Oracle7 Server Concepts
Data Concurrency in a Multi-user Environment
In a single-user database, the user can modify data in the database without concern for other users modifying the same data at the same time. However, in a multi-user database, the statements within multiple simultaneous transactions can update the same data. Transactions executing at the same time need to produce meaningful and consistent results. Therefore, control of data concurrency and data consistency is vital in a multi-user database. These concepts are defined here:
To describe consistent transaction behavior when transactions execute at the same time, database researchers have defined a transaction isolation model called serializability. The serializable mode of transaction behavior tries to ensure that transactions execute in such a way that they appear to be executed one at a time, or serially, rather than concurrently.
While this degree of isolation between transactions is generally desirable, running many applications in this mode can seriously compromise the application throughput. Complete isolation of concurrently running transactions could mean that one transaction could not do an insert into a table that was being queried by another. In short, real world considerations usually make it necessary to choose a compromise between perfect transaction isolation and performance.
Oracle offers two isolation levels, providing application developers with operational modes that preserve consistency and provide high performance.
General Concurrency Issues
The ANSI/ISO SQL standard (SQL92) defines several levels of transaction isolation with differing degrees of impact on transaction processing throughput. These isolation levels are defined in terms of phenomena that must be prevented between concurrently executing transactions.
Preventable Phenomena
The SQL standard defines three phenomena and four levels of isolation that provide protection against the phenomena. The three preventable phenomena are defined as:
Isolation Levels
The SQL standard defines four levels of isolation in terms of the phenomena a transaction running at a particular isolation level is permitted to experience.
Isolation Level
| Dirty Read
| Non-Repeatable Read
| Phantom Read
| Possible
| Possible
| Possible
Read committed
| Not possible
| Possible
| Possible
Repeatable read
| Not possible
| Not possible
| Possible
| Not possible
| Not possible
| Not possible
Oracle offers the read committed and serializable isolation levels. Read committed is the default and was the only automatic isolation level provided before Release 7.3.
Locking Mechanisms
In general, multi-user databases use some form of data locking to solve the problems associated with data concurrency, integrity, and consistency. Locks are mechanisms used to prevent destructive interaction between users accessing the same resource.
Resources include two general types of objects:
- user objects, such as tables and rows (structures and data)
- system objects not visible to users, such as shared data structures in the memory and data dictionary rows
Restrictiveness of Locks
In general, you can use two levels of locking in a multi-user database:
A deadlock is a situation that can occur in multi-user systems that prevents some transactions from continuing work. A deadlock can occur when two or more users are waiting for data locked by each other. Figure 10 - 1 illustrates two transactions in a deadlock.

Figure 10 - 1. Two Transactions in a Deadlock
In Figure 10 - 1, no problem exists at time point A, as each transaction has a row lock on the row it attempts to update. Each transaction proceeds (without being terminated). However, each tries to update the row currently held by the other transaction. Therefore, a deadlock results at time point B, because neither transaction can obtain the resource it needs to proceed or terminate. It is a deadlock because no matter how long each transaction waits, the conflicting locks are held.
Lock Escalation
Lock escalation occurs when numerous locks are held at one level and the database automatically changes the locks to different locks at a higher level. For example, if a single user locks many rows in a table, the database might automatically escalate the user's row locks to a single table lock. With this plan, the number of locks has been reduced, but the restrictiveness of what is being locked has increased.
Lock escalation greatly increases the likelihood of deadlocks. For example, imagine the situation where the system is trying to escalate locks on behalf of transaction T1 but cannot because of the locks held by transaction T2. A deadlock is created if transaction T2 also requires lock escalation before it can proceed, since the escalator is devoted to T1.
Note: Oracle never escalates locks.