Oracle7 Server Distributed Systems Volume II: Replicated Data
New Features
The Oracle7 Server Release 7.3 contains three major enhancements to the advanced replication option:
The DIFFERENCES and RECTIFY procedures in the DBMS_RECTIFIER_DIFF package allow you to identify and resolve the differences between two replicas of a table. For more information about comparing tables, see
The concept of replicating a schema has been eliminated; the unit of replication may now span multiple schemas. Objects must be part of a replicated object group in order to be replicated. Objects cannot belong to more than one object group. For information on creating a replicated object group, see
- synchronous data propagation
Replicated transactions can now be synchronously propagated from one master site to one or more other master sites, or from a snapshot site to its associated master site. Changes from a master site continue to be propagated to its associated snapshot sites asynchronously, as the result of a refresh. For more information on choosing a propagation mode, see
User-defined routines similar to conflict resolution routines can now be used to initiate logging of conflict information in data dictionary views or to initiate events such as email to the DBA, see
Offline instantiation of a master site allows you to create a new master site while limiting the time required for other sites in your replicated system to be quiesced. It is primarily useful for those sites with very large databases where the time required to transfer the data through network links to the new site would be prohibitive, see
Offline instantiation of a snapshot site is primarily useful for those sites with very large databases (and, thus, a very large amount of snapshot data) where the time required to transfer the data through network links to the new site would be prohibitive.
Connection qualifiers provide a way to have several database links of the same type (for example, public) that point to the same remote database, yet establish those connections using different communications pathways (for example, an ethernet link or a modem link), .see