If the control file also contains the data to be loaded, specify a filename of "*". This specification works with the BEGINDATA keyword, described .
INFILE or INDDN | Either keyword may be used. |
filename | Name of the file containing the data to be loaded. May be any valid filename for your operating system. |
All filenames containing spaces or punctuation marks should be enclosed in single quotation marks. For more details, see " | Specifying Filenames and Database Objects" ![]() |
* | An asterisk (*) replaces a filename to specify that the data is in the control file. If multiple datafiles are specified, this specification must be first. |
processing_options | This is the file-processing options string. It indicates datafile format. It also optimizes datafile reads. See "Specifying Datafile Format and Buffering" ![]() |
For each datafile, you can also specify a discard file and a bad file. These files should be declared after each datafile name. The following portion of a control file specifies four files:
INFILE mydat1.dat BADFILE mydat1.bad DISCARDFILE mydat1.dis
INFILE mydat2.dat
INFILE mydat3.dat DISCARDFILE mydat3.dis
For the first datafile (MYDAT1.DAT), both a bad file and discard file are explicitly named. So both files are created, if needed.
For the second datafile (MYDAT2.DAT), neither a bad file nor a discard file is specified. So only the bad file is created, if it is needed. If created, the bad file has a default filename and extension. The discard file is not created, even if rows are discarded.
For the third file (MYDAT3.DAT), the default bad file is created, if needed. A discard file with the given name is also created, if it is needed.
For the fourth file (MYDAT4.DAT), the default bad file is created, if needed. Because the DISCARDMAX option is used, SQL*Loader assumes that a discard file is wanted and creates it with the default name (MYDAT4.DSC), if it is needed.
Note: It is not possible to join physical records from separate datafiles into one logical record.
In the next example, you specify that the data is contained in a file named WHIRL with the default file extension or file type of DAT:
The following example specifies the full path to a file:
INFILE 'c:/topdir/subdir/datafile.dat'
Note: Filenames that include spaces or punctuation marks should be enclosed in single quotation marks. For more details on filename specification, see "Specifying Filenames and Database Objects" .