Oracle7 Server Utilities

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Case 3: Loading a Delimited, Free-Format File

Case 3 demonstrates

The Control File

This control file loads the same table as Case 2, but it loads three additional columns (HIREDATE, PROJNO, LOADSEQ). The demonstration table EMP does not have columns PROJNO and LOADSEQ. So if you want to test this control file, add these columns to the EMP table with the command:


The data is in a different format than in Case 2. Some data is enclosed in quotation marks, some is set off by commas, and the values for DEPTNO and PROJNO are separated by a colon.

1)	-- Variable-length, delimited and enclosed data format
	(empno, ename, job, mgr,
5)	hiredate DATE(20) "DD-Month-YYYY",
	sal, comm, deptno CHAR TERMINATED BY ':',
6)	loadseq  SEQUENCE(MAX,1))
8)	7782, "Clark", "Manager", 7839, 09-June-1981, 2572.50,,  10:101
	7839, "King", "President", , 17-November-1981,5500.00,,10:102
	7934, "Miller", "Clerk", 7782, 23-January-1982, 920.00,, 10:102
	7566, "Jones", "Manager", 7839, 02-April-1981, 3123.75,, 20:101
	7499, "Allen", "Salesman", 7698, 20-February-1981, 1600.00,
	(same line continued)                 300.00, 30:103
	7654, "Martin", "Salesman", 7698, 28-September-1981, 1312.50,
	(same line continued)                1400.00, 3:103
	7658, "Chan", "Analyst", 7566, 03-May-1982, 3450,,  20:101


1) Comments may appear anywhere in the command lines of the file, but they should not appear in data. They are preceded with a double dash that may appear anywhere on a line.

2) INFILE * specifies that the data is found at the end of the control file.

3) Specifies that the data can be loaded even if the table already contains rows. That is, the table need not be empty.

4) The default terminator for the data fields is a comma, and some fields may be enclosed by double quotation marks (").

5) The data to be loaded into column HIREDATE appears in the format DD-Month-YYYY. The length of the date field is dependent on the mask specified.

6) The SEQUENCE function generates a unique value in the column LOADSEQ. This function finds the current maximum value in column LOADSEQ and adds the increment (1) to it to obtain the value for LOADSEQ for each row inserted.

7) BEGINDATA specifies the end of the control information and the beginning of the data.

8) Although each physical record equals one logical record, the fields vary in length so that some records are longer than others. Note also that several rows have null values for COMM.

Invoking SQL*Loader

Invoke SQL*Loader with a command such as:

sqlldr userid=scott/tiger control=ulcase3.ctl log=ulcase3.log

Additional Information: The command "sqlldr" is a UNIX-specific invocation. To invoke SQL*Loader on your operating system, see your Oracle operating system-specific documentation.

The Log File

The following shows a portion of the log file:

Control File:      ULCASE3.CTL
Data File:         YLCASE3.DAT
  Bad File:        ULCASE3.BAD
  Discard File:     none specified
 (Allow all discards)
Number to load:    ALL
Number to skip:    0
Errors allowed:    50
Bind array:        64 rows, maximum of 65336 bytes
Continuation:       none specified
Path used:         Conventional
Table EMP, loaded from every logical record.
Insert option in effect for this table: APPEND
Column Name     Position   Len   Term   Encl   Datatype
-------------   --------   ---   ----   ----   ----------
EMPNO           FIRST      *     ,      O(")   CHARACTER
ENAME           NEXT       *     ,      O(")   CHARACTER
JOB             NEXT       *     ,      O(")   CHARACTER
MGR             NEXT       *     ,      O(")   CHARACTER
HIREDATE        NEXT       20    ,      O(")   DATE DD-Month-YYYY
SAL             NEXT       *     ,      O(")   CHARACTER
COMM            NEXT       *     ,      O(")   CHARACTER
DEPTNO          NEXT       *     :      O(")   CHARACTER
PROJNO          NEXT       *     ,      O(")   CHARACTER
Table EMP:
7 Rows successfully loaded.
0 Rows not loaded due to data errors.
0 Rows not loaded because all WHEN clauses were failed.
0 Rows not loaded because all fields were null.
Space allocated for bind array:               63810 bytes(30 rows)
Space allocated for memory besides bind array: 94391 bytes
Total logical records skipped:           0
Total logical records read:              7
Total logical records rejected:          0
Total logical records discarded:         0

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