Oracle7 Server Distributed Systems Volume II: Replicated Data

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Replication Catalog Views

Whenever you install symmetric replication capabilities at a site, Oracle installs the replication catalog, which consists of tables and views, at that site. As shown in Table 13 - 1, the views are used by master and snapshot sites to determine such information as what objects are being replicated, where they are being replicated, and if any errors have occurred during replication. You should not modify the replication catalog tables directly; use the procedures provided in the DBMS_REPCAT package.

Each view has three versions, which have different prefixes: USER_*, ALL_*, and SYS.DBA_*. This section ignores any differences between these views.

RepGroup View

The RepGroup view lists all of the object groups that are being replicated. The members of each object group are listed in a different view, RepObject.

Column Description
sname The name of the replicated schema. Obsolete with release 7.3 or later.
gname The name of the replicated object group.
master 'Y' indicates that this is a master site. 'N' indicates the current site is a snapshot site.
status Used at master sites only. Status can be: normal, quiescing, or quiesced.
schema_comment Any user-supplied comments.
Table 13 - 1. RepGroup View

Figure 13 - 1. Replication Catalog Views

RepCatLog View

The RepCatLog at each master site contains the interim status of any asynchronous administrative requests and any error messages generated. All messages encountered while executing a request are eventually transferred to the RepCatLog at the master that originated the request. If an administrative request completes without error, ultimately all traces of this request are removed from the RepCatLog view.

Column Description
id A sequence number. Together, the ID and SOURCE columns identify all log records at all master sites that pertain to a single administrative request.
source Location that the request originated.
userid Userid of person making the request.
timestamp When the request was made.
role Indicates if site is the 'masterdef' or a 'master' site.
master If the role is 'masterdef' and the task is remote, indicates which master is performing the task.
sname The name of the schema for the replicated object, if applicable.
request The name of the DBMS_REPCAT administrative procedure that was run.
oname The name of the replicated object, if applicable.
type The type of replicated object.
status The status of the administrative request: ready, do_callback, await_callback, or error.
message Any error message that has been returned.
errnum The Oracle error number for the message.
gname The name of the replicated object group.
Table 13 - 2. RepCatLog View

RepColumn_Group View

The RepColumn_Group view lists all of the column groups that you have defined for each replicated table.

Column Description
sname The name of the schema containing the replicated table.
oname The name of the replicated table.
group_name The column group name.
group_comment Any user-supplied comments.
Table 13 - 3. RepColumn_Group View

RepConflict View

The RepConflict view displays the name of the table for which you have defined a conflict resolution method and the type of conflict that the method is used to resolve.

Column Description
sname The name of the schema containing the replicated table.
oname The name of the table for which you have defined a conflict resolution method.
conflict_type The type of conflict that the conflict resolution method is used to resolve: delete, uniqueness, or update.
reference_name The object to which the routine applies. For delete conflicts, this is the table name. For uniqueness conflicts, this is the constraint name. For update conflicts, this is the column group name.
Table 13 - 4. RepConflict view


The RepDDL holds DDL for replication objects.

Column Description
log_id Identifying number of the RepCat log record.
source Name of the database at which the request originated.
role 'Y' if this database is the masterdef for the request; 'N' if this database is a master.
master Name of the database that processes this request.
line Ordering of records within a single request.
text Portion of an argument or DDL text.
Table 13 - 5. RepDDL View


The RepGenerated view lists information about system-generated objects.

Column Description
sname Owner of the object.
oname Object name.
type Object type.
base_sname Owner of the base object.
base_oname Object name of the base object.
base_type Object type of the base object.
package_prefix Prefix for package wrapper name.
procedure_prefix prefix for procedure wrapper for procedures within a package wrapper.
distributed 'Y' if generation is distributed; 'N' if generated objects are cloned. Should always be 'Y' for Rep3 environments.
reason The reason why this object was generated.
Table 13 - 6. RepDDL View

RepGrouped_Column View

The RepGrouped_Column view lists all of the columns that make up the column groups for each table.

Column Description
sname The name of the schema containing the replicated table.
oname The name of the replicated table.
group_name The name of the column group.
column_name The name of the column in the column group.
Table 13 - 7. RepGrouped_Column View

RepKey Columns View

The RepKey_Columns view lists information relating to the primary key column.

Column Description
sname Owner of the replicated table.
oname Name of the replicated table.
col "Primary Key" column name in the table.
Table 13 - 8. RepKey Columns View

RepSite View

The RepSite view lists the members of each replicated object group.

Column Description
gname The name of the replicated object group.
dblink The database link to the master site for this object group.
masterdef Indicates which of the dblinks is the master definition site.
snapmaster Used by snapshot sites to indicate which of the dblinks to use when refreshing.
master_comment User-supplied comments.
Table 13 - 9. RepSite View

RepObject View

The RepObject view provides information about the objects in each replicated object group. An object can belong to only one object group. A replicated object group can span multiple schemas.

Column Description
sname The name of the schema containing the replicated object.
oname The name of the replicated object.
type The type of replicated object: table, view, package, package body, procedure, function, index, synonym, trigger, or snapshot.
status CREATE indicates that Oracle is applying user supplied or Oracle-generated DDL to the local database in an attempt to create the object locally. When a local replica exists, Oracle COMPAREs the replica with the master definition to ensure that they are consistent. When creation or comparison complete successfully, Oracle updates the status to VALID; otherwise, it updates the status to ERROR. If you drop an object, Oracle updates its status to DROPPED before deleting the row from the RepObject view.
id The identifier of the local database object, if one exists.
object_comment Any user supplied comments.
gname The name of the replicated object group to which the object belongs.
Table 13 - 10. RepObject View

RepParameter_Column View

In addition to the information contained in the RepResolution view, the RepParameter_Column view also contains information about the columns that you indicated should be used to resolve the conflict. These are the column values that are passed as the LIST_OF_COLUMN_NAMES argument to the ADD_*_RESOLUTION procedures in the DBMS_REPCAT package.

Column Description
sname The name of the schema containing the replicated table.
oname The name of the replicated table.
conflict_type The type of conflict that the routine is used to resolve: delete, uniqueness, or update.
reference_name The object to which the routine applies. For delete conflicts, this is the table name. For uniqueness conflicts, this is the constraint name. For update conflicts, this is the column group name.
sequence_no The order that resolution methods are applied, with 1 being applied first.
method_name The name of an Oracle-supplied conflict resolution method. For user-supplied methods, this value is 'user function'.
function_name For methods of type 'user function', the name of the user-supplied conflict resolution routine.
priority_group For methods of type 'priority group', the name of the priority group.
parameter_table_ name Defaults to object name of PL/SQL table containing columns passed to conflict resolution function.
parameter_ column_name The name of the column used as the IN parameter for the conflict resolution routine.
parameter_ sequence_no Ordering of column used as IN parameter.
Table 13 - 11. RepParameter_Column View

RepPriority View

The RepPriority view displays the value and priority level of each priority group member. Priority group names must be unique within a replicated object group. Priority levels and values must each be unique within a given priority group.

Column Description
sname The name of the replicated schema. Obsolete with release 7.3 or later.
gname The name of the replicated object group.
priority_group The name of the priority group or site priority group.
priority The priority level of the member. The highest number has the highest priority.
data_type The datatype of the values in the priority group.
fixed_data_length The maximum length of values of datatype CHAR.
char_value The value of the priority group member, if data_type = char.
varchar2_value The value of the priority group member, if data_type = varchar2.
number_value The value of the priority group member, if data_type = number.
date_value The value of the priority group member, if data_type = date.
raw_value The value of the priority group member, if data_type = raw.
Table 13 - 12. RepPriority View

RepPriority_Group View

The RepPriority_Group view lists the priority and site priority groups that you have defined for a replicated object group.

Column Description
sname The name of the replicated schema. Obsolete with release 7.3 or later. Not shown in USER views.
gname The name of the replicated object group. Not shown in USER views.
priority_group The name of the priority group or site priority group.
data_type The datatype of the values in the priority group.
fixed_data_length The maximum length for values of datatype CHAR.
priority_comment Any user-supplied comments.
Table 13 - 13. RepPriority_Group View

RepProp View

The RepProp view indicates the technique used to propagate operations on an object to the same object at another master site. These operations may have resulted from a call to a stored procedure or procedure wrapper, or may have been issued against a table directly.

Column Description
sname The name of the schema containing the replicated object.
oname The name of the replicated object.
type The type of object being replicated.
dblink The fully qualified database name of the master site to which changes are being propagated.
how How propagation is performed. Values recognized are 'none' for the local master site, and 'synchronous' or 'asynchronous' for all others.
propagate_ comment Any user-supplied comments.
Table 13 - 14. RepProp View

RepResolution View

The RepResolution view indicates the routines used to resolve update, unique or delete conflicts for each table replicated using row-level replication for a given schema.

Column Description
sname The name of the replicated schema.
oname The name of the replicated table.
conflict_type The type of conflict that the routine is used to resolve: delete, uniqueness, or update.
reference_name The object to which the routine applies. For delete conflicts, this is the table name. For uniqueness conflicts, this is the constraint name. For update conflicts, this is the column group name.
sequence_no The order that resolution methods are applied, with 1 being applied first.
method_name The name of an Oracle-supplied conflict resolution method. For user-supplied methods, this value is 'user function'.
function_name For methods of type 'user function', the name of the user-supplied conflict resolution routine.
priority_group For methods of type 'priority group', the name of the priority group.
resolution_ comment Any user-supplied comments.
Table 13 - 15. RepResolution View

RepResolution Statistics Control View

The RepResol_Stats_Control view lists information about statistics collection for conflict resolutions for all replicated tables in the database.

Column Description
sname Owner of the table.
oname Table name.
created Timestamp for which statistics collection was first started.
status Status of statistics collection: ACTIVE, CANCELLED
status_update _date Timestamp for which the status was last updated.
purged_date Timestamp for the last purge of statistics data.
last_purged_start _date The last start date of the statistics purging date range.
statistics_purged_end_date The last end date of the statistics purging date range.
Table 13 - 16. RepResol_Stats_Control View

RepResolution_ Method View

The RepResolution_Method view lists all of the conflict resolution routines available in your current database. Initially, this view lists the standard routines provided with the symmetric replication facility. As you create new user functions and add them as conflict resolution methods for an object in the database, these functions are added to this view.

Column Description
conflict_type The type of conflict that the resolution routine is designed to resolve: update, uniqueness, or delete.
method_name The name of the Oracle-supplied method, or the name of the user-supplied routine.
Table 13 - 17. RepResolution_Method View

RepResolution_ Statistics View

The RepResolution_Statistics view lists information about successfully resolved update, uniqueness, and delete conflicts for all replicated tables. These statistics are only gathered for a table if you have called DBMS_REPCAT.REGISTER_STATISTICS.

Column Description
sname The name of the replicated schema.
oname The name of the replicated table.
conflict_type The type of conflict that was successfully resolved: delete, uniqueness, or update.
reference_name The object to which the conflict resolution routine applies. For delete conflicts, this is the table name. For uniqueness conflicts, this is the constraint name. For update conflicts, this is the column group name.
method_name The name of an Oracle-supplied conflict resolution method. For user-supplied methods, this value is 'user function'.
function_name For methods of type 'user function', the name of the user supplied conflict resolution routine.
priority_group For methods of type 'priority group', the name of the priority group.
primary_key_value A concatenated representation of the row's primary key.
resolved_date Date on which the conflict for this row was resolved.
Table 13 - 18. RepResolution_Statistics View

RepSchema View

The RepSchema view is provided for backwards compatibility with earlier versions of the symmetric replication facility (prior to release 7.3). Use the RepSite views instead.

Column Description
sname The name of the replicated schema. Obsolete for release 7.3 or later.
gname The name of the replicated object group.
dblink The database link to which transactions must be queued to replicate changes to each master site.
masterdef Indicates which of the dblinks is the master definition site.
snapmaster Used by snapshot sites to indicate which of the dblinks to use when refreshing.
master_comment Any user-supplied comments.
Table 13 - 19. RepSchema View

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