to which the cursor variable points remains accessible after the block completes.
If you have a PL/SQL engine on the client side, calls from client to server impose no restrictions. For example, you can declare a cursor variable on the client side, open and fetch from it on the server side, then continue to fetch from it back on the client side.
Also, you can reduce network traffic by having a PL/SQL block open (or close) several host cursor variables in a single round trip.
TYPE ref_type_name IS REF CURSOR RETURN return_type;
where ref_type_name is a type specifier used in subsequent declarations of cursor variables and return_type must represent a record or a row in a database table. In the following example, you specify a return type that represents a row in the database table dept:
REF CURSOR types can be strong (restrictive) or weak (nonrestrictive). As the next example shows, a strong REF CURSOR type definition specifies a return type, but a weak definition does not:
Strong REF CURSOR types are less error prone because the PL/SQL compiler lets you associate a strongly typed cursor variable only with type-compatible queries. However, weak REF CURSOR types are more flexible because the compiler lets you associate a weakly typed cursor variable with any query.
DECLARE TYPE DeptCurTyp IS REF CURSOR RETURN dept%ROWTYPE; dept_cv DeptCurTyp; -- declare cursor variable
Note: You cannot declare cursor variables in a package. Unlike package variables, cursor variables do not have persistent state. Remember, declaring a cursor variable creates a pointer, not an object. So, cursor variables cannot be saved in the database.
Cursor variables follow the usual scoping and instantiation rules. Local PL/SQL cursor variables are instantiated when you enter a block or subprogram and cease to exist when you exit.
In the RETURN clause of a REF CURSOR type definition, you can use %ROWTYPE to specify a record type that represents a row returned by a (previously declared) cursor variable, as follows:
DECLARE TYPE TmpCurTyp IS REF CURSOR RETURN emp%ROWTYPE; tmp_cv TmpCurTyp; -- declare cursor variable TYPE EmpCurTyp IS REF CURSOR RETURN tmp_cv%ROWTYPE; emp_cv EmpCurTyp; -- declare cursor variable
Likewise, you can use %TYPE to provide the datatype of a record variable, as the following example shows:
DECLARE dept_rec dept%ROWTYPE; -- declare record variable TYPE DeptCurTyp IS REF CURSOR RETURN dept_rec%TYPE; dept_cv DeptCurTyp; -- declare cursor variable
In the final example, you specify a user-defined RECORD type in the RETURN clause:
DECLARE TYPE EmpRecTyp IS RECORD ( empno NUMBER(4), ename VARCHAR2(1O), sal NUMBER(7,2)); TYPE EmpCurTyp IS REF CURSOR RETURN EmpRecTyp; emp_cv EmpCurTyp; -- declare cursor variable
OPEN {cursor_variable_name | :host_cursor_variable_name} FOR select_statement;
where host_cursor_variable_name identifies a cursor variable declared in a PL/SQL host environment such as an OCI or Pro*C program.
Unlike cursors, cursor variables do not take parameters. No flexibility is lost, however, because you can pass whole queries (not just parameters) to a cursor variable. The query can reference bind variables and PL/SQL variables, parameters, and functions but cannot be FOR UPDATE.
In the example below, you open the cursor variable emp_cv. Notice that you can apply cursor attributes (%FOUND, %NOTFOUND, %ISOPEN, and %ROWCOUNT) to a cursor variable.
IF NOT emp_cv%ISOPEN THEN /* Open cursor variable. */ OPEN emp_cv FOR SELECT * FROM emp; END IF;
Other OPEN-FOR statements can open the same cursor variable for different queries. You need not close a cursor variable before reopening it. (Recall that consecutive OPENs of a static cursor raise the predefined exception CURSOR_ALREADY_OPEN.) When you reopen a cursor variable for a different query, the previous query is lost.
In a Stored Procedure Typically, you open a cursor variable by passing it to a stored procedure that declares a cursor variable as one of its formal parameters. For example, the following packaged procedure opens the cursor variable emp_cv:
CREATE PACKAGE emp_data AS ... TYPE EmpCurTyp IS REF CURSOR RETURN emp%ROWTYPE; PROCEDURE open_emp_cv (emp_cv IN OUT EmpCurTyp); END emp_data; CREATE PACKAGE BODY emp_data AS ... PROCEDURE open_emp_cv (emp_cv IN OUT EmpCurTyp) IS BEGIN OPEN emp_cv FOR SELECT * FROM emp; END open_emp_cv; END emp_data;
When you declare a cursor variable as the formal parameter of a subprogram that opens the cursor variable, you must specify the IN OUT mode. That way, the subprogram can pass an open cursor back to the caller.
Alternatively, you can use a standalone procedure to open the cursor variable. Simply define the REF CURSOR type in a separate package, then reference that type in the standalone procedure. For instance, if you create the following (bodiless) package, you can create standalone procedures that reference the types it defines:
In the following example, you create a standalone procedure that references the REF CURSOR type EmpCurTyp, which is defined in the package cv_types:
CREATE PROCEDURE open_emp_cv (emp_cv IN OUT cv_types.EmpCurTyp) AS BEGIN OPEN emp_cv FOR SELECT * FROM emp; END open_emp_cv;
To centralize data retrieval, you can group type-compatible queries in a stored procedure. In the example below, the packaged procedure declares a selector as one of its formal parameters. (In this context, a selector is a variable used to select one of several alternatives in a conditional control statement.) When called, the procedure opens the cursor variable emp_cv for the chosen query.
CREATE PACKAGE emp_data AS TYPE GenericCurTyp IS REF CURSOR; TYPE EmpCurTyp IS REF CURSOR RETURN emp%ROWTYPE; PROCEDURE open_emp_cv (emp_cv IN OUT EmpCurTyp, choice IN NUMBER); END emp_data; CREATE PACKAGE BODY emp_data AS PROCEDURE open_emp_cv (emp_cv IN OUT EmpCurTyp, choice IN NUMBER) IS BEGIN IF choice = 1 THEN OPEN emp_cv FOR SELECT * FROM emp WHERE comm IS NOT NULL; ELSIF choice = 2 THEN OPEN emp_cv FOR SELECT * FROM emp WHERE sal > 2500; ELSIF choice = 3 THEN OPEN emp_cv FOR SELECT * FROM emp WHERE deptno = 20; END IF; END open_emp_cv; END emp_data;
For more flexibility, you can pass a cursor variable and selector to a stored procedure that executes queries with different return types. Consider the following example:
CREATE PACKAGE BODY emp_data AS PROCEDURE open_cv (generic_cv IN OUT GenericCurTyp, choice IN NUMBER) IS BEGIN IF choice = 1 THEN OPEN generic_cv FOR SELECT * FROM emp; ELSIF choice = 2 THEN OPEN generic_cv FOR SELECT * FROM dept; ELSIF choice = 3 THEN OPEN generic_cv FOR SELECT * FROM salgrade; END IF; END open_cv; END emp_data;
Using a Bind Variable You can declare a cursor variable in a PL/SQL host environment such as an OCI or Pro*C program. To use the cursor variable, you must pass it as a bind variable to PL/SQL. In the following Pro*C example, you pass a host cursor variable and selector to a PL/SQL block, which opens the cursor variable for the chosen query:
EXEC SQL BEGIN DECLARE SECTION; ... /* Declare host cursor variable. */ SQL_CURSOR generic_cv; int choice; EXEC SQL END DECLARE SECTION; ... /* Initialize host cursor variable. */ EXEC SQL ALLOCATE :generic_cv; ... /* Pass host cursor variable and selector to PL/SQL block. */ EXEC SQL EXECUTE BEGIN IF :choice = 1 THEN OPEN :generic_cv FOR SELECT * FROM emp; ELSIF :choice = 2 THEN OPEN :generic_cv FOR SELECT * FROM dept; ELSIF :choice = 3 THEN OPEN :generic_cv FOR SELECT * FROM salgrade; END IF; END; END-EXEC;
Host cursor variables are compatible with any query return type. They behave just like weakly typed PL/SQL cursor variables.
FETCH {cursor_variable_name | :host_cursor_variable_name} INTO {variable_name[, variable_name]... | record_name};
In the next example, you fetch rows from the cursor variable emp_cv into the user-defined record emp_rec:
LOOP /* Fetch from cursor variable. */ FETCH emp_cv INTO emp_rec; EXIT WHEN emp_cv%NOTFOUND; -- exit when last row is fetched -- process data record END LOOP;
Any variables in the associated query are evaluated only when the cursor variable is opened. To change the result set or the values of variables in the query, you must reopen the cursor variable with the variables set to their new values. However, you can use a different INTO clause on separate fetches with the same cursor variable. Each fetch retrieves another row from the same result set.
PL/SQL makes sure the return type of the cursor variable is compatible with the INTO clause of the FETCH statement. For each column value returned by the query associated with the cursor variable, there must be a corresponding, type-compatible field or variable in the INTO clause. Also, the number of fields or variables must equal the number of column values. Otherwise, you get an error.
The error occurs at compile time if the cursor variable is strongly typed or at run time if it is weakly typed. At run time, PL/SQL raises the predefined exception ROWTYPE_ MISMATCH before the first fetch. So, if you trap the error and execute the FETCH statement using a different INTO clause, no rows are lost.
When you declare a cursor variable as the formal parameter of a subprogram that fetches from the cursor variable, you must specify the IN (or IN OUT) mode. However, if the subprogram also opens the cursor variable, you must specify the IN OUT mode.
If you try to fetch from a closed or never-opened cursor variable, PL/SQL raises the predefined exception INVALID_CURSOR.
CLOSE {cursor_variable_name | :host_cursor_variable_name);
In the following example, when the last row is processed, you close the cursor variable emp_cv:
LOOP FETCH emp_cv INTO emp_rec; EXIT WHEN emp_cv%NOTFOUND; -- process data record END LOOP; /* Close cursor variable. */ CLOSE emp_cv;
When declaring a cursor variable as the formal parameter of a subprogram that closes the cursor variable, you must specify the IN (or IN OUT) mode.
If you try to close an already-closed or never-opened cursor variable, PL/SQL raises the predefined exception INVALID_CURSOR.
CREATE PACKAGE cv_types AS TYPE LibCurTyp IS REF CURSOR; ... END cv_types; CREATE PROCEDURE find_item (title VARCHAR2(100), lib_cv IN OUT cv_types.LibCurTyp) AS code BINARY_INTEGER; BEGIN SELECT item_code FROM titles INTO code WHERE item_title = title; IF code = 1 THEN OPEN lib_cv FOR SELECT * FROM books WHERE book_title = title; ELSIF code = 2 THEN OPEN lib_cv FOR SELECT * FROM periodicals WHERE periodical_title = title; ELSIF code = 3 THEN OPEN lib_cv FOR SELECT * FROM tapes WHERE tape_title = title; END IF; END find_item;
A client-side application in a branch library might use the following PL/SQL block to display the retrieved information:
DECLARE lib_cv cv_types.LibCurTyp; book_rec books%ROWTYPE; periodical_rec periodicals%ROWTYPE; tape_rec tapes%ROWTYPE; BEGIN get_title(:title); -- title is a host variable find_item(:title, lib_cv); FETCH lib_cv INTO book_rec; display_book(book_rec);
EXCEPTION WHEN ROWTYPE_MISMATCH THEN BEGIN FETCH lib_cv INTO periodical_rec; display_periodical(periodical_rec); EXCEPTION WHEN ROWTYPE_MISMATCH THEN FETCH lib_cv INTO tape_rec; display_tape(tape_rec); END; END;
The following Pro*C program prompts the user to select a database table, opens a cursor variable for a query of that table, then fetches rows returned by the query:
#include <stdio.h> #include <sqlca.h> void sql_error(); main() { char temp[32]; EXEC SQL BEGIN DECLARE SECTION; char * uid = "scott/tiger"; SQL_CURSOR generic_cv; /* cursor variable */ int table_num; /* selector */ struct /* EMP record */ { int emp_num; char emp_name[11]; char job_title[10]; int manager; char hire_date[10]; float salary; float commission; int dept_num; } emp_rec; struct /* DEPT record */ { int dept_num; char dept_name[15]; char location[14]; } dept_rec; struct /* BONUS record */ { char emp_name[11]; char job_title[10]; float salary; } bonus_rec; EXEC SQL END DECLARE SECTION;
/* Handle Oracle errors. */ EXEC SQL WHENEVER SQLERROR DO sql_error(); /* Connect to Oracle. */ EXEC SQL CONNECT :uid; /* Initialize cursor variable. */ EXEC SQL ALLOCATE :generic_cv; /* Exit loop when done fetching. */ EXEC SQL WHENEVER NOT FOUND DO break; for (;;) { printf("\n1 = EMP, 2 = DEPT, 3 = BONUS"); printf("\nEnter table number (0 to quit): "); gets(temp); table_num = atoi(temp); if (table_num <= 0) break; /* Open cursor variable. */ EXEC SQL EXECUTE BEGIN IF :table_num = 1 THEN OPEN :generic_cv FOR SELECT * FROM emp; ELSIF :table_num = 2 THEN OPEN :generic_cv FOR SELECT * FROM dept; ELSIF :table_num = 3 THEN OPEN :generic_cv FOR SELECT * FROM bonus; END IF; END; END-EXEC; for (;;) { switch (table_num) { case 1: /* Fetch row into EMP record. */ EXEC SQL FETCH :generic_cv INTO :emp_rec; break; case 2: /* Fetch row into DEPT record. */ EXEC SQL FETCH :generic_cv INTO :dept_rec; break; case 3: /* Fetch row into BONUS record. */ EXEC SQL FETCH :generic_cv INTO :bonus_rec; break; } /* Process data record here. */ }
/* Close cursor variable. */ EXEC SQL CLOSE :generic_cv; } exit(0); } void sql_error() { /* Handle SQL error here. */ }
/* anonymous PL/SQL block in host environment */ BEGIN OPEN :emp_cv FOR SELECT * FROM emp; OPEN :dept_cv FOR SELECT * FROM dept; OPEN :grade_cv FOR SELECT * FROM salgrade; OPEN :pay_cv FOR SELECT * FROM payroll; OPEN :ins_cv FOR SELECT * FROM insurance; END;
This might be useful in Oracle Forms, for instance, when you want to populate a multi-block form.
When you pass host cursor variables to a PL/SQL block for opening, the query work areas to which they point remain accessible after the block completes. That allows your OCI or Pro*C program to use these work areas for ordinary cursor operations. In the following example, you open five such work areas in a single round trip:
The cursors assigned to c1, c2, c3, c4, and c5 behave normally, and you can use them for any purpose. When finished, simply release the cursors, as follows:
DECLARE TYPE EmpCurTyp IS REF CURSOR RETURN emp%ROWTYPE; TYPE TmpCurTyp IS REF CURSOR RETURN emp%ROWTYPE; ... PROCEDURE open_emp_cv (emp_cv IN OUT EmpCurTyp, tmp_cv IN OUT TmpCurTyp) IS BEGIN ... emp_cv := tmp_cv; -- causes 'wrong type' error END;
However, if one or both cursor variables are weakly typed, they need not have the same datatype.
If you try to fetch from, close, or apply cursor attributes to a cursor variable that does not point to a query work area, PL/SQL raises the predefined exception INVALID_CURSOR. You can make a cursor variable (or parameter) point to a query work area in two ways:
DECLARE TYPE EmpCurTyp IS REF CURSOR RETURN emp%ROWTYPE; emp_cv1 EmpCurTyp; emp_cv2 EmpCurTyp; emp_rec emp%ROWTYPE; BEGIN /* The following assignment is useless because emp_cv1 does not point to a query work area yet. */ emp_cv2 := emp_cv1; -- useless /* Make emp_cv1 point to a query work area. */ OPEN emp_cv1 FOR SELECT * FROM emp; /* Use emp_cv1 to fetch first row from emp table. */ FETCH emp_cv1 INTO emp_rec; /* The following fetch raises an exception because emp_cv2 does not point to a query work area yet. */ FETCH emp_cv2 INTO emp_rec; -- raises INVALID_CURSOR
EXCEPTION WHEN INVALID_CURSOR THEN /* Make emp_cv1 and emp_cv2 point to same work area. */ emp_cv2 := emp_cv1; /* Use emp_cv2 to fetch second row from emp table. */ FETCH emp_cv2 INTO emp_rec; /* Reuse work area for another query. */ OPEN emp_cv2 FOR SELECT * FROM old_emp; /* Use emp_cv1 to fetch first row from old_emp table. The following fetch succeeds because emp_cv1 and emp_cv2 point to the same query work area. */ FETCH emp_cv1 INTO emp_rec; -- succeeds END;
Be careful when passing cursor variables as parameters. At run time, PL/SQL raises ROWTYPE_MISMATCH if the return types of the actual and formal parameters are incompatible.
In the Pro*C example below, you define a packaged REF CURSOR type, specifying the return type emp%ROWTYPE. Next, you create a standalone procedure that references the new type. Then, inside a PL/SQL block, you open a host cursor variable for a query of the dept table. Later, when you pass the open host cursor variable to the stored procedure, PL/SQL raises ROWTYPE_MISMATCH because the return types of the actual and formal parameters are incompatible.
/* bodiless package */ CREATE PACKAGE cv_types AS TYPE EmpCurTyp IS REF CURSOR RETURN emp%ROWTYPE; ... END cv_types; /* standalone procedure */ CREATE PROCEDURE open_emp_cv (emp_cv IN OUT cv_types.EmpCurTyp) AS BEGIN OPEN emp_cv FOR SELECT * FROM emp; END open_emp_cv; /* anonymous PL/SQL block in Pro*C program */ EXEC SQL EXECUTE BEGIN OPEN :cv FOR SELECT * FROM dept; ... open_emp_cv(:cv); -- raises ROWTYPE_MISMATCH because emp and -- dept tables have different rowtypes END; END-EXEC;
PROCEDURE get_emp_data (emp_cv1 IN OUT EmpCurTyp, emp_cv2 IN OUT EmpCurTyp) IS emp_rec emp%ROWTYPE; BEGIN OPEN emp_cv1 FOR SELECT * FROM emp; emp_cv2 := emp_cv1; FETCH emp_cv1 INTO emp_rec; -- fetches first row FETCH emp_cv1 INTO emp_rec; -- fetches second row FETCH emp_cv2 INTO emp_rec; -- fetches third row CLOSE emp_cv1; FETCH emp_cv2 INTO emp_rec; -- raises INVALID_CURSOR ... END get_emp_data;
Aliasing also occurs when the same actual parameter appears twice in a subprogram call. Unless both formal parameters are IN parameters, the result is indeterminate, as the following example shows:
DECLARE TYPE EmpCurTyp IS REF CURSOR RETURN emp%ROWTYPE; emp_cv EmpCurTyp; emp_rec emp%ROWTYPE; PROCEDURE open_emp_cv (cv1 IN OUT EmpCurTyp, cv2 IN OUT EmpCurTyp) IS BEGIN OPEN cv1 FOR SELECT * FROM emp WHERE ename = 'KING'; OPEN cv2 FOR SELECT * FROM emp WHERE ename = 'BLACK'; END open_emp_cv; BEGIN open_emp_cv(emp_cv, emp_cv); FETCH emp_cv INTO emp_rec; -- indeterminate; might return -- row for 'KING' or 'BLACK' ... END;
PROCEDURE open_emp_cv (emp_cv IN OUT EmpCurTyp, tmp_cv IN OUT TmpCurTyp) IS BEGIN ... IF emp_cv = tmp_cv THEN ... -- illegal IF emp_cv IS NULL THEN ... -- illegal END;
PROCEDURE open_emp_cv (emp_cv IN OUT EmpCurTyp) IS BEGIN emp_cv := NULL; -- illegal ... END;
DECLARE CURSOR emp_cur IS SELECT * FROM emp; -- static cursor TYPE EmpCurTyp IS REF CURSOR RETURN emp%ROWTYPE; emp_cv EmpCurTyp; -- cursor variable BEGIN ... FOR emp_rec IN emp_cv LOOP ... -- illegal ... END LOOP; END;