PL/SQL User's Guide and Reference
DELETE Statement
The DELETE statement removes entire rows of data from a specified table or view. For a full description of the DELETE statement, see Oracle7 Server SQL Reference.
delete_statement ::=
DELETE [FROM] {table_reference | (subquery)} [alias]
[WHERE {search_condition | CURRENT OF cursor_name}];
table_reference ::=
[schema_name.]{table_name | view_name}[@dblink_name]
Keyword and Parameter Description
This specifies a table or view, which must be accessible when
you execute the DELETE statement, and for which you must have DELETE privileges.
This is a select statement that provides a value or set of values to the DELETE statement. The syntax of subquery is like the syntax of select_into_statement defined in "SELECT INTO Statement"
, except that subquery cannot have an INTO clause.
This is another (usually short) name for the referenced table or view and is typically used in the WHERE clause.
WHERE search_condition
This clause conditionally chooses rows to be deleted from the referenced table or view. Only rows that meet the search condition are deleted. If you omit the WHERE clause, all rows in the table or view are deleted.
WHERE CURRENT OF cursor_name
This clause refers to the latest row processed by the FETCH statement associated with the cursor identified by cursor_name. The cursor must be FOR UPDATE and must be open and positioned on a row. If the cursor is not open, the CURRENT OF clause causes an error.
If the cursor is open, but no rows have been fetched or the last fetch returned no rows, PL/SQL raises the predefined exception NO_DATA_FOUND.
Usage Notes
You can use the DELETE WHERE CURRENT OF statement after a fetch from an open cursor (this includes implicit fetches executed in a cursor FOR loop), provided the associated query is FOR UPDATE. This statement deletes the current row; that is, the one just fetched.
The implicit SQL cursor and the cursor attributes %NOTFOUND, %FOUND, and %ROWCOUNT let you access useful information about the execution of a DELETE statement.
A DELETE statement might delete one or more rows or no rows. If one or more rows are deleted, you get the following results:
- SQL%ROWCOUNT yields the number of rows deleted
If no rows are deleted, you get these results:
The following statement deletes from the bonus table all employees whose sales were below quota:
DELETE FROM bonus WHERE sales_amt < quota;
Related Topics
FETCH Statement, SELECT Statement