PL/SQL User's Guide and Reference

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Useful Techniques

In this section, you learn two useful techniques: how to continue after an exception is raised and how to retry a transaction.

Continuing after an Exception Is Raised

An exception handler lets you recover from an otherwise "fatal" error before exiting a block. But, when the handler completes, the block terminates. You cannot return to the current block from an exception handler. In the following example, if the SELECT INTO statement raises ZERO_DIVIDE, you cannot resume with the INSERT statement:

   pe_ratio NUMBER(3,1);
   DELETE FROM stats WHERE symbol = 'XYZ';
   SELECT price / NVL(earnings, 0) INTO pe_ratio FROM stocks
      WHERE symbol = 'XYZ';
   INSERT INTO stats (symbol, ratio) VALUES ('XYZ', pe_ratio);

Though PL/SQL does not support continuable exceptions, you can still handle an exception for a statement, then continue with the next statement. Simply place the statement in its own sub-block with its own exception handlers. If an error occurs in the sub-block, a local handler can catch the exception. When the sub-block terminates, the enclosing block continues to execute at the point where the sub-block ends. Consider the following example:

   pe_ratio NUMBER(3,1);
   DELETE FROM stats WHERE symbol = 'XYZ';
   BEGIN  ---------- sub-block begins
      SELECT price / NVL(earnings, 0) INTO pe_ratio FROM stocks
         WHERE symbol = 'XYZ';
         pe_ratio := 0;
   END;  ---------- sub-block ends
   INSERT INTO stats (symbol, ratio) VALUES ('XYZ', pe_ratio);

In this example, if the SELECT INTO statement raises a ZERO_DIVIDE exception, the local handler catches it and sets pe_ratio to zero. Execution of the handler is complete, so the sub-block terminates, and execution continues with the INSERT statement.

Retrying a Transaction

After an exception is raised, rather than abandon your transaction, you might want to retry it. The technique you use is simple. First, encase the transaction in a sub-block. Then, place the sub-block inside a loop that repeats the transaction.

Before starting the transaction, you mark a savepoint. If the transaction succeeds, you commit, then exit from the loop. If the transaction fails, control transfers to the exception handler, where you roll back to the savepoint undoing any changes, then try to fix the problem.

Consider the example below. When the exception handler completes, the sub-block terminates, control transfers to the LOOP statement in the enclosing block, the sub-block starts executing again, and the transaction is retried. You might want to use a FOR or WHILE loop to limit the number of tries.

   name   CHAR(20);
   ans1   CHAR(3);
   ans2   CHAR(3);
   ans3   CHAR(3);
   suffix NUMBER := 1;
   LOOP  -- could be FOR i IN 1..10 LOOP to allow ten tries
      BEGIN  -- sub-block begins 
         SAVEPOINT start_transaction;  -- mark a savepoint
         /* Remove rows from a table of survey results. */
         DELETE FROM results WHERE answer1 = 'NO';
         /* Add a survey respondent's name and answers. */
         INSERT INTO results VALUES (name, ans1, ans2, ans3);
            -- raises DUP_VAL_ON_INDEX if two respondents
            -- have the same name (because there is a unique
            -- index on the name column)
            ROLLBACK TO start_transaction;  -- undo changes
            suffix := suffix + 1;             -- try to fix
            name := name || TO_CHAR(suffix);  -- problem
      END;  -- sub-block ends

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