Oracle7 Server Utilities

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Case 5: Loading Data into Multiple Tables

Case 5 demonstrates

The Control File

The control file is ULCASE5.CTL.

	-- Loads EMP records from first 23 characters
	-- Creates and loads PROJ records for each PROJNO listed
	-- for each employee
	INFILE 'ulcase5.dat'
	BADFILE 'ulcase5.bad'
	DISCARDFILE 'ulcase5.dsc'
	ename    POSITION(6:15)    CHAR,
	deptno   POSITION(17:18)   CHAR,
2)	INTO TABLE proj
	-- PROJ has two columns, both not null: EMPNO and PROJNO
3)	WHEN projno != '   '
3)	projno   POSITION(25:27)   INTEGER EXTERNAL)   -- 1st proj
3)	INTO TABLE proj
4)	WHEN projno != '   '
4)	projno   POSITION(29:31    INTEGER EXTERNAL)   -- 2nd proj
2)	INTO TABLE proj
5)	WHEN projno != '   '
5)	projno   POSITION(33:35)  INTEGER EXTERNAL)   -- 3rd proj


1) REPLACE specifies that if there is data in the tables to be loaded (EMP and PROJ), SQL*loader should delete the data before loading new rows.

2) Multiple INTO clauses load two tables, EMP and PROJ. The same set of records is processed three times, using different combinations of columns each time to load table PROJ.

3) WHEN loads only rows with non-blank project numbers. When PROJNO is defined as columns 25...27, rows are inserted into PROJ only if there is a value in those columns.

4) When PROJNO is defined as columns 29...31, rows are inserted into PROJ only if there is a value in those columns.

5) When PROJNO is defined as columns 33...35, rows are inserted into PROJ only if there is a value in those columns.

The Data File

The following is datafile for Case 5:

1234 BAKER      10 9999 101 102 103
1234 JOKER      10 9999 777 888 999
2664 YOUNG      20 2893 425 abc 102
5321 OTOOLE     10 9999 321  55  40
2134 FARMER     20 4555 236 456
2414 LITTLE     20 5634 236 456  40
6542 LEE        10 4532 102 321  14
2849 EDDS       xx 4555     294  40
4532 PERKINS    10 9999  40
1244 HUNT       11 3452 665 133 456
123  DOOLITTLE  12 9940         132
1453 MACDONALD  25 5532     200

Invoking SQL*Loader

Invoke SQL*Loader with a command such as:

sqlldr userid=scott/tiger control=ulcase5.ctl log=ulcase5.log

Additional Information: The command "sqlldr" is a UNIX-specific invocation. To invoke SQL*Loader on your operating system, see your Oracle operating system-specific documentation.

The Log File

The following is a portion of the log file:

Control File:     ULCASE5.CTL
Data File:        ULCASE5.DAT
  Bad File:       ULCASE5.BAD
  Discard File:   ULCASE5.DSC
 (Allow all discards)
Number to load:   ALL
Number to skip:   0
Errors allowed:   50
Bind array:       64 rows, maximum of 65336 bytes
Continuation:      none specified
Path used:        Conventional
Table EMP, loaded from every logical record.
Insert option in effect for this table: REPLACE
Column Name        Position       Len    Term    Encl   Datatype
-------------      ---------      ---    ----    ----   ----------
EMPNO                    1:4        4                   CHARACTER
ENAME                   6:15       10                   CHARACTER
DEPTNO                 17:18        2                   CHARACTER
MGR                    20:23        4                   CHARACTER
Table PROJ, loaded when PROJNO != 0x202020(character '   ')
Insert option in effect for this table: REPLACE
Column Name        Position       Len    Term    Encl   Datatype
-----------        ---------      ---    ----    ----   ----------
EMPNO                    1:4        4                   CHARACTER
PROJNO                 25:27        3                   CHARACTER
Table PROJ, loaded when PROJNO != 0x202020(character '   ')
Insert option in effect for this table: REPLACE
Column Name        Position       Len    Term    Encl   Datatype
-----------        ---------      ---    ----    ----   ----------
EMPNO                    1:4        4                   CHARACTER
PROJNO                 29:31        3                   CHARACTER
Table PROJ, loaded when PROJNO != 0x202020(character '   ')
Insert option in effect for this table: REPLACE
Column Name        Position       Len    Term    Encl   Datatype
------------       ---------      ---    ----    ----   ----------
EMPNO                    1:4        4                   CHARACTER
PROJNO                 33:35        3                   CHARACTER
1)	Record 2: Rejected - Error on table EMP, column DEPTNO.
1)	ORA-00001: unique constraint (SCOTT.EMPIX) violated
1)	ORA-01722: invalid number
1)	Record 8: Rejected - Error on table EMP, column DEPTNO.
1)	ORA-01722: invalid number
1)	Record 3: Rejected - Error on table PROJ, column PROJNO.
1)	ORA-01722: invalid number
	Table EMP:
2)	   9 Rows successfully loaded.
2)	   3 Rows not loaded due to data errors.
2)	   0 Rows not loaded because all WHEN clauses were failed.
2)	   0 Rows not loaded because all fields were null.
	Table PROJ:
3)	   7 Rows successfully loaded.
3)	   2 Rows not loaded due to data errors.
3)	   3 Rows not loaded because all WHEN clauses were failed.
3)	   0 Rows not loaded because all fields were null.
	Table PROJ:
4)	   7 Rows successfully loaded.
4)	   3 Rows not loaded due to data errors.
4)	   2 Rows not loaded because all WHEN clauses were failed.
4)	   0 Rows not loaded because all fields were null.
	Table PROJ:
5)	   6 Rows successfully loaded.
5)	   3 Rows not loaded due to data errors.
5)	   3 Rows not loaded because all WHEN clauses were failed.
5)	   0 Rows not loaded because all fields were null.
Space allocated for bind array:               5120 bytes (64 rows)
Space allocated for memory besides bind array:  46763 bytes
Total logical records skipped:      0
Total logical records read:        12
Total logical records rejected:     3
Total logical records discarded:    0


1) Errors are not encountered in the same order as the physical records due to buffering (array batch). The bad file and discard file contain records in the same order as they appear in the log file.

2) Of the 12 logical records for input, three rows were rejected (rows for JOKER, YOUNG, and EDDS). No data was loaded for any of the rejected records.

3) Nine records met the WHEN clause criteria, and two (JOKER and YOUNG) were rejected due to data errors.

4) Ten records met the WHEN clause criteria, and three (JOKER, YOUNG, and EDDS) were rejected due to data errors.

5) Nine records met the WHEN clause criteria, and three (JOKER, YOUNG, and EDDS) were rejected due to data errors.

The Loaded Tables

These are results of this execution of SQL*Loader:

SQL> SELECT empno, ename, mgr, deptno FROM emp;
EMPNO      ENAME           MGR           DEPTNO
------     ------          ------        ------
1234       BAKER           9999          10
5321       OTOOLE          9999          10
2134       FARMER          4555          20
2414       LITTLE          5634          20
6542       LEE             4532          10
4532       PERKINS         9999          10
1244       HUNT            3452          11
123        DOOLITTLE       9940          12
1453       MACDONALD       5532          25
SQL> SELECT * from PROJ order by EMPNO;
EMPNO              PROJNO
------             ------
123                132
1234               101
1234               103
1234               102
1244               665
1244               456
1244               133
1453               200
2134               236
2134               456
2414               236
2414               456
2414               40
4532               40
5321               321
5321               40
5321               55
6542               102
6542               14
6542               321

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