Oracle7 Server Distributed Systems Volume II: Replicated Data

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To build a deferred call to a remote procedure. For additional information, refer to [*].


The parameters for the CALL procedure are described in Table 12 - 1, and the exceptions are listed in Table 12 - 2. The syntax for this procedure is shown below:

			package_name	IN	VARCHAR2,
			proc_name	IN	VARCHAR2,
			arg_count	IN	NATURAL
			[, nodes	IN	node_list_t]
			[, group_name	IN	VARCHAR2 :=''])

Parameter Description
schema_name The name of the schema in which the stored procedure is located.
package_name The name of the package containing the stored procedure. The stored procedure must be part of a package. Deferred calls to standalone procedures are not supported.
proc_name The name of the remote procedure to which you want to defer a call.
arg_count The number of parameters for the procedure. You must have one call to DBMS_DEFER.datatype_ARG for each of these parameters.
nodes A PL/SQL table of fully qualified database names to which you want to propagate the deferred call. The table is indexed starting at position one and ending when a NULL entry is found, or the NO_DATA_FOUND exception is raised. The data in the table is case insensitive. This argument is optional.
group_name Reserved for internal use.
Table 12 - 1. Parameters for CALL

Exception Description
ORA-23304 (malformedcall) The previous call was not correctly formed.
ORA-23319 Parameter value is not appropriate.
ORA-23352 The destination list (specified by NODES or by a previous DBMS_DEFER.TRANSACTION call) contains duplicates.
Table 12 - 2. Exceptions for CALL

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