Displays an empty line followed by a line containing text, then waits for the user to press [Return], or displays two empty lines and waits for the user's response.
PAU[SE] [text]
Terms and Clauses
Refer to the following for a description of the clause or term:
text | Represents the text you wish to display. |
Usage Notes
Because PAUSE always waits for the user's response, it is best to use a message that tells the user explicitly to press [Return].
PAUSE reads input from the terminal (if a terminal is available) even when you have designated the source of the command input as a file.
For information on pausing between pages of a report, see the PAUSE variable of the SET command later in this chapter.
To print "Adjust paper and press RETURN to continue." and to have SQL*Plus wait for the user to press [Return], you might include the following PAUSE command in a command file:
SET PAUSE OFF PAUSE Adjust paper and press RETURN to continue. SELECT ...