Oracle7 Server Application Developer's Guide

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A package is a group of PL/SQL types, objects, and stored procedures and functions. The specification part of a package declares the public types, variables, constants, and subprograms that are visible outside the immediate scope of the package. The body of a package defines the objects declared in the specification, as well as private objects that are not visible to applications outside the package.

The following example shows a package specification for a package named EMPLOYEE_MANAGEMENT. The package contains one stored function and two stored procedures.

CREATE PACKAGE employee_management AS
   FUNCTION hire_emp (name VARCHAR2, job VARCHAR2,
      mgr NUMBER, hiredate DATE, sal NUMBER, comm NUMBER,
   PROCEDURE fire_emp (emp_id NUMBER);
   PROCEDURE sal_raise (emp_id NUMBER, sal_incr NUMBER);
END employee_management;

The body for this package defines the function and the procedures:

CREATE PACKAGE BODY employee_management AS
   FUNCTION hire_emp (name VARCHAR2, job VARCHAR2,
      mgr NUMBER, hiredate DATE, sal NUMBER, comm NUMBER,

-- The function accepts all arguments for the fields in
-- the employee table except for the employee number.
-- A value for this field is supplied by a sequence.
-- The function returns the sequence number generated
-- by the call to this function.

       new_empno    NUMBER(10);

      SELECT emp_sequence.NEXTVAL INTO new_empno FROM dual;
      INSERT INTO emp VALUES (new_empno, name, job, mgr,
         hiredate, sal, comm, deptno);
      RETURN (new_empno);
   END hire_emp;

   PROCEDURE fire_emp(emp_id IN NUMBER) AS

-- The procedure deletes the employee with an employee
-- number that corresponds to the argument EMP_ID.  If
-- no employee is found, an exception is raised.

      DELETE FROM emp WHERE empno = emp_id;
      raise_application_error(-20011, 'Invalid Employee
         Number: ' || TO_CHAR(emp_id));
   END IF;
END fire_emp;

PROCEDURE sal_raise (emp_id IN NUMBER, sal_incr IN NUMBER) AS

-- The procedure accepts two arguments.  EMP_ID is a
-- number that corresponds to an employee number.
-- SAL_INCR is the amount by which to increase the
-- employee's salary.

-- If employee exists, update salary with increase.
      UPDATE emp
         SET sal = sal + sal_incr
         WHERE empno = emp_id;
         raise_application_error(-20011, 'Invalid Employee
            Number: ' || TO_CHAR(emp_id));
      END IF;
   END sal_raise;
END employee_management;

Note: If you want to try this example, first create the sequence number EMP_SEQUENCE. You can do this using the following SQL*Plus statement:


Creating Packages

Each part of a package is created with a different command. Create the package specification using the CREATE PACKAGE command. The CREATE PACKAGE command declares public package objects.

To create a package body, use the CREATE PACKAGE BODY command. The CREATE PACKAGE BODY command defines the procedural code of the public procedures and functions declared in the package specification. (You can also define private (or local) package procedures, functions, and variables within the package body. See ``Local Objects'' [*].


It is often more convenient to add the OR REPLACE clause in the CREATE PACKAGE or CREATE PACKAGE BODY commands when you are first developing your application. The effect of this option is to drop the package or the package body without warning. The CREATE commands would then be




Privileges Required to Create Packages

The privileges required to create a package specification or package body are the same as those required to create a stand-alone procedure or function; see [*].

Creating Packaged Objects

The body of a package can contain

Procedures, functions, cursors, and variables that are declared in the package specification are global. They can be called, or used, by external users that have execute permission for the package, or that have EXECUTE ANY PROCEDURE privileges.

When you create the package body, make sure that each procedure that you define in the body has the same parameters, by name, datatype, and mode, as the declaration in the package specification. For functions in the package body, the parameters as well as the return type must agree in name and type.

Local Objects

You can define local variables, procedures, and functions in a package body. These objects can only be accessed by other procedures and functions in the body of the same package. They are not visible to external users, regardless of the privileges they hold.

Naming Packages and Package Objects

The names of a package and all public objects in the package must be unique within a given schema. The package specification and its body must have the same name. All package constructs must have unique names within the scope of the package, unless overloading of procedure names is desired.

Dropping Packages and Procedures

A standalone procedure, a standalone function, a package body, or an entire package can be dropped using the SQL commands DROP PROCEDURE, DROP FUNCTION, DROP PACKAGE BODY, and DROP PACKAGE, respectively. A DROP PACKAGE statement drops both a package's specification and body.

The following statement drops the OLD_SAL_RAISE procedure in your schema:

DROP PROCEDURE old_sal_raise;

Privileges Required to Drop Procedures and Packages

To drop a procedure or package, the procedure or package must be in your schema or you must have the DROP ANY PROCEDURE privilege. An individual procedure within a package cannot be dropped; the containing package specification and body must be re-created without the procedures to be dropped.

Package Invalidations and Session State

Each session that references a package object has its own instance of the corresponding package, including persistent state for any public and private variables, cursors, and constants. If any of the session's instantiated packages (specification or body) are subsequently invalidated and recompiled, all other dependent package instantiations (including state) for the session are lost.

For example, assume that session S instantiates packages P1 and P2, and that a procedure in package P1 calls a procedure in package P2. If P1 is invalidated and recompiled (for example, as the result of a DDL operation), the session S instantiations of both P1 and P2 are lost. In such situations, a session receives the following error the first time it attempts to use any object of an invalidated package instantiation:

ORA-04068: existing state of packages has been discarded

The second time a session makes such a package call, the package is reinstantiated for the session without error.

Note: Oracle has been optimized to not return this message to the session calling the package that it invalidated. Thus, in the example above, session S would receive this message the first time it called package P2, but would not receive it when calling P1.

In most production environments, DDL operations that can cause invalidations are usually performed during inactive working hours; therefore, this situation might not be a problem for end-user applications. However, if package specification or body invalidations are common in your system during working hours, you might want to code your applications to detect for this error when package calls are made. For example, the user-side application might reinitialize any user-side state that depends on any session's package state (that was lost) and reissue the package call.

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