Oracle7 Server Distributed Systems Volume II: Replicated Data

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To change the refresh interval for a snapshot group. For additional information, refer to [*].


The parameters for the CHANGE procedure are described in Table 12 - 57. The syntax for this procedure is shown below:

		name 			IN 	VARCHAR2,
        	next_date 		IN 	DATE DEFAULT NULL,
        	interval 		IN 	VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
        	implicit_destroy 	IN 	BOOLEAN DEFAULT NULL,
        	rollback_segment 	IN 	VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
        	push_deferred_rpc 	IN 	BOOLEAN DEFAULT NULL,
        	refresh_after_errors	IN 	BOOLEAN DEFAULT NULL)

parameter description
name Name of the refresh group for which you want to alter the refresh interval.
next_date Next date that you want a refresh to occur. By default, this date remains unchanged.
interval Function used to calculate the next time to refresh the snapshots in the group. This interval is evaluated immediately before the refresh. Thus, you should select an interval that is greater than the time it takes to perform a refresh. By default, the interval remains unchanged.
implicit_destroy Allows you to reset the value of the IMPLICIT_DESTROY flag. If this flag is set, Oracle automatically deletes the group if it no longer contains any members. By default, this flag remains unchanged.
rollback_seg Allows you to change the rollback segment used. By default, the rollback segment remains unchanged. To reset this parameter to use the default rollback segment, specify 'null', including the quotes. Specifying null, without quotes, indicates that you do not want to change the rollback segment currently being used.
push_deferred_rpc Used by updatable snapshots only. Set this parameter to TRUE if you want to push changes from the snapshot to its associated master before refreshing the snapshot. Otherwise, these changes may appear to be temporarily lost. By default, this flag remains unchanged
refresh_after_ errors Used by updatable snapshots only. Set this parameter to TRUE if you want the refresh to proceed even if there are outstanding conflicts logged in the DefError view for the snapshot's master. By default, this flag remains unchanged
Table 12 - 57. Parameters for DBMS_REFRESH.CHANGE

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