Figure 2 - 1 shows the predefined datatypes available for your use. An additional scalar type, MLSLABEL, is available with Trusted Oracle, a specially secured version of Oracle. The scalar types fall into four families, which store number, character, date/time, or Boolean data, respectively.
Figure 2 - 1. Predefined Datatypes
This section discusses the scalar types; the composite types are discussed; the reference type is discussed in "Using Cursor Variables"
NUMBER[(precision, scale)]
You cannot use constants or variables to specify precision and scale; you must use integer literals.
The maximum precision of a NUMBER value is 38 decimal digits; the magnitude range is 1.0E-129 .. 9.99E125. If you do not specify the precision, it defaults to the maximum value supported by your system.
Scale can range from -84 to 127. For instance, a scale of 2 rounds to the nearest hundredth (3.456 becomes 3.46). Scale can be negative, which causes rounding to the left of the decimal point. For example, a scale of -3 rounds to the nearest thousand (3456 becomes 3000). A scale of zero rounds to the nearest whole number. If you do not specify the scale, it defaults to zero.
You can use these subtypes for compatibility with ANSI/ISO and IBM types or when you want an identifier more descriptive than NUMBER.
Although PLS_INTEGER and BINARY_INTEGER are both integer types with the same magnitude range, they are not fully compatible. When a PLS_INTEGER calculation overflows, an exception is raised. However, when a BINARY_INTEGER calculation overflows, no exception is raised if the result is assigned to a NUMBER variable.
Because of this small semantic difference, you might want to continue using BINARY_INTEGER in old applications for compatibility. In new applications, always use PLS_INTEGER for better performance.
The CHAR datatype takes an optional parameter that lets you specify a maximum length up to 32767 bytes. The syntax follows:
You cannot use a constant or variable to specify the maximum length; you must use an integer literal. If you do not specify the maximum length, it defaults to 1.
Remember, you specify the maximum length of a CHAR(n) variable in bytes, not characters. So, if a CHAR(n) variable stores multi-byte characters, its maximum length is less than n characters.
Although the maximum length of a CHAR(n) variable is 32767 bytes, the maximum width of a CHAR database column is 255 bytes. Therefore, you cannot insert values longer than 255 bytes into a CHAR column. You can insert any CHAR(n) value into a LONG database column because the maximum width of a LONG column is 2147483647 bytes or 2 gigabytes. However, you cannot select a value longer than 32767 bytes from a LONG column into a CHAR(n) variable.
You can insert any LONG value into a LONG database column because the maximum width of a LONG column is 2147483647 bytes. However, you cannot select a value longer than 32760 bytes from a LONG column into a LONG variable.
LONG columns can store text, arrays of characters, or even short documents. You can reference LONG columns in UPDATE, INSERT, and (most) SELECT statements, but not in expressions, SQL function calls, or certain SQL clauses such as WHERE, GROUP BY, and CONNECT BY. For more information, see Oracle7 Server SQL Reference.
The RAW datatype takes a required parameter that lets you specify a maximum length up to 32767 bytes. The syntax follows:
You cannot use a constant or variable to specify the maximum length; you must use an integer literal.
Although the maximum length of a RAW variable is 32767 bytes, the maximum width of a RAW database column is 255 bytes. Therefore, you cannot insert values longer than 255 bytes into a RAW column. You can insert any RAW value into a LONG RAW database column because the maximum width of a LONG RAW column is 2147483647 bytes. However, you cannot select a value longer than 32767 bytes from a LONG RAW column into a RAW variable.
You can insert any LONG RAW value into a LONG RAW database column because the maximum width of a LONG RAW column is 2147483647 bytes. However, you cannot select a value longer than 32760 bytes from a LONG RAW column into a LONG RAW variable.
When you select or fetch a rowid into a ROWID variable, you can use the function ROWIDTOCHAR, which converts the binary value to an 18-byte character string and returns it in the format
where BBBBBBBB is the block in the database file, RRRR is the row in the block (the first row is 0), and FFFF is the database file.
These numbers are hexadecimal. For example, the rowid
points to the 11th row in the 15th block in the 7th database file.
Typically, ROWID variables are compared to the ROWID pseudocolumn in the WHERE clause of an UPDATE or DELETE statement to identify the latest row fetched from a cursor. For an example, see "Fetching Across Commits" .
The VARCHAR2 datatype takes a required parameter that specifies a maximum length up to 32767 bytes. The syntax follows:
You cannot use a constant or variable to specify the maximum length; you must use an integer literal.
Remember, you specify the maximum length of a VARCHAR2(n) variable in bytes, not characters. So, if a VARCHAR2(n) variable stores multi-byte characters, its maximum length is less than n characters.
Although the maximum length of a VARCHAR2(n) variable is 32767 bytes, the maximum width of a VARCHAR2 database column is 2000 bytes. Therefore, you cannot insert values longer than 2000 bytes into a VARCHAR2 column. You can insert any VARCHAR2(n) value into a LONG database column because the maximum width of a LONG column is 2147483647 bytes. However, you cannot select a value longer than 32767 bytes from a LONG column into a VARCHAR2(n) variable.
Some important semantic differences between the CHAR and VARCHAR2 base types are described in Appendix C.
The BOOLEAN datatype takes no parameters. Only the values TRUE and FALSE and the non-value NULL can be assigned to a BOOLEAN variable. You cannot insert the values TRUE and FALSE into a database column. Furthermore, you cannot select or fetch column values into a BOOLEAN variable.
When stored in a database column, date values include the time of day in seconds since midnight. The date portion defaults to the first day of the current month; the time portion defaults to midnight.
You can use the MLSLABEL datatype to define a database column. Also, you can use the %TYPE and %ROWTYPE attributes to reference the column. However, with standard Oracle, such columns can store only nulls.
With Trusted Oracle, you can insert any valid operating system label into a column of type MLSLABEL. If the label is in text format, Trusted Oracle converts it to a binary value automatically. The text string can be up to 255 bytes long. However, the internal length of an MLSLABEL value is between 2 and 5 bytes.
With Trusted Oracle, you can also select values from a MLSLABEL column into a character variable. Trusted Oracle converts the internal binary value to a VARCHAR2 value automatically.