To create records, you must take two steps. First, you define a RECORD type, then declare user-defined records of that type.
TYPE record_type_name IS RECORD (field_declaration[, field_declaration]...);
record_declaration ::=
record_name record_type_name;
field_declaration ::=
field_name { cursor_name%ROWTYPE | cursor_variable_name%TYPE | local_field_name%TYPE | plsql_table_name%TYPE | record_name%TYPE | scalar_type_name | table_name%ROWTYPE | table_name.column_name%TYPE | variable_name%TYPE} [[NOT NULL] {:= | DEFAULT} expression]
DECLARE TYPE TimeTyp IS RECORD( second SMALLINT := 0, minute SMALLINT := 0, hour SMALLINT := 0);
The next example shows that you can use the %TYPE attribute to specify a field datatype. It also shows that you can add the NOT NULL constraint to any field declaration and so prevent the assigning of nulls to that field.
DECLARE TYPE DeptRecTyp IS RECORD( deptno NUMBER(2) NOT NULL, dname dept.dname%TYPE, loc dept.loc%TYPE); dept_rec DeptRecTyp;
To reference individual fields in a record, you use dot notation. For example, you might assign a value to the dname field in the dept_rec record as follows:
dept_rec.dname := 'PURCHASING';
Instead of assigning values separately to each field in a record, you can assign values to all fields at once. This can be done in two ways. First, PL/SQL lets you assign one record to another if they have the same datatype. Note, however, that even if their fields match exactly, a user-defined record and a %ROWTYPE record have different types. Second, you can assign a list of column values to a record by using the SELECT or FETCH statement. Just make sure the column names appear in the same order as the fields in your record.
You can declare and reference nested records. That is, a record can be the component of another record, as the following example shows:
DECLARE TYPE TimeTyp IS RECORD( minute SMALLINT, hour SMALLINT); TYPE MeetingTyp IS RECORD( day DATE, time TimeTyp, -- nested record place CHAR(20), purpose CHAR(50));
TYPE PartyTyp IS RECORD( day DATE, time TimeTyp, -- nested record loc CHAR(15)); meeting MeetingTyp; seminar MeetingTyp; party PartyTyp;
The next example shows that you can assign one nested record to another if they have the same datatype:
seminar.time := meeting.time;
Such assignments are allowed even if the containing records have different datatypes.
User-defined records follow the usual scoping and instantiation rules. In a package, they are instantiated when you first reference the package and cease to exist when you exit the application or end the database session. In a block or subprogram, they are instantiated when you enter the block or subprogram and cease to exist when you exit the block or subprogram.
Like scalar variables, user-defined records can be declared as the formal parameters of procedures and functions. The restrictions that apply to scalar parameters also apply to user-defined records.
You can specify a RECORD type in the RETURN clause of a function specification. That allows the function to return a user-defined record of the same type. When calling a function that returns a user-defined record, you use the following syntax to reference fields in the record:
To reference nested fields in a record returned by a function, you use the following syntax:
Currently, you cannot use the syntax above to call a parameterless function because PL/SQL does not allow empty parameter lists. That is, the following syntax is illegal:
function_name().field_name -- illegal; empty parameter list
You cannot just drop the empty parameter list because the following syntax is also illegal:
function_name.field_name -- illegal; no parameter list
Instead, declare a local user-defined record to which you can assign the function result, then reference its fields directly.
DECLARE TYPE DeptRecTyp IS RECORD( deptno NUMBER(2), dname CHAR(14), loc CHAR(13)); dept_rec DeptRecTyp; ... BEGIN SELECT deptno, dname, loc INTO dept_rec FROM dept WHERE deptno = 20; ... END;