SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference

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Sets a system variable to alter the SQL*Plus environment for your current session, such as


SET system_variable value

where system_variable value represents a system variable followed by a value, as shown below:

ARRAY[SIZE] {20|n}
COLSEP {_|text}
CRT crt
DEF[INE] {'&'|c|OFF|ON}
EDITF[ILE] file_name[.ext]
LIN[ESIZE] {80|n}
LONG {80|n}
NEWP[AGE] {1|n}
NULL text
NUMF[ORMAT] format
NUM[WIDTH] {10|n}
PAGES[IZE] {24|n}
PAU[SE] {OFF|ON|text}
SQLCO[NTINUE] {> |text}
SUF[FIX] {SQL|text}

Terms and Clauses

Refer to the following list for a description of each term, clause, or system variable:

APPI[NFO]{ON|OFF|text} Sets automatic registering of command files through the DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO package. This enables the performance and resource usage of each command file to be monitored by your DBA. The registered name appears in the MODULE column of the V$SESSION and V$SQLAREA virtual tables. You can also read the registered name using the DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO.READ_MODULE procedure.
ON registers command files invoked by the @, @@ or START commands. OFF disables registering of command files. Instead, the current value of text is registered. Text specifies the text to register when no command file is being run or when APPINFO is OFF. The default for text is "SQL*Plus." If you enter multiple words for text, you must enclose them in quotes. The maximum length for text is limited by the DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO package.
The registered name has the format nn@xfilename where: nn is the depth level of command file; x is '<' when the command file name is truncated, otherwise, it is blank; and filename is the command file name, possibly truncated to the length allowed by the DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO package interface.
Note: To use this feature, you must have access to the DBMS_APLICATION_INFO package. Run DBMSUTIL.SQL (this name may vary depending on your operating system) as SYS to create the DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO package. DBMSUTIL.SQL is part of the Oracle7 Server product.

For more information on the DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO package, see "Registering Applications" in the Oracle7 Server Tuning manual.
Note: APPINFO is not available with TRUSTED Oracle.

ARRAY[SIZE] {20|n} Sets the number of rows--called a batch--that SQL*Plus will fetch from the database at one time. Valid values are 1 to 5000. A large value increases the efficiency of queries and subqueries that fetch many rows, but requires more memory. Values over approximately 100 provide little added performance. ARRAYSIZE has no effect on the results of SQL*Plus operations other than increasing efficiency.
AUTO[COMMIT] {OFF|ON|IMM[EDIATE]|n} Controls when Oracle commits pending changes to the database. ON commits pending changes to the database after Oracle executes each successful INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE command or PL/SQL block. OFF suppresses automatic committing so that you must commit changes manually (for example, with the SQL command COMMIT). IMMEDIATE functions in the same manner as the ON option. n commits pending changes to the database after Oracle executes n successful SQL INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE commands or PL/SQL blocks. n cannot be less than zero or greater than 2,000,000,000. The statement counter is reset to zero after successful completion of

Note: For this feature, a PL/SQL block is considered one transaction, regardless of the actual number of SQL commands contained within it.

AUTOP[RINT] {OFF|ON} Sets the automatic PRINTing of bind variables. ON or OFF controls whether SQL*Plus automatically displays bind variables (referenced in a successful PL/SQL block or used in an EXECUTE command). For more information about displaying bind variables, see the PRINT command in this chapter.
AUTOT[RACE] {OFF|ON|TRACE[ONLY]} [EXP[LAIN]] [STAT[ISTICS]] Displays a report on the execution of successful SQL DML statements (SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE). The report can include execution statistics and the query execution path.
OFF does not display a trace report. ON displays a trace report. TRACEONLY displays a trace report, but does not print query data, if any. EXPLAIN shows the query execution path by performing an EXPLAIN PLAN. STATISTICS displays SQL statement statistics.
Using ON or TRACEONLY with no explicit options defaults to EXPLAIN STATISTICS.
The TRACEONLY option may be useful to suppress the query data of large queries. If STATISTICS is specified, SQL*Plus still fetches the query data from the server, however, the data is not displayed.
The AUTOTRACE report is printed after the statement has successfully completed.
Information about Execution Plans and the statistics is documented in the guide Oracle7 Server Tuning.
To use the EXPLAIN option, you must first create the table PLAN_TABLE in your schema. The description of this table is specific to the version of the database to which you are connected. Use UTLXPLAN.SQL (this name may vary depending on your operating system) to create PLAN_TABLE. UTLXPLAN.SQL is part of the Oracle7 Server product. Contact your DBA if you cannot create this table.
To access STATISTICS data, you must have access to several Dynamic Performance tables (for information about the Dynamic Performance or "V$" tables, see the Oracle7 Server documentation). Access can be granted using the role created in PLUSTRCE.SQL (this name may vary depending on your operating system). You must run PLUSTRCE.SQL as SYS and grant the role to users who will use SET AUTOTRACE. Contact your DBA to perform these steps.
When SQL*Plus produces a STATISTICS report, a second connection to the database is automatically created. This connection is closed when the STATISTICS option is set to OFF, or you log out of SQL*Plus.
The formatting of your AUTOTRACE report may vary depending on the version of the server to which you are connected and the configuration of the server.
AUTOTRACE is not available when FIPS flagging is enabled, or with TRUSTED Oracle.
See "Tracing Statements"[*] for more information on AUTOTRACE.
BLO[CKTERMINATOR] {.|c} Sets the non-alphanumeric character used to end PL/SQL blocks to c. To execute the block, you must issue a RUN or / (slash) command.
CLOSECUR[SOR] {OFF|ON} Sets the cursor usage behavior. ON or OFF sets whether or not the cursor will close and reopen after each SQL statement. This feature may be useful in some circumstances to release resources in the database server.
CMDS[EP] {;|c|OFF|ON} Sets the non-alphanumeric character used to separate multiple SQL*Plus commands entered on one line to c. ON or OFF controls whether you can enter multiple commands on a line; ON automatically sets the command separator character to a semicolon (;).
COLSEP { |text} Sets the text to be printed between SELECTed columns. If the COLSEP variable contains blanks or punctuation characters, you must enclose it with single quotes. The default value for text is a single space.
In multi-line rows, the column separator does not print between columns that begin on different lines. The column separator does not appear on blank lines produced by BREAK ... SKIP n and does not overwrite the record separator. See SET RECSEP in this chapter for more information.
COM[PATIBILITY] {V6|V7|NATIVE} Specifies the version of Oracle to which you are currently connected. Set COMPATIBILITY to V6 for Oracle Version 6 or V7 for Oracle7. Set COMPATIBILITY to NATIVE if you wish the database to determine the setting (for example, if connected to Oracle7, compatibility would default to V7). COMPATIBILITY must be correctly set for the version of Oracle to which you are connected; otherwise, you will be unable to run any SQL commands. Note that you can set COMPATIBILITY to V6 when connected to Oracle7. This enables you to run Oracle Version 6 SQL against Oracle7.
Setting COMPATIBILITY to V6 and V7 affects how SQL*Plus handles character data. Setting COMPATIBILITY to V6 causes SQL*Plus to treat CHAR column values as variable-length character strings. Setting COMPATIBILITY to V7 causes SQL*Plus to treat CHAR column values as fixed-length character strings and VARCHAR2 (VARCHAR) column values as variable-length character strings. See the Oracle7 Server documentation for a list of changes from Version 6 to Oracle7.
CON[CAT] {.|c|OFF|ON} Sets the character you can use to terminate a substitution variable reference if you wish to immediately follow the variable with a character that SQL*Plus would otherwise interpret as a part of the substitution variable name. SQL*Plus resets the value of CONCAT to a period when you switch CONCAT on.
COPYC[OMMIT] {0|n} Controls the number of batches after which the COPY command commits changes to the database. COPY commits rows to the destination database each time it copies n row batches. Valid values are zero to 5000. You can set the size of a batch with the ARRAYSIZE variable. If you set COPYCOMMIT to zero, COPY performs a commit only at the end of a copy operation.
COPYTYPECHECK {OFF|ON} Sets the suppression of the comparison of datatypes while inserting or appending to tables with the COPY command. This is to facilitate copying to DB2, which requires that a CHAR be copied to a DB2 DATE.
CRT crt Changes the default CRT file used in the SQL*Plus RUNFORM command. To return to the original default (before CRT was set), set CRT to nothing by entering two double quotes ("") for crt.
If you want to use NEW.CRT during a form invocation on a system where the default CRT is OLD.CRT, you can either invoke the form by

				SQL> RUNFORM -c NEW form_name


				SQL> RUNFORM  form_name

The second method stores the CRT option so that you do not need to respecify it for subsequent RUNFORM commands during the same SQL*Plus session.
DEF[INE] {&|c|OFF|ON} Sets the character used to prefix substitution variables to c. ON or OFF controls whether SQL*Plus will scan commands for substitution variables and replace them with their values. ON changes the value of c back to the default '&', not the most recently used character. The setting of DEFINE to OFF overrides the setting of the SCAN variable. For more information on the SCAN variable, see the SET SCAN command in Appendix F
ECHO {OFF|ON} Controls whether the START command lists each command in a command file as the command is executed. ON lists the commands; OFF suppresses the listing.
EDITF[ILE] file_name[.ext] Sets the default filename for the EDIT command. For more information about the EDIT command, see EDIT in this chapter.
You can include a path and/or file extension. For information on changing the default extension, see the SUFFIX variable of this command. The default filename and maximum filename length are operating system specific.
EMBEDDED {OFF|ON} Controls where on a page each report begins. OFF forces each report to start at the top of a new page. ON allows a report to begin anywhere on a page. Set EMBEDDED to ON when you want a report to begin printing immediately following the end of the previously run report.
Note: When you use SET EMBEDDED ON and change the pagesize with SET PAGESIZE n, SQL*Plus finishes the current page using the existing pagesize setting and, if required, begins a new page with the new pagesize setting.

Note: When you use a BTITLE with SET EMBEDDED ON, the second and subsequent SELECT statements will always begin on a new page. This is because SQL*Plus has no input read ahead. Since SQL*Plus cannot anticipate whether you will enter another SELECT statement or, for example, EXIT, SQL*Plus has to complete processing all output from the first SELECT statement before it reads the next command. This processing includes printing the BTITLE. Therefore, given two SELECT statements, SQL*Plus prints the final BTITLE of the first SELECT statement before it processes the second. The second SELECT statement will then begin at the top of a new page.

Note: When you use a REPFOOTER with SET EMBEDDED ON, no footer will be displayed.

ESC[APE] {\|c|OFF|ON} Defines the character you enter as the escape character. OFF undefines the escape character. ON enables the escape character. ON changes the value of c back to the default "\".
You can use the escape character before the substitution character (set through SET DEFINE) to indicate that SQL*Plus should treat the substitution character as an ordinary character rather than as a request for variable substitution.
FEED[BACK] {6|n|OFF|ON} Displays the number of records returned by a query when a query selects at least n records. ON or OFF turns this display on or off. Turning feedback ON sets n to 1. Setting feedback to zero is equivalent to turning it OFF.
FLAGGER {OFF|ENTRY|INTERMED[IATE]|FULL} Checks to make sure that SQL statements conform to the ANSI/ISO SQL92 standard. If any non-standard constructs are found, the Oracle Server flags them as errors and displays the violating syntax. This is the equivalent of the SQL language ALTER SESSION SET FLAGGER command.
You may execute SET FLAGGER even if you are not connected to a database. FIPS flagging will remain in effect across SQL*Plus sessions until a SET FLAGGER OFF (or ALTER SESSION SET FLAGGER = OFF) command is successful or you exit SQL*Plus.
When FIPS flagging is enabled, SQL*Plus displays a warning for the CONNECT, DISCONNECT, and ALTER SESSION SET FLAGGER commands, even if they are successful.
The SET FLAGGER and ALTER SESSION SET FLAGGER commands require Oracle7 Release 7.1 or greater.
FLU[SH] {OFF|ON} Controls when output is sent to the user's display device. OFF allows the host operating system to buffer output. ON disables buffering.
Use OFF only when you run a command file non-interactively (that is, when you do not need to see output and/or prompts until the command file finishes running). The use of FLUSH OFF may improve performance by reducing the amount of program I/O.
HEA[DING] {OFF|ON} Controls printing of column headings in reports. ON prints column headings in reports; OFF suppresses column headings.
HEADS[EP] {||c|OFF|ON} Defines the character you enter as the heading separator character. The heading separator character cannot be alphanumeric or white space. You can use the heading separator character in the COLUMN command and in the old forms of BTITLE and TTITLE to divide a column heading or title onto more than one line. ON or OFF turns heading separation on or off. When heading separation is OFF, SQL*Plus prints a heading separator character like any other character. ON changes the value of c back to the default "|".
LIN[ESIZE] {80|n} Sets the total number of characters that SQL*Plus displays on one line before beginning a new line. It also controls the position of centered and right-aligned text in TTITLE, BTITLE, REPHEADER and REPFOOTER. You can define LINESIZE as a value from 1 to a maximum that is system dependent. Refer to the Oracle installation and user's manual(s) provided for your operating system.
LONG {80|n} Sets maximum width (in characters) for displaying and copying LONG values. For Oracle7, the maximum value of n is 2 gigabytes. For Oracle Version 6, the maximum is 32,767.
LONGC[HUNKSIZE] {80|n} Sets the size (in characters) of the increments in which SQL*Plus retrieves a LONG value. When retrieving a LONG value, you may want to retrieve it in increments rather than all at once because of memory size restrictions. Valid values are 1 to whatever has been set with MAXDATA. LONGCHUNKSIZE applies only to Oracle7.
MAXD[ATA] n Sets the maximum total row width that SQL*Plus can process. The default and maximum values of n are system dependent. Consult the Oracle installation and user's manual(s) provided for your operating system or your DBA for details.
NEWP[AGE] {1|n} Sets the number of blank lines to be printed from the top of each page to the top title. A value of zero places a formfeed at the beginning of each page (including the first page) and clears the screen on most terminals.
NULL text Sets the text that represents a null value in the result of a SQL SELECT command. Use the NULL clause of the COLUMN command to override the setting of the NULL variable for a given column.
NUMF[ORMAT] format Sets the default format for displaying numbers. Enter a number format for format. For number format descriptions, see the FORMAT clause of the COLUMN command in this chapter.
NUM[WIDTH] {10|n} Sets the default width for displaying numbers. SQL*Plus rounds numbers up or down to the value of SET NUMWIDTH.
PAGES[IZE] {24|n} Sets the number of lines in each page. You can set PAGESIZE to zero to suppress all headings, page breaks, titles, the initial blank line, and other formatting information.
PAU[SE] {OFF|ON|text} Allows you to control scrolling of your terminal when running reports. ON causes SQL*Plus to pause at the beginning of each page of report output. You must press [Return] after each pause. The text you enter specifies the text to be displayed each time SQL*Plus pauses. If you enter multiple words, you must enclose text in single quotes.
You can embed terminal-dependent escape sequences in the PAUSE command. These sequences allow you to create inverse video messages or other effects on terminals that support such characteristics.
RECSEP {WR[APPED]|EA[CH]|OFF} RECSEPCHAR { |c} Display or print record separators. A record separator consists of a single line of the RECSEPCHAR (record separating character) repeated LINESIZE times.
RECSEPCHAR defines the record separating character. A single space is the default.
RECSEP tells SQL*Plus where to make the record separation. For example, if you set RECSEP to WRAPPED, SQL*Plus prints a record separator only after wrapped lines. If you set RECSEP to EACH, SQL*Plus prints a record separator following every row. If you set RECSEP to OFF, SQL*Plus does not print a record separator.
SERVEROUT[PUT] {OFF|ON} [SIZE n] [FOR[MAT] {WRA[PPED]| WOR[D_WRAPPED]|TRU[NCATED]}] Controls whether to display the output (that is, DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE) of stored procedures or PL/SQL blocks in SQL*Plus. OFF suppresses the output of DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE; ON displays the output.
SIZE sets the number of bytes of the output that can be buffered within the Oracle7 Server. The default for n is 2000. n cannot be less than 2000 or greater than 1,000,000.
When WRAPPED is enabled SQL*Plus wraps the server output within the line size specified by SET LINESIZE, beginning new lines when required.
When WORD_WRAPPED is enabled, each line of server output is wrapped within the line size specified by SET LINESIZE. Lines are broken on word boundaries. SQL*Plus left justifies each line, skipping all leading whitespace.
When TRUNCATED is enabled, each line of server output is truncated to the line size specified by SET LINESIZE.
For each FORMAT, every server output line begins on a new output line.
Note: The output is displayed synchronously after the stored procedure or PL/SQL block has been executed by the Oracle7 Server.

For more information on DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE, see your Oracle7 Server Application Developer's Guide.
SHOW[MODE] {OFF|ON} Controls whether SQL*Plus lists the old and new settings of a SQL*Plus system variable when you change the setting with SET. ON lists the settings; OFF suppresses the listing. SHOWMODE ON has the same behavior as the obsolete SHOWMODE BOTH.
SQLC[ASE] {MIX[ED]|LO[WER]|UP[PER]} Converts the case of SQL commands and PL/SQL blocks just prior to execution. SQL*Plus converts all text within the command, including quoted literals and identifiers, as follows:

SQLCASE does not change the SQL buffer itself.
SQLCO[NTINUE] {> |text} Sets the character sequence SQL*Plus displays as a prompt after you continue a SQL*Plus command on an additional line using a hyphen (-).
SQLN[UMBER] {OFF|ON} Sets the prompt for the second and subsequent lines of a SQL command or PL/SQL block. ON sets the prompt to be the line number. OFF sets the prompt to the value of SQLPROMPT.
SQLPRE[FIX] {#|c} Sets the SQL*Plus prefix character. While you are entering a SQL command or PL/SQL block, you can enter a SQL*Plus command on a separate line, prefixed by the SQL*Plus prefix character. SQL*Plus will execute the command immediately without affecting the SQL command or PL/SQL block that you are entering. The prefix character must be a non-alphanumeric character.
SQLP[ROMPT] {SQL>|text} Sets the SQL*Plus command prompt.
SQLT[ERMINATOR] {;|c|OFF|ON} Sets the character used to end and execute SQL commands to c. OFF means that SQL*Plus recognizes no command terminator; you terminate a SQL command by entering an empty line. ON resets the terminator to the default semicolon (;).
SUF[FIX] {SQL|text} Sets the default file extension that SQL*Plus uses in commands that refer to command files. SUFFIX does not control extensions for spool files.
TAB {OFF|ON} Determines how SQL*Plus formats white space in terminal output. OFF uses spaces to format white space in the output. ON uses the TAB character. TAB settings are every eight characters. The default value for TAB is system dependent.
Note: This option applies only to terminal output. Tabs will not be placed in output files.

TERM[OUT] {OFF|ON} Controls the display of output generated by commands executed from a command file. OFF suppresses the display so that you can spool output from a command file without seeing the output on the screen. ON displays the output. TERMOUT OFF does not affect output from commands you enter interactively.
TI[ME] {OFF|ON} Controls the display of the current time. ON displays the current time before each command prompt. OFF suppresses the time display.
TIMI[NG] {OFF|ON} Controls the display of timing statistics. ON displays timing statistics on each SQL command or PL/SQL block run. OFF suppresses timing of each command. For information about the data SET TIMING ON displays, see the Oracle installation and user's manual(s) provided for your operating system. Refer to the TIMING command for information on timing multiple commands.
TRIM[OUT] {OFF|ON} Determines whether SQL*Plus allows trailing blanks at the end of each displayed line. ON removes blanks at the end of each line, improving performance especially when you access SQL*Plus from a slow communications device. OFF allows SQL*Plus to display trailing blanks. TRIMOUT ON does not affect spooled output.
TRIMS[POOL] {ON|OFF} Determines whether SQL*Plus allows trailing blanks at the end of each spooled line. ON removes blanks at the end of each line. OFF allows SQL*Plus to include trailing blanks. TRIMSPOOL ON does not affect terminal output.
UND[ERLINE] {-|c|ON|OFF} Sets the character used to underline column headings in SQL*Plus reports to c. c cannot be an alphanumeric character or a white space. ON or OFF turns underlining on or off. ON changes the value of c back to the default "-".
VER[IFY] {OFF|ON} Controls whether SQL*Plus lists the text of a SQL statement or PL/SQL command before and after SQL*Plus replaces substitution variables with values. ON lists the text; OFF suppresses the listing.
WRA[P] {OFF|ON} Controls whether SQL*Plus truncates the display of a SELECTed row if it is too long for the current line width. OFF truncates the SELECTed row; ON allows the SELECTed row to wrap to the next line.
Use the WRAPPED and TRUNCATED clauses of the COLUMN command to override the setting of WRAP for specific columns.
Usage Notes

SQL*Plus maintains system variables (also called SET command variables) to allow you to establish a particular environment for a SQL*Plus session. You can change these system variables with the SET command and list them with the SHOW command.

SET ROLE and SET TRANSACTION are SQL commands (see the Oracle7 Server SQL Language Reference Manual for more information). When not followed by the keywords TRANSACTION or ROLE, SET is assumed to be a SQL*Plus command.


The following examples show sample uses of selected SET command variables.


To display the setting of APPINFO, enter:

SQL> appinfo is ON and set to "SQL*Plus"
To change the default text, enter:

SQL> SET APPI 'This is SQL*Plus'
SQL> appinfo is ON and set to "This is SQL*Plus"
To make sure that registration has taken place, enter:

This is SQL*Plus

To specify a TTITLE and format a column on the same line:


The following output results:

ENAME          SAL
---------- -------
SMITH         $800
ADAMS       $1,100
JAMES         $950
MILLER      $1,300


To set the column separator to "|":

  3  WHERE DEPTNO = 20;

The following output results:

ENAME     |JOB      |    DEPTNO
SMITH     |CLERK    |        20
JONES     |MANAGER  |        20
SCOTT     |ANALYST  |        20
ADAMS     |CLERK    |        20
FORD      |ANALYST  |        20


To run a command file, SALARY.SQL, created with Version 6 of Oracle, enter


After running the file, reset compatibility to V7 to run command files created with Oracle7:


Alternatively, you can add the command SET COMPATIBILITY V6 to the beginning of the command file, and reset COMPATIBILITY to V7 at the end of the file.


If you define the escape character as an exclamation point (!), then

SQL> ACCEPT v1 PROMPT 'Enter !&1:'

displays this prompt:

Enter &1:


To suppress the display of column headings in a report, enter


If you then run a SQL SELECT command,


the following output results:

ADAMS            1100
JAMES             950
MILLER           1300


To set the maximum width for displaying and copying LONG values to 500, enter


The LONG data will wrap on your screen; SQL*Plus will not truncate until the 501st character.


To set the size of the increments in which SQL*Plus retrieves LONG values to 100 characters, enter


The LONG data will be retrieved in increments of 100 characters until the entire value is retrieved or the value of SET LONG is reached.


To enable the display of DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE, enter


The following example shows what happens when you execute an anonymous procedure with SET SERVEROUTPUT ON:

  2  DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Task is complete');
  3  END;
  4  /
Task is complete.

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

The following example shows what happens when you create a trigger with SET SERVEROUTPUT ON:

  3  BEGIN
  4  DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Task is complete.');
  5  END;
  6  /
Trigger created.
Task is complete.
1 row created.

To set the output to WORD_WRAPPED, enter

  2  DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('If there is nothing left to do');
  3  DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('shall we continue with plan B?');
  4  end;
  5  /
If there is nothing
left to do
shall we continue
with plan B?

To set the output to TRUNCATED, enter

  2  DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('If there is nothing left to do');
  3  DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('shall we continue with plan B?');
  4  END;
  5  /
If there is nothing
shall we continue wi


To set the SQL*Plus command continuation prompt to an exclamation point followed by a space, enter


SQL*Plus will prompt for continuation as follows:



To set the default command-file extension to UFI, enter


If you then enter


SQL*Plus will look for a filenamed EXAMPLE with an extension of UFI instead of EXAMPLE with an extension of SQL.

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