Oracle Server Manager User's Guide
Global Parameters for Launch in Context
The global parameters for launch in context control your database connection and the Server Manager component you access when you start up Server Manager.
Table 1 - 1 lists the various global parameters you can use with launch in context.
Global Parameter
| Value
| Specifies
| username
| Name of user to connect as.
| password
| Password for the user.
| service name
| SQL*Net service name for the database to which you are connecting.
| normal | sysdba | sysoper
| Privileges with which to connect. Default is normal.
| administration | monitor | worksheet
| Subsystem to access. Default is administration.
Table 1 - 1. Global Launch in Context Parameters
Specifying Connect Information
When you start up Server Manager without any command-line parameters, the copyright window and Connect dialog box appear. See Figure 1 - 7 for an example of a Connect box.
However, if you specify the connect information on the command line, you bypass the copyright window and Connect dialog box.
If you do not specify enough information on the command line for Server Manager to complete the connection, the Connect dialog box appears partially filled in. For example, if you specify a service name but omit the user, Server Manager opens the Connect dialog box with the service name filled in.
You must supply the missing information to complete the connection and click Connect to proceed.
Suggestion: For security reasons, you may want to omit the password parameter and require that users enter a password in the Connect dialog box when using the launch in context facility.
Specifying a Subsystem
Server Manager normally proceeds to the Administration Manager after connecting to a database. However, you can specify a different subsystem to jump to using the SUBSYSTEM parameter.
For example, the statement:
svrmgrm subsystem=worksheet
starts up Server Manager and immediately displays the Connect dialog box. Once you have specified the connect information and connected to a database, Server Manager jumps to a SQL Worksheet.