However, PL/SQL tables differ from arrays in two important ways. First, arrays have fixed lower and upper bounds, but PL/SQL tables are unbounded. So, the size of a PL/SQL table can increase dynamically. Second, arrays require consecutive index numbers, but PL/SQL tables do not. So, a PL/SQL table can be indexed by any series of integers. For more information, see "PL/SQL Tables" .
To create PL/SQL tables, you must take two steps. First, you define a TABLE type, then declare PL/SQL tables of that type.
TYPE table_type_name IS TABLE OF { cursor_name%ROWTYPE | record_type_name | record_name%TYPE | scalar_type_name | table_name%ROWTYPE | table_name.column_name%TYPE | variable_name%TYPE} [NOT NULL] INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER;
plsql_table_declaration ::=
plsql_table_name table_type_name;
A PL/SQL table is unbounded; its index can include any BINARY_ INTEGER value. So, you cannot initialize a PL/SQL table in its declaration. For example, the following declaration is illegal:
sal_tab SalTabTyp := (1500, 2750, 2000, 950, 1800); -- illegal
The INDEX BY clause must specify datatype BINARY_INTEGER, which has a magnitude range of -2147483647 .. 2147483647. If the element type is a record type, every field in the record must have a scalar datatype such as CHAR, DATE, or NUMBER.
You can declare PL/SQL tables as the formal parameters of functions and procedures. That way, you can pass PL/SQL tables to stored subprograms and from one subprogram to another.
PL/SQL tables follow the usual scoping and instantiation rules. In a package, PL/SQL tables are instantiated when you first reference the package and cease to exist when you end the database session. In a block or subprogram, local PL/SQL tables are instantiated when you enter the block or subprogram and cease to exist when you exit.
Every PL/SQL table has the attributes EXISTS, COUNT, FIRST, LAST, PRIOR, NEXT, and DELETE. They make PL/SQL tables easier to use and your applications easier to maintain. For more information, see "Using PL/SQL Table Attributes" .
The first reference to an element in a PL/SQL table must be an assignment. Until an element is assigned a value, it does not exist. If you reference a nonexistent element, PL/SQL raises the predefined exception NO_DATA_FOUND.
To reference elements in a PL/SQL table, you specify an index number using the following syntax:
When calling a function that returns a PL/SQL table, you use the following syntax to reference elements in the table:
If the function result is a PL/SQL table of records, you use the following syntax to reference fields in a record:
Currently, you cannot use the syntax above to call a parameterless function because PL/SQL does not allow empty parameter lists. That is, the following syntax is illegal:
function_name()(index) -- illegal; empty parameter list
Instead, declare a local PL/SQL table to which you can assign the function result, then reference the PL/SQL table directly.
You can retrieve Oracle data into a PL/SQL table in three ways: the SELECT INTO statement lets you select a single row of data; the FETCH statement or a cursor FOR loop lets you fetch multiple rows.
Using the SELECT INTO statement, you can select a column entry into a scalar element. Or, you can select an entire row into a record element. Using the FETCH statement or a cursor FOR loop, you can fetch an entire column of Oracle data into a PL/SQL table of scalars. Or, you can fetch an entire table of Oracle data into a PL/SQL table of records.
You cannot reference record variables in the VALUES clause. So, you cannot insert entire records from a PL/SQL table of records into rows in a database table.
With the Oracle Call Interface (OCI) or the Oracle Precompilers, you can bind host arrays to PL/SQL tables declared as the formal parameters of a subprogram. That allows you to pass host arrays to stored functions and procedures.
You can use a BINARY_INTEGER variable or compatible host variable to index the host arrays. Given the array subscript range m .. n, the corresponding PL/SQL table index range is always 1 .. n - m + 1. For example, if the array subscript range is 5 .. 10, the corresponding PL/SQL table index range is 1 .. (10 - 5 + 1) or 1 .. 6.
Once you define type SalTabTyp, you can declare PL/SQL tables of that type, as follows:
sal_tab SalTabTyp;
The identifier sal_tab represents an entire PL/SQL table.
In the next example, you assign the sum of variables salary and increase to the tenth row in PL/SQL table sal_tab:
sal_tab(10) := salary * increase;
In the following example, you select a row from the database table dept into a record stored by the first element of the PL/SQL table dept_tab:
DECLARE TYPE DeptTabTyp IS TABLE OF dept%ROWTYPE INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER; dept_tab DeptTabTyp; BEGIN /* Select entire row into record stored by first element. */ SELECT * INTO dept_tab(1) FROM dept WHERE deptno = 10; IF dept_tab(1).dname = 'ACCOUNTING' THEN ... END IF; ... END;
In the final example, you fetch rows from a cursor into the PL/SQL table of records emp_tab:
DECLARE TYPE EmpTabTyp IS TABLE OF emp%ROWTYPE INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER; emp_tab EmpTabTyp; i BINARY_INTEGER := 0; CURSOR c1 IS SELECT * FROM emp; BEGIN OPEN c1; LOOP i := i + 1; /* Fetch entire row into record stored by ith element. */ FETCH c1 INTO emp_tab(i); EXIT WHEN c1%NOTFOUND; -- process data record END LOOP; CLOSE c1; END;