Oracle7 Server Messages

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00000-00100: Export Messages

EXP-00000 export terminated unsuccessfully

Cause:Export encountered an Oracle error.
Action:Look up the accompanying Oracle message in the ORA message chapters of this manual, and take appropriate action.
EXP-00001 data field truncation - column length=num, buffer size=num fetched=num

Cause:Export could not fit a column in the data buffer.
Action:Record the given size parameters and the accompanying messages and report this as an Export internal error to customer support. (Part of the table has been exported. Export will continue with the next table.)
EXP-00002 error in writing to export file

Cause:Export could not write to the export file, probably because of a device error. This message is usually followed by a device message from the operating system.
Action:Take appropriate action to restore the device.
EXP-00003 no storage definition found for segment (name, num)

Cause:Export could not find the storage definitions for a cluster, index, or table.
Action:Record the accompanying messages and report this as an Export internal error to customer support.
EXP-00004 invalid username or password

Cause:An invalid username or password was specified.
Action:Retry with a valid username and password.
EXP-00005 all allowable logon attempts failed

Cause:Attempts were repeatedly made to log on with an invalid username or password.
Action:Shut down the utility, then restart and retry with a valid username and password.
EXP-00006 internal inconsistency error

Cause:Export's data structure was corrupted.
Action:Record the accompanying messages and report this as an Export internal error to customer support.
EXP-00007 dictionary shows no columns for

Cause:Export failed to gather column information from the data dictionary. The table may have been dropped.
Action:Retry the export and, if this error recurs, report it as an Export internal error to customer support.
EXP-00008 Oracle error num encountered

Cause:Export encountered the referenced Oracle error.
Action:Look up the Oracle message in the ORA message chapters of this manual and take appropriate action.
EXP-00009 no privilege to export name's table name

Cause:An attempt was made to export another user's table. Only a database administrator can export another user's tables.
Action:Ask your database administrator to do the export.
EXP-00010 name is not a valid username

Cause:An invalid username was specified.
Action:Shut down the utility, then restart and retry with a valid username.
EXP-00011 does not exist

Cause:Export could not find the specified table.
Action:Retry with the correct table name.
EXP-00012 num is not a valid export mode

Cause:An invalid export mode was specified.
Action:Retry with a valid export mode.
EXP-00013 respond with either "Y", "N", RETURN or "." to quit

Cause:An invalid response was entered.
Action:Enter any of the responses shown in the message.
EXP-00014 error on row num of table name

Cause:Export encountered an Oracle error while fetching rows.
Action:Look up the accompanying Oracle message in the ORA message chapters of this manual and take appropriate action.
EXP-00015 error on row num of table name, column name, datatype num

Cause:Export encountered an error while fetching or writing the column. An accompanying message gives more information.
Action:Correct the error and try again.
EXP-00016 Oracle error encountered while reading default auditing options

Cause:Export encountered an Oracle error while reading the default auditing options (those for updates, deletes, and so on).
Action:Look up the accompanying Oracle message in the ORA message chapters of this manual and take appropriate action.
EXP-00018 datatype (num) for column name, table is not supported

Cause:Export does not support the referenced datatype.
Action:Retry with an acceptable datatype (CHAR, NUMBER, DATE, LONG, or RAW).
EXP-00019 failed to process parameters, type "EXP HELP=Y" for help

Cause:Invalid command-line parameters were specified.
Action:Check the online help screen for the set of valid parameters, then retry.
EXP-00020 failed to allocate memory of size num

Cause:Export failed to allocate the necessary memory.
Action:Decrease the export buffer size so that less memory is required, or increase the runtime memory size for Export.
EXP-00021 can only perform incremental export in Full Database mode

Cause:USER or TABLE mode was specified when doing an incremental export.
Action:Specify FULL database mode (FULL=Y) and retry.
EXP-00022 must be SYS or SYSTEM to do incremental export

Cause:The privileges needed to do an incremental export do not exist. Only users SYS and SYSTEM can do incremental exports.
Action:Ask the database administrator to do the incremental export.
EXP-00023 must be a DBA to do Full Database export

Cause:The privileges needed to do a FULL database export do not exist. Only a database administrator can do a FULL database export.
Action:Ask the database administrator to do the FULL database export.
EXP-00024 export views not installed, please notify your DBA

Cause:The necessary Export views were not installed.
Action:Ask the database administrator to install the required Export views.
EXP-00025 dictionary shows no column for constraint name.num

Cause:Export failed to gather column information about the referenced constraint from the data dictionary. The constraint may have been altered.
Action:Retry the export and, if this error recurs, report it as an Export internal error to customer support.
EXP-00026 only one parameter (TABLES, OWNER, or FULL) can be specified

Cause:Conflicting export modes were specified.
Action:Specify only one parameter and retry.
EXP-00027 failed to calculate Oracle block size

Cause:Export failed to calculate the Oracle block size.
Action:Report this as an Export internal error to customer support.
EXP-00028 failed to open name for write

Cause:Export failed to open the export file for writing. This message is usually followed by device messages from the operating system.
Action:Take appropriate action to restore the device.
EXP-00029 incremental export mode and consistent mode are not compatible

Cause:Both consistent and incremental exports were specified.
Action:None. Consistent mode is turned off.
EXP-00030 unexpected End-Of-File encountered while reading input

Cause:Encountered an End-Of-File while reading the user input.
Action:If input to export is being redirected, check the file for errors.
EXP-00031 arraysize not in valid range. Using arraysize=num

Cause:The arraysize value specified is not in the valid range.
EXP-00032 non-DBAs may not export other users

Cause:Only database administrators can export to other users. A non-database administrator attempted to specify owner=user where exporter is not the user.
Action:Request that this operation be performed by the database administrator.
EXP-00033 could not find environment character set

Cause:The environment character set is missing or incorrectly specified.
Action:Ensure that the environment character set is correctly specified and is present.
EXP-00034 error on rowid: file# num block# num slot# num

Cause:Identifies the rowid on which an error occurred.
Action:This is an information message. No action is required.
EXP-00035 cannot specify Rows=N and Compress=Y

Cause:Compress applies only to rows of data, so to request compress you must also request rows.
Action:Remove the compress parameter or specify Rows=Y.
EXP-00037 Export views not compatible with database version

Cause:The Export utility is at a higher version than the database version and is thereby incompatible.
Action:Use the same version of Export utility as the database.

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