is the cursor to be opened.
specifies the host variables to be substituted into the WHERE clause of the associated query.
:host_variable specifies a host variable with an optional indicator variable to be substituted into the statement associated with the cursor.
specifies a descriptor that describes the host variables to be substituted into the WHERE clause of the associated query. The descriptor must be initialized in a previous DESCRIBE statement.
The substitution is based on position. The host variable names specified in this statement can be different from the variable names in the associated query.
Once you have opened a cursor, its input host variables are not reexamined until you reopen the cursor. To change any input host variables and therefore the active set, you must reopen the cursor.
All cursors in a program are in a closed state when the program is initiated or when they have been explicitly closed using the CLOSE command.
You can reopen a cursor without first closing it. For more information on this command, see Programmer's Guide to the Oracle Precompilers.
This example illustrates the use of the OPEN command in a Pro*C embedded SQL program:
SELECT ename, empno, job, sal
FROM emp
WHERE deptno = :deptno;
EXEC SQL OPEN emp_cursor;