Oracle7 Server Utilities
Warning, Error, and Completion Messages
Export attempts to save as much of the database as possible--even when part of it has become corrupted, but errors can occur. This section discusses how Export handles those errors.
Log File
Oracle Corporation recommends that you capture all of Export's messages in a log file either by using the LOG parameter (See
for the log file specification) or, for those systems that permit it, by redirecting Export's output to a file. This file will contain detailed information about successful loads, and any errors that may occur.
Additional Information: Refer to your Oracle operating system-specific documentation for information on redirecting output.
Warning Messages
Export will not terminate after non-fatal errors.
For example, If an error occurs while exporting a table, Export displays (or logs) an error message, skips to the next table, and continues processing. These non-fatal errors are known as warnings.
Export will issue a warning whenever an invalid object is encountered. That is, if a non-existent table was specified as part of a table-mode export, then all other tables would be exported, after which the export would issue a warning and terminate successfully, as shown in the following listing:
exp scott/tiger tables=xxx,emp
About to export specified tables ...
EXP-00011: SCOTT.XXX does not exist
System error message 2
. exporting table EMP 10 rows
Export terminated successfully with warnings.
Fatal Error Messages
Some errors are fatal, and will terminate the Export session. These errors typically occur because of an internal problem or because a resource, such as memory, is not available or has been exhausted.
For example, you see the following message if you attempt to run Export without having created the necessary Export views:
EXP-00024: Export views not installed, please notify your DBA
Additional Information: Messages are documented in the Oracle7 Server Messages manual and in your Oracle operating system-specific documentation.
Completion Message
When Export completes without errors, the message "Export terminated successfully without warnings" is displayed or logged. If one or more non-fatal errors occurred, but Export was able to continue to completion, then the message "Export terminated successfully with warnings" is displayed or logged. If a fatal error occurs, Export terminates immediately with the message "Export terminated unsuccessfully".