Oracle7 Server Distributed Systems Volume II: Replicated Data

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To create a new, empty, snapshot replication object group in your local database. For additional information, refer to [*].


The parameters for the CREATE_SNAPSHOT_REPGROUP procedure are described in Table 12 - 105, and the procedures are listed in Table 12 - 106. The syntax for this procedure is shown below:

           gname             IN VARCHAR2, 
           master            IN VARCHAR2, 
           comment           IN  VARCHAR2 := '',
           propagation_mode  IN VARCHAR2 := 'ASYNCHRONOUS')

Parameter Description
gname The name of the replicated object group. This object group must exist at the given master site.
master The fully qualified database name of the database in the replicated environment to use as the master.
comment This comment is added to the GROUP_COMMENT field of the RepCat view.
propagation_mode The method of propagation for all updatable snapshots in the object group. Acceptable values are SYNCHRONOUS and ASYNCHRONOUS.
Table 12 - 105. Parameters for CREATE_SNAPSHOT_REPGROUP

Exception Description
duplicaterepgroup The object group already exists at the invocation site.
nonmaster The given database is not a master site.
commfailure The given database is not accessible.
norepopt The advanced replication option is not installed.
typefailure The propagation mode was specified incorrectly.
notcompatible Propagation mode must be ASYNCHRONOUS for pre-release 7.3 sites.
Table 12 - 106. Exceptions for CREATE_SNAPSHOT_REPGROUP

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