Oracle WebServer User's Guide

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Oracle Web Listener Configuration Parameters

The configuration parameters for the Oracle Web Listener are stored in owa.cfg, the Web Listener configuration file. It is read when the Web Listener is initially started and on receipt of a signal '1' on UNIX implementations. The Web Listener configuration file is specified with the -c option on the command line when the Web Listener is started, allowing multiple Web Listeners with different configuration files to be started on the same Web Listener machine.

Oracle WebServer provides an HTML-based Administration Utility which may be accessed with any forms-capable Web browser. This utility eliminates the need for the WebServer administrator to edit the Web Listener configuration file manually in most cases, and includes explanatory help text on the individual parameters. The Administration Utility is described[*], "The Oracle WebServer Administration Utility". This section documents the parameters in the configuration file for completeness, in the event an administrator wishes to edit the file manually.

The Web Listener configuration file is divided into sections, which start with a section name in brackets--for example, [NetInfo]. Individual configuration parameters are set by name = value pairs, with the configuration parameter on the left of the equal sign and the value on the right as specified in the table below.

For example, consider the following portion of a configuration file:

		; configuration file
		HostName =
		HostAddress = ANY
		PortNumber = 80

This portion of the file sets HostName to, HostAddress to ANY and PortNumber to 80.

Table 3 - 1 contains the parameters, grouped by logical function.

Section Parameter Name Default Value Description
NetInfo HostName none hostname Web Listener is on, using the fully qualified host name, e.g.. The Listener uses the primary Internet address if no hostname is specified.
HostAddress ANY Internet address on which the Web Listener on a multi-homed host accepts connection. ANY indicates connections accepted on all interfaces (IP addresses). Leave this set to ANY unless you have a specific need to change it.
PortNumber 80 TCP/IP port number on which the Web Listener accepts requests. Note that port numbers less than 1024 require the Web Listener to run as root on many UNIX systems. 80 is the usual default for Web HTTP servers.
MaxConnectCount 50 Maximum number of simultaneous connections from users. The Web Listener ignores requests over this limit. Note there is a compile-time per-platform limit which may not be exceeded, no matter what value is specified here.
DNSResolution NEVER Controls DNS address to name resolution. If set to ALWAYS, the Web Listener always translates address to names. If set to LAZY, the Web Listener resolves names on demand only. If set to LAZY_WITH_CGI, the Web Listener also resolves on demand for CGI applications. If set to NEVER the Web Listener never resolves, even on demand (this provides the best performance).
SERVERPID none Name of file in which to store the Web Listener's process identifier (PID).
Table 3 - 1. Oracle Web Listener Network Configuration Parameters

Logging Configuration Parameters

Table 3 - 2 contains the Oracle Web Listener logging parameters.

Section Parameter Name Default Value Description
[Log] LogDir none Name of directory to contain log files. This directory must exist before the Web Listener starts.
LogInfoFile none Name of file in which to store routine log information.
LogErrorFile none Name of file in which to log errors.
Table 3 - 2. Oracle Web Listener Logging Configuration Parameters

Note: Be sure that the user ID under which the Web Listener runs has privileges to read and write to the log file directory.

Directory Mapping Parameters

Directories are mapped individually in the [DirMaps] section. Each line looks like the following:

Directory_Name	R|N|C	Virtual_Path_Name

Consider the follow example of the directory mapping section of a Web Listener configuration file:

	; directory mapping section of Web Listener configuration file
	c:\html	  R	/

For instance, in the above example, the directory c:\html and all subdirectories below it are mapped to the root directory (/) on the Web. So an access to the URL:


would actually read the following file on the Web Listener's disk.


File Cache Definitions

This section of the configuration file, starting with the key "[FileCache]" is simply a list of all the files that should be cached in memory. This causes the Web Listener to keep the file open for the life of the Web Listener.

If a file is not listed here, it is not cached. When a non-cached file is requested by a client, the server maintains the resources to access that file only as long as the client refers to the file. The server will release the resources required to access a file requested by a client once there are no outstanding client references to the file.

There are three options for specifying files in the file cache.

The following example specifies that the specific file index.html, all files starting with a in the directory /marketing, and all files in the directory /products and its subdirectories should be cached.

	; File Cache Definitions

Note: The filenames specified are virtual pathnames (the names that appear in URLs on the Web), not necessarily the physical names of the files on disk if the Directory Mapping feature has been used.

Encoding Definitions

This section contains a list of file encodings that the Web Listener understands, and the file extensions that indicate a file is of the given type.

For example:

	; encoding definitions
	; List for each combination of encodings
	; one or more unique extensions
	compress	Z
	gzip		gz

MIME Types Definitions

This section of the configuration file defines what Multimedia Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) file types the Web Listener recognizes, and how it maps the extensions of specific files to those types. This allows the proper information about file type to be transmitted to the client with the file data, which results in proper interpretation of the file on the client. The client may spawn a helper application to interpret the file if the type is not interpreted natively by the browser in use. This process is controlled entirely on the client side.

Note that files that do not map to any type are by default considered MIME type application/octet-stream which denotes a binary file.

Each line in this section consists of:

MIME-type		list of file extensions mapping to that type

For example:

	text/html	htm html
	image/jpeg	jpg jpeg
	image/gif	gif

This example tells the Web Listener that files with extensions:

These are all common MIME types that clients understand. There are many specialized types as well for conveying other forms of data, such as audio or video clips, and so forth.

Language Extensions

This section defines filename extensions that the Web Listener recognizes and the languages and character sets to which those extensions are mapped. Extensions are case sensitive. Note that each mapping conveys both a language and a character set mapping. All language extensions that differ only in character set are equivalent for non-text files. The ability to specify a language and a character set is important for languages which have more than one character set representation (for example, Arabic).

Each line consists of:

language_ID	character_set_ID	list_of_file-extensions

For example:

	en	iso-8859-1	eng
	en	unicode-1-1	engU uc
	fr-CA	iso-8859-1	frc

In this example, all files with the extension eng are mapped to English, ISO 8859-1 character set. Files with extension engU or uc are mapped to English, in the unicode character set. Files with extension frc are mapped to French Canadian language, ISO-8859-1 character sets.

The names of the character sets are as specified in RFC 1521, the language identifiers are defined in RFC 1766.

In order to use language mapping capability within the Web Listener, URLs must be specified without trailing extensions. The Web Listener adds the appropriate language/character set extension as required if the client supports natural language negotiation.

For instance:

results in access to the file:


if the client had configured French Canadian as the preferred language.

A list of languages may be configured on the client, so that several languages may be specified and if any of them is present, the file will be sent according to the first match. Note that if a file has no language extension before its type extension, that file is assumed to be language neutral. The default character set is ISO-8859-1.

To summarize: if the files /index.frc.html and /index.html existed, users who specified French Canadian as a language preference would see the first version of the file, and all other users would see the second version.

Basic and Digest Authentication Configuration

This section of the configuration file specifies the type of authentication accepted for a certain file access, and the parameters for that authentication type, including usernames, passwords, and file names.

There are several sections in the file, one for each type of security.

The concept in Basic and Digest authentication is the same. Users are listed in username/password combinations, followed by specifying which users are in what groups. Finally, groups are assigned to security realms which are the parameters assigned to specific files to protect them.

Basic authentication is configured identically to Digest authentication, with the module name Digest above replaced with Basic.

Digest authentication is recommended wherever possible, to eliminate the possibility of passwords being intercepted on the network.

An example:

		Digest {
			jjones:	glorkz
			kmaco:	plugh
			ajames:	foo

			mktg:	ajames
			dev:	kmaco
			all:	jjones kmaco ajames

			restricted:	all
			secret:		dev mktg

This segment defines three users, (jjones, kmaco, ajames), with passwords (glorkz, plugh, foo) respectively. The group all has everyone in it, the groups mktg and dev have a single individual in each. The security realm restricted is accessible to all three people, but only the members of groups dev and mktg can access the secret realm.

In this situation, any file that was defined in the restricted realm would be accessible to the three users specified here (but no one else who used the same Web Listener), and any file in the secret realm would be accessible only to users ajames and kmaco.

Network Address (IP) and Hostname Restriction Configuration

IP and hostname restriction is configured more simply. Hosts or IP addresses are assembled into groups, which can have specific files assigned to their access privileges.

To include a host or a group of hosts, specify the plus sign ( +) before the identifier for that host and exclude it by including a minus sign (-) before the identifier. In addition, the asterisk wildcard (*) can be used to match groups of hosts.

For example:

		IP {
			st:	+144.25.16.*
			dc:	+130.35.*.*

This would configure everything on the networks 144.25.16 and 144.25.20 to be in group st, and everything on network 130.35 except host to be in group dc. If the client's address doesn't match any of these, access will be denied to any file specified to require st or dc security access.

The same technique is used with hostnames in the case of domain name restriction.

The following example configures all machines in the domain to be in group oracle except machine

		Domain {
			oracle:	+*

Once the security groups have been defined, you can assign specific protections to individual files.

Assigning Security to Individual Files

When you assign protections, you specify the filename--possibly with wildcard characters to specify a group of files, or a directory name to include that directory and everything under it--followed by a list of security schemes and a parentheses-enclosed string. The string is a realm name for Digest or Basic authentication, and a group name for IP or domain restriction. The types may be combined, by requiring either scheme to be satisfied if the vertical bar ( | ) is used to separate security schemes, or BOTH schemes must be satisfied if the ampersand (&) is used. If a combination of security schemes is used, one scheme must be an authentication type, and the other a restriction type.

For example:

	/secret/		IP(st) | Basic(secret)
	/company/*		Domain(acme)

This example protects everything under the directory /secret using either IP-based restriction from the st group or by anyone who can log into the secret realm using Basic authentication. All the files in /company are protected so that only people in the acme domain may see them.

Oracle Web Listener Miscellaneous Configuration Parameters

Section Parameter Name Default Value Description
Server UserDir none Directory under a user's home directory searched when the URL /~username/ is received. This allows users to store their own home pages in their home directories (UNIX only).
InitialFile initial The file that the Listener looks for when a URL ending in a directory rather than a file is sent to the Listener. This is the 'index' file for the Web Listener.
UserDirInitialFile initial.html Default filename when the /~username/ construction is used in a URL with no file specified.
DefaultMIMEType application/octet-stream Default MIME type used by the Web Listener when the filename extension requested in a URL is not recognized.
DefaultCharset iso-8859-1 Default character set if none is inferred from the file extension.
PreferredLanguage en Language a Web Listener will prefer given a choice of languages when searching for a file. Default is English (en).
ImageMap none Set this to 'map'. This is the extension the Web Listener expects imagemaps to have.
ServiceTimeout none On Windows NT only: Specifies the time in seconds that the NT control panel will wait for a pending start, stop, or continue command to complete before reporting a failure.
Table 3 - 3. Oracle Web Listener Miscellaneous Listener Configuration Parameters

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