Oracle Server Manager User's Guide

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Parameters for the Administration Manager

The Administration Manager parameters control the drawer that is opened, the folder that is displayed, the object that is selected, and the menu command that is executed.

Table 1 - 2 lists the Administration Manager parameters you can use with launch in context.

Administration Parameter Value Specifies
area folder_name Name of the folder to open. Server Manager infers the correct drawer to open. See "AREA Parameter" [*].
object object_name Name of the object to select. See "OBJECT Parameter" [*].
menu menu_item | default Menu command to execute for the folder specified. See "MENU Parameter" [*].
Table 1 - 2. Administration Manager in Context Parameters

AREA Parameter

Use the AREA parameter to specify the folder to open in the Administration Manager. Because the folder names are unique, Server Manager infers the corresponding drawer to open.

Folder names for the AREA parameter must be entered:

For example, the statement:

svrmgrm user=scott password=tiger service=t:oraserv:smtg71

does the following:

Suggestion: Because Server Manager normally proceeds to the Administration Manager after connecting, you can omit the SUBSYSTEM parameter when you want to jump to any location in the Administration Manager.

Table 1 - 3 lists the possible folder names for the AREA parameter.

Area Argument Specifies
tablespaces Storage drawer Tablespaces folder
datafiles Storage drawer Datafiles folder
rollback Storage drawer Rollback folder
users Security drawer Users folder
profiles Security drawer Profiles folder
roles Security drawer Roles folder
audit Security drawer Audit folder
database Instance drawer Database folder
initialization Instance drawer Initialization folder
transactions Instance drawer Transactions folder
sessions Instance drawer Sessions folder
backup Recovery drawer Backup folder
recovery Recovery drawer Recovery folder
redologs Recovery drawer Redo Logs folder
optimizer Schema drawer Optimizer folder
explainplans Schema drawer Explain Plans folder
snapshots Schema drawer Snapshots folder
snapshotlogs Schema drawer Snapshot Logs folder
links Schema drawer Links folder
synonyms Schema drawer Synonyms folder
packages Schema drawer Packages folder
triggers Schema drawer Triggers folder
constraints Schema drawer Constraints folder
schemas Replication drawer Schemas folder
objects Replication drawer Objects folder
registeredsnapshots Replication drawer Registered Snapshots folder
masters Replication drawer Masters folder
conflictresolution Replication drawer Conflict Resolution folder
deferredtransactions Replication drawer Deferred Transactions folder
errors Replication drawer Errors folder
requestlog Replication drawer Request Log folder
Table 1 - 3. Values for the AREA Parameter

OBJECT Parameter

Use the OBJECT parameter to specify the object you want to select in the object list. The entry in the first column is the identifier for each object.

Object names for the OBJECT parameter:

For example, the statement:

svrmgrm user=scott password=tiger service=t:oraserv:smtg71 
   subsystem=administration area=tablespaces object=SYSTEM

does the following:

Note: "Tablespace" is the first column of the Tablespace object list. SYSTEM is the identifier for the object and is located in the "Tablespace" column.

Attention: If the object list is long, the selected object may not be visible. Scroll down the list to display the object.

If you specify an object that does not exist, Server Manager opens the folder you specified but does not select any objects in the folder's object list. If there are multiple objects with the same identifier in the first column, the first object that matches is selected.

MENU Parameter

Use the MENU parameter to specify the menu command to execute on a selected object.

Menu commands for the MENU parameter must be either:

Attention: The position number includes menu separator lines. See Figure 2 - 3 for an example of a pull-down menu. In that menu, Add Datafile is in position 5.

For example, both statements:

svrmgrm user=scott password=tiger service=t:oraserv:smtg71 
   subsystem=administration area=tablespaces object=SYSTEM


svrmgrm user=scott password=tiger service=t:oraserv:smtg71 
   subsystem=administration area=tablespaces object=SYSTEM

do the following:

Note: The Alter menu command is the second menu item from the top of the Tablespace pull-down menu.

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