These packages run as the invoking user rather than the package owner. The packaged procedures are callable through public synonyms of the same name.
Package | Procedure(Arguments) | SQL Command Equivalent |
DBMS_SESSION | close_database_link( dblink varchar2) | ALTER SESSION CLOSE DATABASE dblink |
reset_package (see note 5) | This procedure reinitializes the state of all packages; there is no SQL equivalent | |
set_label(lbl varchar2) (note 4) | ALTER SESSION SET LABEL text | |
set_mls_label_format( fmt varchar2) (note 4) | ALTER SESSION SET MLS_LABEL_FORMAT = fmt | |
set_nls(param varchar2, value varchar2) (notes 1,4) | ALTER SESSION SET nls_param = nls_param_values | |
set_role(role_cmd varchar2) (notes 1, 6) | SET ROLE ... | |
set_sql_trace(sql_trace boolean) | ALTER SESSION SET SQL_TRACE = [TRUE | FALSE] | |
unique_session_id return varchar2 | This function returns a unique session ID; there is no SQL equivalent. | |
is_role_enabled return boolean | This function is used to determine if a role is enabled; there is no SQL equivalent. | |
set_close_cached_open_cursors( close_cursors boolean) | ALTER SESSION SET CLOSE_CACHED_OPEN_CURSORS | |
free_unused_user_memory | This procedure lets you reclaim unused memory; there is no SQL equivalent. | |
DBMS_DDL | alter_compile(type varchar2, schema varchar2, name varchar2) (notes 1, 2, 3, 4 | ALTER PROCEDURE proc COMPILE |
analyze_object( type varchar2, schema varchar2, name varchar2, method varchar2, estimate_rows number default null, estimate_percent number default null) | ANALYZE INDEX | |
commit (notes 1,2,4) | COMMIT | |
commit_comment(cmnt varchar2) (notes 1,2,4) | COMMIT COMMENT text | |
commit_force(xid varchar2, scn varchar2 default null) (notes 1,2,3,4) | COMMIT FORCE text ... | |
read_only (notes 1,3,4) | SET TRANSACTION READ ONLY | |
read_write (notes 1,3,4) | SET TRANSACTION READ WRITE | |
rollback (notes 1,2,4) | ROLLBACK | |
rollback_force(xid varchar2) (notes 1,2,3,4) | ROLLBACK ... FORCE text ... | |
rollback_savepoint( svpt varchar2) (notes 1,2,4) | ROLLBACK ... TO SAVEPOINT ... | |
savepoint(savept varchar2) (notes 1,2,4) | SAVEPOINT savepoint | |
use_rollback_segment( rb_name varchar2) (notes 1,2,4) | SET TRANSACTION USE ROLLBACK SEGMENT segment | |
purge_mixed(xid in number) | See Oracle7 Server Distributed Systems, Volume I for more information | |
begin_discrete_transaction (notes 1,3,4,5) | See the Oracle7 Server Tuning manual for more information | |
local_transaction_id( create_transaction BOOLEAN default FALSE) return VARCHAR2 | See Oracle7 Server Distributed Systems, Volume I for more information | |
step_id return number | See Oracle7 Server Distributed Systems, Volume I for more information | |
DBMS_UTILITY | compile_schema(schema varchar2) (notes 1,2,3,4) | This procedure is equivalent to calling alter_compile on all procedures, functions, and packages accessible by you. Compilation is completed in dependency order. |
analyze_schema( schema varchar2, method varchar2, estimate_rows number default null, estimate_percent number default null) | This procedure is equivalent to calling analyze_object on all objects in the given schema. | |
format_error_stack return varchar2 | This function formats the error stack into a variable. | |
format_call_stack return varchar2 | This function formats the current call stack into a variable. | |
is_parallel_server return boolean | This function returns TRUE when running in Parallel Server mode. | |
get_time return number | This function returns the time in hundredths of a second. | |
name_resolve( name in varchar2, context in number, schema out varchar2, part1 out varchar2, part2 out varchar2, dblink out varchar2, part1_type out number, object_number out number) | See Oracle7 Server Distributed Systems, Volume I for more information | |
For more details on each SQL command equivalent, refer to the Oracle7 Server SQL Reference manual. The COMMIT, ROLLBACK, ROLLBACK... TO SAVEPOINT, and SAVEPOINT procedures are directly supported by PL/SQL; they are included in the package for completeness.
Package Name | Description | Cross-reference |
DBMS_ALERT | Supports asynchronous notification of database events. | Chapter 12 |
DBMS_DESCRIBE | Lets you describe the arguments of a stored procedure. | ![]() |
DBMS_JOB | Lets you schedule administrative procedures that you want performed at periodic intervals. | Oracle7 Server Administrator's Guide |
DBMS_LOCK | Lets you use the Oracle Lock Management services for your applications. | ![]() |
DBMS_OUTPUT | Lets you output messages from triggers, procedures, and packages. | ![]() |
DBMS_PIPE | Allows sessions in the same instance to communicate with each other. | Chapter 8 |
DBMS_SHARED_POOL | Lets you keep objects in shared memory, so that they will not be aged out with the normal LRU mechanism. | Oracle7 Server Tuning |
DBMS_APPLICATION_ INFO | Lets you register an application name with the database for auditing or performance tracking purposes. | Oracle7 Server Tuning |
DBMS_SYSTEM | Provides system-level utilities, such as letting you enable SQL trace for a session. | Oracle7 Server Tuning |
DBMS_SPACE | Provides segment space information not available through standard views. | Oracle7 Server Administrator's Guide |
DBMS_SQL | Lets you write stored procedures and anonymous PL/SQL blocks using dynamic SQL; lets you parse any DML or DDL statement. | Chapter 10 |
DBMS_REFRESH | Lets you create groups of snapshots that can be refreshed together to a transactionally consistent point in time. Use of this feature requires the distributed option. | Oracle7 Server Distributed Systems, Volume II |
DBMS_SNAPSHOT | Lets you refresh one or more snapshots that are not part of the same refresh group, purge snapshot log. Use of this feature requires the distributed option. | Oracle7 Server Distributed Systems, Volume II |
DBMS_DEFER, DMBS_DEFER_SYS, DBMS_DEFER_QUERY | Lets you build and administer deferred remote procedure calls. Use of this feature requires the replication option. | Oracle7 Server Distributed Systems, Volume II |
DBMS_REPCAT | Lets you use Oracle's symmetric replication facility. Use of this feature requires the replication option. | Oracle7 Server Distributed Systems, Volume II |
DBMS_REPCAT_AUTH, DBMS_REPCAT_ADMIN | Lets you create users with the privileges needed by the symmetric replication facility. Use of this feature requires the replication option. | Oracle7 Server Distributed Systems, Volume II |