See Also: For information about the appropriate method of recovery for each type of problem, see "Examples of Recovery Procedures" .
See Also: For more information about recovery commands, see the Oracle7 Server SQL Reference guide.
Note: The table is not useful if the control file currently in use is a restored backup or a new control file created since the media failure occurred. A restored or re-created control file does not contain the information Oracle needs to fill V$RECOVER_FILE accurately.
The following query displays the file ID numbers of datafiles that require recovery:
SELECT file#, online, error
FROM v$recover_file;
Use the data dictionary view V$DATAFILE, which contains the file's NAME and FILE#, to find the name of a file based on its file number.
Relocating Damaged Files If a damaged datafile cannot be restored to its original location (for example, a disk must be replaced, so the files are restored to an alternate disk), the new locations of these files must be indicated to the control file of the associated database. Therefore, use the procedure given in "Renaming and Relocating Datafiles" .
Recovering a Datafile Without a Backup If a datafile is damaged and no backup of the file is available, the datafile can still be recovered if:
ALTER DATABASE CREATE DATAFILE 'disk1:users1' AS 'disk2:users1';
Note: The old datafile is renamed as the new datafile when an ALTER DATABASE CREATE DATAFILE statement is executed.
This statement enables you to create an empty file that matches the lost file. Oracle looks at information in the control file and the data dictionary to obtain size information. Next, you must perform media recovery on the empty datafile. All archived redo logs written since the original datafile was created must be mounted and reapplied to the new, empty version of the lost datafile during recovery. If the database was created in NOARCHIVELOG mode, the original datafiles of the SYSTEM tablespace cannot be restored using an ALTER DATABASE CREATE DATAFILE statement because the necessary archived redo logs are not available.
To determine which archived redo log files you need, you can use the tables V$LOG_HISTORY and V$RECOVERY_LOG. V$LOG_HISTORY lists all of the archived logs, including their probable names, given the current archived log file naming scheme (as set by the parameter LOG_ARCHIVE_FORMAT). V$RECOVERY_LOG lists only the archived redo logs that Oracle needs to perform recovery. It also includes the probable names of the files, using LOG_ARCHIVE_FORMAT. Be aware that you will need all the redo information from the time the datafile was added to the database.
If space is available, restore all of the required archived redo log files to the location currently specified by the initialization parameter LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST. By doing this, you enable Oracle to locate automatically the correct archived redo log file when required during media recovery. If sufficient space is not available at the location indicated by LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST, you can restore some or all of the required archived redo log files to any disk accessible to Oracle. In this case, you can specify the location of the archived redo log files before or during media recovery.
See Also: For more information about tables, see the Oracle7 Server Reference.
See Also: For more information on multi-threaded server processes, see .
Recovering a Closed Database After the database is mounted, but closed, start closed database recovery (complete or incomplete) using either Server Manager's Apply Recovery Archives dialog box, or the RECOVER command with the DATABASE parameter.
The following statement recovers the database up to a specified time using a control file backup:
Recovering an Offline Tablespace in an Open Database After the tablespaces of interest are taken offline, you can start open-database, offline-tablespace recovery using the RECOVER command with the TABLESPACE parameter. You can recover one or more offline tablespaces. The remainder of the database may be left open and online for normal database operation.
The following statement recovers two offline tablespaces:
After the tablespaces that contain the damaged files have been taken offline, and you are positive the associated datafiles are also offline (check the file's status in V$DATAFILE), recover selected datafiles using the RECOVER command with the DATAFILE parameter:
RECOVER DATAFILE 'filename1', 'filename2';
The SQL command equivalent of Server Manager media recovery options is the SQL command ALTER DATABASE command with the RECOVER clause. Generally, database recovery should be performed using Server Manager; which prompts you for information and returns messages from the system. However, if you want to design your own recovery application using SQL commands, use the ALTER DATABASE command.
Starting Recovery During Instance Startup You can start complete media recovery using the STARTUP command with the RECOVER option in Server Manager. After an instance is started, and the database is mounted, complete media recovery proceeds as described in "Complete Media Recovery" .
See Also: For information about taking tablespaces offline, see "Taking Tablespaces Offline" .
For more information about the STARTUP command, see .
ORA-00279: Change #### generated at DD/MM/YY HH:MM:SS needed for
thread #
ORA-00289: Suggestion : logfile
ORA-00280: Change #### for thread # is in sequence #
Specify log: [<RET> for suggested | AUTO | FROM logsource |
Similar messages are returned when using an ALTER DATABASE... RECOVER statement. However, no prompt is displayed.
Suggested Log Filenames Oracle suggests log filenames by concatenating the current values of the initialization parameters LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST and LOG_ARCHIVE_FORMAT and using information from the control file. Therefore, if all the required archived log files are mounted at LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST, and the value for LOG_ARCHIVE_FORMAT is never altered, Oracle can suggest and apply log files to complete media recovery automatically without your intervention. If the location specified by LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST is not available (for example, because of media failure), you can change the value for this parameter, move the log files to the new location, and start a new instance before beginning media recovery.
In some cases, you might want to override the current setting for LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST as a source for log files. For example, assume that a database is open and an offline tablespace must be recovered, but not enough space is available to mount the necessary log files at the location specified by LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST. In this case, you can mount the log files to an alternate location, then specify the alternate location to Oracle for the recovery operation. To specify the location where required log files can be found, use the LOGSOURCE parameter of the SET command in Server Manager. Use the RECOVER...FROM parameter of the ALTER DATABASE command in SQL.
Note: Overriding the log source does not affect the archive log destination for filled online groups being archived.
Consider overriding the current setting for LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST when not enough space is available to mount all the required log files at any one location. In this case, you can set the log file source to an operating system variable (such as a logical or an environment variable) that acts as a search path to several locations.
See Also: Such functionality is operating system-dependent. See your operating system-specific Oracle documentation for more information.
Applying Log Files when Using Server Manager If the suggested archived redo log file is correct, apply the suggested archived redo log. You do not have to specify a filename unless the suggested file is incorrect. After a filename is provided, Oracle applies the redo log file to roll forward the restored datafiles.
In Server Manager, you can have Oracle automatically apply the redo log files that it suggests by choosing either of the following options:
See Also: For examples of logfile application, see your operating system-specific Oracle documentation.
Application of Log Files When Using SQL Commands Application of redo log files is similar to the application of log files. However, a prompt for log files is not displayed after media recovery is started. Instead, you must provide the correct log file using an ALTER DATABASE RECOVER LOGFILE statement. For example, if a message suggests LOG1.ARC, you can apply the suggestion using the following statement:
As a result, recovering a tablespace requires several statements, as indicated in the following example (DBA input is boldfaced; variable information is italicized.):
ORA-00279: Change #### generated at DD/MM/YY HH:MM:SS needed for
thread #
ORA-00289: Suggestion : logfile1
ORA-00280: Change #### for thread # is in sequence #
ORA-00279: Change #### generated at DD/MM/YY HH:MM:SS needed for
thread #<D%0>
ORA-00289: Suggestion : logfile2
ORA-00280: Change #### for thread # is in sequence #
(Repeat until all logs are applied.)
Statement processed.
Statement processed.
In this example, it is assumed that the backup files have been restored, and that the user has administrator privileges.
Like the method you used with Server Manager, automatic application of the redo logs can be started with the following statements, before and during recovery, respectively:
An example of the first statement follows:
Statement processed.
Statement processed.
In this example, it is assumed that the backup files have been restored, and that the user has administrator privileges.
An example of the ALTER DATABASE RECOVER AUTOMATIC LOGFILE statement follows:
ORA-00279: Change #### generated at DD/MM/YY HH:MM:SS needed for
thread #
ORA-00289: Suggestion : logfile1
ORA-00280: Change #### for thread # is in sequence #
Statement processed.
Statement processed.
In this example, assume that the backup files have been restored, and that the user has administrator privileges.
Note: After issuing the ALTER DATABASE RECOVER command, you can view all files that have been considered for recovery in the V$RECOVERY_FILE_STATUS view. You can access status information for each file in the V$RECOVERY_STATUS view. These views are not accessible after you terminate the recovery session.
See Also: For information about the content of all recovery-related views, see the Oracle7 Server Reference.
Successful Application of Redo Logs If you are using Server Manager's recovery options (not SQL statements), each time Oracle finishes applying a redo log file, the following message is returned:
Log applied.
Make sure that the message "Log applied" is returned after each application of a redo log file. If the suggested file is incorrect or you provide an incorrect filename, an error message is returned instead. If you see an error message instead of "Log applied," a redo log file required for recovery has not been applied. Recovery cannot continue until the required redo log file is applied.
If an error message is returned after supplying a redo log filename, one of the following errors has been detected:
Warning: There are several reasons why, after starting recovery, you may want to restart. If, for example, you want to restart with a different backup or want to use the same backup, but need to change the end-time to an earlier point-in-time than you initially specified, then the entire operation must recommence by restoring a backup. Failure to do so may result in "file inconsistent" error messages when attempting to open the database.
The disadvantage of NOARCHIVELOG mode is that to recover your database from the time of the most recent full backup up to the time of the media failure, you have to re-enter manually all of the changes executed in that interval. However, if your database was in ARCHIVELOG mode, the redo log covering this interval would have been available as archived log files or online log files. This would have enabled you to use complete or incomplete recovery to reconstruct your database and minimize the amount of lost work.
If you have a database damaged by media failure and operating in NOARCHIVELOG mode, and you want to restore from your most recent full backup (your only option at this point), perform the following tasks.
To Restore the Most Recent Full Backup (NOARCHIVELOG Mode)
See Also: See "Using the Export and Import Utilities for Supplemental Database Protection" .
In general, parallel recovery is most effective at reducing recovery time when several datafiles on several different disks are being recovered concurrently. Crash recovery (recovery after instance failure) and media recovery of many datafiles on different disk drives are good candidates for parallel recovery. Parallel recovery requires a minimum of eight recovery processes to improve upon serial recovery.
See Also: For more information on parallel recovery, see Oracle7 Server Concepts.
For more information about initialization parameters, see the Oracle7 Server Reference.