Oracle7 Server Distributed Systems Volume II: Replicated Data

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Deferred Transaction Views

Oracle provides several views for you to use in administering deferred transactions. These views provide information about each deferred transaction, such as the transaction destinations, the deferred calls that make up the transactions, and any errors encountered during attempted execution of the transaction. You should not modify the tables directly; use the procedures provided in the DBMS_DEFER and DBMS_DEFER_SYS packages.

DefCall View

The DefCall view records all deferred remote procedure calls.

Column Description
callno Unique ID of call at deferred_tran_db.
deferred_tran_db The originating database of the deferred call.
deferred_tran_id The unique ID of the associated transaction.
schemaname The schema name.
packagename The package name.
procname The procedure name of the deferred call.
argcount The number of arguments to the procedure.
Table 13 - 20. DefCall View

DefCallDest View

The DefCallDest view lists the destinations for each deferred remote procedure call.

Column Description
callno Unique ID of call at deferred_tran_db.
deferred_tran_id Corresponds to the deferred_tran_id in the DefTran view. Each deferred transaction is made up of one or more deferred calls.
deferred_tran_db The originating database for the deferred transaction. The callno and deferred_tran_db uniquely identify a call.
dblink The fully qualified database name of the destination database.
Table 13 - 21. DefCallDest View

DefDefaultDest View

If you are not using Oracle's replication facility and do not supply a destination for a deferred transaction or the calls within that transaction, Oracle uses the DefDefaultDest view to determine the destination databases to which you want to defer a remote procedure call.

Column Description
dblink The fully qualified database name to which to replicate a transaction.
Table 13 - 22. DefDefaultDest View

DefError View

The DefError view provides the ID of each transaction that could not be applied. You can use this ID to locate the queued calls associated with this transaction. These calls are stored in the DefCall view. You can use the procedures in the DBMS_DEFER_QUERY package to determine the arguments to the procedures listed in the DefCall view.

Column Description
deferred_tran_db The fully qualified database name of the database originating or copying the deferred remote procedure calls.
deferred_tran_id The transaction ID originating or copying the deferred remote procedure calls causing the error.
callno Unique ID of call at deferred_tran_db.
destination Database link used to address destination.
error_time Time error occurred.
error_number Oracle error number.
error_msg Error message text.
Table 13 - 23. DefError View

DefSchedule View

The DefSchedule view displays information about when a job is next scheduled to be executed.

Column Description
dblink Fully qualified pathname to master database site for which you have scheduled periodic execution of deferred remote procedure calls.
job Number assigned to job when you created it by calling DBMS_DEFER_SYS.SCHEDULE_EXECUTION. Query the WHAT column of USER_JOBS view to determine what is executed when the job is run.
interval Function used to calculate the next time to apply any changes.
next_date Next date that job is scheduled to be executed.
last_date Last time the DBMS_DEFER_SYS.EXECUTE pushed (or attempted to push) remote procedure calls to this destination.
disabled Is propagation to destination disabled?
last_txn_count Number of transactions pushed during last attempt.
last_error Oracle error number from last push
last_msg Error message from last push.
Table 13 - 24. DefSchedule View

DefTran View

The DefTran view records all deferred transactions.

Column Description
deferred_tran_id The transaction ID originating or copying the deferred remote procedure calls.
deferred_tran_db The fully qualified database name of the database originating or copying the deferred remote procedure calls.
origin_tran_id The transaction ID originating the deferred remote procedure calls.
origin_tran_db The fully qualified database name of the database originating the deferred remote procedure calls.
origin_user The userid of the user originating the deferred remote procedure calls.
delivery_order An identifier that determines the order of deferred transactions in the queue. The identifier is derived from the system commit number of the originating or copying transaction.
destination_list 'R' or 'D'. 'R' indicates that the destinations are determined by the RepSchema view. 'D' indicates that the destinations were determined by the DefDefaultDest view or the NODE_LIST argument to the TRANSACTION, CALL, or COPY procedures.
start_time The start time of the originating transaction
commit_comment Any user-supplied comments.
Table 13 - 25. DefTran View

DefTranDest View

The DefTranDest view lists the destinations for a deferred transaction.

Column Description
deferred_tran_id The transaction to replicate to the given database link.
deferred_tran_db The originating database for the deferred transaction. The deferred_tran_id and deferred_tran_db uniquely identify a transaction.
dblink The fully qualified database name of the destination database.
Table 13 - 26. DefTranDest View

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