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User-Defined Exceptions

PL/SQL lets you define exceptions of your own. Unlike predefined exceptions, user-defined exceptions must be declared and must be raised explicitly by RAISE statements.

Declaring Exceptions

Exceptions can be declared only in the declarative part of a PL/SQL block, subprogram, or package. You declare an exception by introducing its name, followed by the keyword EXCEPTION. In the following example, you declare an exception named past_due:

   past_due EXCEPTION;
   acct_num NUMBER(5);

Exception and variable declarations are similar. But remember, an exception is an error condition, not an object. Unlike variables, exceptions cannot appear in assignment statements or SQL statements. However, the same scope rules apply to variables and exceptions.

Scope Rules

You cannot declare an exception twice in the same block. You can, however, declare the same exception in two different blocks.

Exceptions declared in a block are considered local to that block and global to all its sub-blocks. Because a block can reference only local or global exceptions, enclosing blocks cannot reference exceptions declared in a sub-block.

If you redeclare a global exception in a sub-block, the local declaration prevails. So, the sub-block cannot reference the global exception unless it was declared in a labeled block, in which case the following syntax is valid:


The next example illustrates the scope rules:

   past_due EXCEPTION;
   acct_num NUMBER;
   DECLARE  ---------- sub-block begins
      past_due EXCEPTION;  -- this declaration prevails
      acct_num NUMBER;
      IF ... THEN
         RAISE past_due;  -- this is not handled
      END IF;
   END;  ------------- sub-block ends
   WHEN past_due THEN  -- does not handle RAISEd exception

The enclosing block does not handle the raised exception because the declaration of past_due in the sub-block prevails. Though they share the same name, the two past_due exceptions are different, just as the two acct_num variables share the same name but are different variables. Therefore, the RAISE statement and the WHEN clause refer to different exceptions. To have the enclosing block handle the raised exception, you must remove its declaration from the sub-block or define an OTHERS handler.


To handle unnamed internal exceptions, you must use the OTHERS handler or the pragma EXCEPTION_INIT. A pragma is a compiler directive, which can be thought of as a parenthetical remark to the compiler. Pragmas (also called pseudoinstructions) are processed at compile time, not at run time. They do not affect the meaning of a program; they simply convey information to the compiler. For example, in the language Ada, the following pragma tells the compiler to optimize the use of storage space:


In PL/SQL, the pragma EXCEPTION_INIT tells the compiler to associate an exception name with an Oracle error number. That allows you to refer to any internal exception by name and to write a specific handler for it.

You code the pragma EXCEPTION_INIT in the declarative part of a PL/SQL block, subprogram, or package using the syntax

PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT(exception_name, Oracle_error_number);

where exception_name is the name of a previously declared exception. The pragma must appear somewhere after the exception declaration in the same declarative part, as shown in the following example:

   insufficient_privileges EXCEPTION;
   PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT(insufficient_privileges, -1031);
      -- Oracle returns error number -1031 if, for example,
      -- you try to UPDATE a table for which you have
      -- only SELECT privileges
   WHEN insufficient_privileges THEN
      -- handle the error

Using raise_application_error

Package DBMS_STANDARD, which is supplied with Oracle7, provides language facilities that help your application interact with Oracle. For example, the procedure raise_application_error lets you issue user-defined error messages from stored subprograms. That way, you can report errors to your application and avoid returning unhandled exceptions.

To call raise_application_error, you use the syntax

raise_application_error(error_number, message[, {TRUE | FALSE}]);

where error_number is a negative integer in the range -20000 .. -20999 and message is a character string up to 2048 bytes long. If the optional third parameter is TRUE, the error is placed on the stack of previous errors. If the parameter is FALSE (the default), the error replaces all previous errors. Package DBMS_STANDARD is an extension of package STANDARD, so you need not qualify references to it.

An application can call raise_application_error only from an executing stored subprogram. When called, raise_application_error ends the subprogram and returns a user-defined error number and message to the application. The error number and message can be trapped like any Oracle error.

In the following example, you call raise_application_error if an employee's salary is missing:

CREATE PROCEDURE raise_salary (emp_id NUMBER, increase NUMBER) AS
   current_salary NUMBER;
   SELECT sal INTO current_salary FROM emp 
      WHERE empno = emp_id;
   IF current_salary IS NULL THEN
      /* Issue user-defined error message. */
      raise_application_error(-20101, 'Salary is missing');
      UPDATE emp SET sal = current_salary + increase
         WHERE empno = emp_id;
   END IF;
END raise_salary;

The calling application gets a PL/SQL exception, which it can process using the error-reporting functions SQLCODE and SQLERRM in an OTHERS handler. Also, it can use the pragma EXCEPTION_INIT to map specific error numbers returned by raise_application_error to exceptions of its own, as follows:

      null_salary EXCEPTION;
      /* Map error number returned by raise_application_error
         to user-defined exception. */
      PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT(null_salary, -20101);
      raise_salary(:emp_number, :amount);
      WHEN null_salary THEN
         INSERT INTO emp_audit VALUES (:emp_number, ...);

This technique allows the calling application to handle error conditions in specific exception handlers.

Redeclaring Predefined Exceptions

Remember, PL/SQL declares predefined exceptions globally in package STANDARD, so you need not declare them yourself. Redeclaring predefined exceptions is error prone because your local declaration overrides the global declaration.

For example, if you declare an exception named invalid_number and then PL/SQL raises the predefined exception INVALID_NUMBER internally, a handler written for INVALID_NUMBER will not catch the internal exception. In such cases, you must use dot notation to specify the predefined exception, as follows:

      -- handle the error

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