Oracle7 Server SQL Reference

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To create a profile. A profile is a set of limits on database resources. If you assign the profile to a user, that user cannot exceed these limits.


You must have CREATE PROFILE system privilege.


Keywords and Parameters


is the name of the profile to be created.


limits a user to

integer concurrent sessions.


limits the CPU time for a session. This value is expressed in hundredths of seconds.


limits the CPU time for a call (a parse, execute, or fetch). This value is expressed in hundredths of seconds.


limits the total elapsed time of a session. This value is expressed in minutes.


limits periods of continuous inactive time during a session. This value is expressed in minutes. Long-running queries and other operations are not subject to this limit.


limits the number of data blocks read in a session, including blocks read from memory and disk, to

integer blocks.


limits the number of data blocks read for a call to process a SQL statement (a parse, execute, or fetch) to

integer blocks.


limits the amount of private space a session can allocate in the shared pool of the System Global Area (SGA) to integer bytes. You can also use the K or M to specify this limit in kilobytes or megabytes. This limit only applies if you are using the multi-threaded server architecture. The private space for a session in the SGA includes private SQL and PL/SQL areas, but not shared SQL and PL/SQL areas.


limits the total resource cost for a session. You must express the value of this parameter in service units.

Oracle7 calculates the total resource cost as a weighted sum of the following resources:

For information on how to specify the weight for each session resource see the ALTER RESOURCE COST command [*].


indicates that a user assigned this profile can use an unlimited amount of this resource.


omits a limit for this resource in this profile. A user assigned this profile is subject to the limit for this resource specified in the DEFAULT profile.

Usage Notes

In Trusted Oracle7, the new profile is automatically labeled with your DBMS label.

Using Profiles

A profile is a set of limits on database resources. You can use profiles to limit the database resources available to a user for a single call or a single session. Oracle7 enforces resource limits in the following ways:

How to Limit Resources

To specify resource limits for a user, you must perform both of the following operations:

Enable resource limits: You can enable resource limits through one of the following ways:

Specify resource limits: To specify a resource limit for a user, you must perform following steps:

Note that you can specify resource limits for users regardless of whether resource limits are enabled. However, Oracle7 does not enforce these limits until you enable them.

The DEFAULT Profile

Oracle7 automatically creates a default profile named DEFAULT. This profile initially defines unlimited resources. You can change the limits defined in this profile with the ALTER PROFILE command.

Any user who is not explicitly assigned a profile is subject to the limits defined in the DEFAULT profile. Also, if the profile that is explicitly assigned to a user omits limits for some resources or specifies DEFAULT for some limits, the user is subject to the limits on those resources defined by the DEFAULT profile.


The following statement creates the profile SYSTEM_MANAGER:

CREATE PROFILE system_manager 
			CPU_PER_CALL               3000 
			CONNECT_TIME               45 
			PRIVATE SGA                15K 
			COMPOSITE_LIMIT            5000000 

If you then assign the SYSTEM_MANAGER profile to a user, the user is subject to the following limits in subsequent sessions:

Related Topics

ALTER PROFILE command [*] ALTER RESOURCE COST command [*] ALTER SYSTEM command [*] ALTER USER command [*] DROP PROFILE command [*]

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