Oracle7 Server SQL Reference

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To change existing values in a table or in a view's base table.


For you to update values in a table, the table must be in your own schema or you must have UPDATE privilege on the table.

For you to update values in the base table of a view, the owner of the schema containing the view must have UPDATE privilege on the base table. Also, if the view is in a schema other than your own, you must have UPDATE privilege on the view.

The UPDATE ANY TABLE system privilege also allows you to update values in any table or any view's base table.

If you are using Trusted Oracle7 in DBMS MAC mode, your DBMS label must match the creation label of the table or view:


Keywords and Parameters


is the schema containing the table or view. If you omit schema, Oracle7 assumes the table or view is in your own schema.

table view

is the name of the table to be updated. If you specify view, Oracle7 updates the view's base table.


is a complete or partial name of a database link to a remote database where the table or view is located. For information on referring to database links, see the section, "Referring to Objects in Remote Databases," [*]. You can only use a database link to update a remote table or view if you are using Oracle7 with the distributed option.

If you omit dblink, Oracle7 assumes the table or view is on the local database.


provides a different name for the table, view, or subquery to be referenced elsewhere in the statement.


is a subquery that Oracle treats in the same manner as a view. For the syntax of subquery, see [*].


is the name of a column of the table or view that is to be updated. If you omit a column of the table from the SET clause, that column's value remains unchanged.


is the new value assigned to the corresponding column. This expression can contain host variables and optional indicator variables. See the syntax description of expr [*].


is a subquery that returns new values that are assigned to the corresponding columns. For the syntax of subquery, see [*].


is a subquery that return a new value that is assigned to the corresponding column. For the syntax of subquery, see [*].


restricts the rows updated to those for which the specified condition is TRUE. If you omit this clause, Oracle7 updates all rows in the table or view. See the syntax description of condition [*].

Usage Notes

The SET clause determines which columns are updated and what new values are stored in them.

The WHERE clause determines the rows in which values are updated. If the WHERE clause is not specified, all rows are updated. For each row that satisfies the WHERE clause, the columns to the left of the equals (=) operator in the SET clause are set to the values of the corresponding expressions on the right. The expressions are evaluated as the row is updated.

You can use comments in an UPDATE statement to pass instructions, or hints, to the Oracle7 optimizer. The optimizer uses hints to choose an execution plan for the statement. For more information, see Oracle7 Server Tuning.

Issuing an UPDATE statement against a table fires any UPDATE triggers associated with the table.

Updating Views

If a view was created with the WITH CHECK OPTION, you can only update the view if the resulting data satisfies the view's defining query.

You cannot update a view if the view's defining query contains one of the following constructs:


If the SET clause contains a subquery, it must return exactly one row for each row updated. Each value in the subquery result is assigned respectively to the columns in the parenthesized list. If the subquery returns no rows, then the column is assigned a null. Subqueries may select from the table being updated.

The SET clause may mix assignments of expressions and subqueries.

Correlated Update

If a subquery refers to columns from the updated table, Oracle7 evaluates the subquery once for each row, rather than once for the entire update. Such an update is called a correlated update. The reference to columns from the updated table is usually accomplished by means of a table alias.

Potentially, each row evaluated by an UPDATE statement could be updated with a different value as determined by the correlated subquery. Normal UPDATE statements update each row with the same value.

Example I

The following statement gives null commissions to all employees with the job TRAINEE:

	SET comm = NULL 

Example II

The following statement promotes JONES to manager of Department 20 with a $1,000 raise (assuming there is only one JONES):

	SET job = 'MANAGER', sal = sal + 1000, deptno = 20 
	WHERE ename = 'JONES' 

Example III

The following statement increases the balance of bank account number 5001 in the ACCOUNTS table on a remote database accessible through the database link BOSTON:

UPDATE accounts@boston 
	SET balance = balance + 500 
	WHERE acc_no = 5001 

Example IV

This example shows the following syntactic constructs of the UPDATE command:

UPDATE emp a 
	SET deptno = 
		(SELECT deptno 
			FROM dept 
			WHERE loc = 'BOSTON'), 
		(sal, comm) = 
		(SELECT 1.1*AVG(sal), 1.5*AVG(comm) 
			FROM emp b 
			WHERE a.deptno = b.deptno) 
	WHERE deptno IN 
		(SELECT deptno 
			FROM dept 
			WHERE loc = 'DALLAS' 
			   OR loc = 'DETROIT') 

The above UPDATE statement performs the following operations:

Related Topics

DELETE command [*] INSERT command [*]

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