Oracle7 Server Utilities
CHAPTER 5. SQL*Loader Control File Reference
This chapter describes the SQL*Loader data definition language (DDL) used to map data to Oracle format.
The information in this chapter falls into the following main categories:
- general syntactical information
The sections that belong to each category follow:
General Syntactical Information:
- control file description and guidelines (
- data definition language syntax (
- adding comments (
- specifying command-line parameters (
- specifying filenames and database objects (
Managing Files:
- including data in the control file (
- identifying datafiles (
- Specifying READBUFFERS (
- specifying datafile format and buffering (
- specifying the bad file (
- rejected records (
- specifying the discard file (
- discarded records (
- handling different character encoding schemes (
- loading data for different countries (
- loading into non-empty database tables (
- continuing interrupted loads (
- assembling logical records from physical records (
Managing Data:
- loading logical records into tables (
- specifying field conditions (
- specifying columns and fields (
- specifying the position of a data field (
- using multiple INTO TABLE clauses (
- generating data (
- loading without files (
- specifying datatypes (
- loading data across different operating systems (
- determining bind array size (
- setting a column to null or zero (
- loading all-blank fields (
- trimming of blanks and tabs (
- preserving whitespace (
- applying SQL operators to fields (