Oracle Server Manager User's Guide

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The Dispatcher Monitor

The Dispatcher Monitor displays information about dispatcher processes.

The following figure illustrates the left-most columns of the Dispatcher Monitor.

Figure 11 - 2. Dispatcher Monitor

The Dispatcher Monitor is described below:

Name Name of the dispatcher process
Status Status of the dispatcher process:
WAIT Idle.
SEND Sending a message.
RECEIVE Receiving a message.
CONNECT Establishing a connection.
DISCONNECT Handling a disconnect request.
BREAK Handling a break.
OUTBOUND Establishing an outbound connection.
Accept Whether this dispatcher is accepting new connections.
Total Mesgs Total number of messages processed by the dispatcher.
Total Bytes Total size in bytes of the messages processed by the dispatcher.
Circs Owned Number of virtual circuits owned by the dispatcher.
Total Idle Time Total idle time for the dispatcher, expressed in:
(Days) Hours : Minutes : Seconds
Total Busy Time Total busy time for the dispatcher, expressed in:
(Days) Hours : Minutes : Seconds
Load The fraction of its lifetime that the dispatcher has been busy:
Busy Time/(Busy Time + Idle Time)


The following filters are available in the Dispatcher Monitor:

Name Filter for dispatcher name. Monitor displays information for dispatchers whose names match the Name filter.
Status Filter for dispatcher status. Monitor displays information for dispatchers with the specified status.

SQL Worksheet Equivalent

To start the Dispatcher Monitor from a SQL Worksheet, you can use the following Server Manager command:


Required Views

To use the Dispatcher Monitor, you must have access to:

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