Oracle7 Server Application Developer's Guide

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Output from Stored Procedures and Triggers

Oracle provides a public package, DBMS_OUTPUT, which you can use to send messages from stored procedures, packages, and triggers. The PUT and PUT_LINE procedures in this package allow you to place information in a buffer that can be read by another trigger, procedure, or package.

Server Manager or SQL*Plus can also display messages buffered by the DBMS_OUTPUT procedures. To do this, you must issue the command SET SERVEROUTPUT ON in Server Manager or SQL*Plus.

In a separate PL/SQL procedure or anonymous block, you can display the buffered information by calling the GET_LINE procedure. If you do not call GET_LINE, or do not display the messages on your screen in SQL*Plus or Server Manager, the buffered messages are ignored. The DBMS_OUTPUT package is especially useful for displaying PL/SQL debugging information.

Note: Messages sent using the DBMS_OUTPUT are not actually sent until the sending subprogram or trigger completes. There is no mechanism to flush output during the execution of a procedure.


Table 8 - 10 shows the procedures that are callable from the DBMS_OUTPUT package:

Function/Procedure Description Refer to
ENABLE enable message output [*]
DISABLE disable message output [*]
PUT_LINE place a line in the buffer [*]
PUT place partial line in buffer [*]
NEW_LINE terminate a line created with PUT [*]
GET_LINE retrieve one line of information from buffer [*]
GET_LINES retrieve array of lines from buffer [*]
Table 8 - 10. DBMS_OUTPUT Package Functions and Procedures

Creating the DBMS_OUTPUT Package

To create the DBMS_OUTPUT package, submit the DBMSOTPT.SQL and PRVTOTPT.PLB scripts when connected as the user SYS. These scripts are run automatically by the CATPROC.SQL script. See [*] for information on granting the necessary privileges to users who will be executing this package.


The DBMS_OUTPUT package routines raise the application error -20000, and the output procedures can return the following errors:

ORU-10027: buffer overflow
ORU-10028: line length overflow

ENABLE Procedure

This procedure enables calls to PUT, PUT_LINE, NEW_LINE, GET_LINE, and GET_LINES. Calls to these procedures are ignored if the DBMS_OUTPUT package is not enabled. It is not necessary to call this procedure when you use the SERVEROUTPUT option of Server Manager or SQL*Plus.

You must specify the amount of information, in bytes, to buffer. Items are stored in the DBMS_OUTPUT package. If the buffer size is exceeded, you receive the following error message:

ORA-20000, ORU-10027: buffer overflow, limit of <buffer_limit> bytes.

Multiple calls to ENABLE are allowed. If there are multiple calls to ENABLE, BUFFER_SIZE is the largest of the values specified. The maximum size is 1000000 and the minimum is 2000.


The syntax for the ENABLE procedure is


DISABLE Procedure

The DISABLE procedure disables calls to PUT, PUT_LINE, NEW_LINE, GET_LINE, and GET_LINES, and purges the buffer of any remaining information. As with ENABLE, you do not need to call this procedure if you are using the SERVEROUTPUT option of Server Manager or SQL*Plus.


The syntax for the DISABLE procedure is shown below.


PUT and PUT_LINE Procedures

You can either place an entire line of information into the buffer by calling PUT_LINE, or you can build a line of information piece by piece by making multiple calls to PUT. Both of these procedures are overloaded to accept items of type VARCHAR2, NUMBER, or DATE to place in the buffer.

All items are converted to VARCHAR2 as they are retrieved. If you pass an item of type NUMBER or DATE, when that item is retrieved, it is formatted with TO_CHAR using the default format. If you want to use a different format, you should pass in the item as VARCHAR2 and format it explicitly.

When you call PUT_LINE, the item that you specify is automatically followed by an end-of-line marker. If you make calls to PUT to build a line, you must add your own end-of-line marker by calling NEW_LINE. GET_LINE and GET_LINES do not return lines that have not been terminated with a newline character.

If your line exceeds the buffer limit, you receive an error message.

Attention: Output that you create using PUT or PUT_LINE is buffered in the SGA. The output cannot be retrieved until the PL/SQL program unit from which it was buffered returns to its caller. So, for example, Server Manager or SQL*Plus do not display DBMS_OUTPUT messages until the PL/SQL program completes. In this release, there is no mechanism for flushing the DBMS_OUTPUT buffers within the PL/SQL program.


The PUT and PUT_LINE procedure are overloaded; they can take an IN parameter of either NUMBER, VARCHAR2, or DATE. The syntax for the PUT and PUT_LINE, and the NEW_LINE procedures is


GET_LINE and GET_LINES Procedures

You can choose to retrieve a single line from the buffer, or an array of lines. Call the GET_LINE procedure to retrieve a single line of buffered information. To reduce the number of calls to the server, call the GET_LINES procedure to retrieve an array of lines from the buffer. You can choose to automatically display this information if you are using Server Manager or SQL*Plus by using the special SET SERVEROUTPUT ON command.

After calling GET_LINE or GET_LINES, any lines not retrieved before the next call to PUT, PUT_LINE, or NEW_LINE are discarded to avoid confusing them with the next message.


The parameters for the GET_LINE procedure are described in Table 8 - 11. The syntax for this procedure is shown below.

                     status OUT INTEGER);

Parameter Description
line Returns a single line of buffered information, excluding a final newline character. The maximum length of this parameter is 255 bytes.
status If the call completes successfully, the status returns as 0. If there are no more lines in the buffer, the status is 1.
Table 8 - 11. DBMS_OUTPUT.GET_LINE Procedure Parameters

The parameters for the GET_LINES procedure are described in Table 8 - 12. The syntax for this procedure is

                      numlines IN OUT  INTEGER);

where CHARARR is a table of VARCHAR2(255), defined as a type in the DBMS_OUTPUT package specification.

Parameter Description
lines Returns an array of lines of buffered information. The maximum length of each line in the array is 255 bytes.
numlines Specify the number of lines you want to retrieve from the buffer. After retrieving the specified number of lines, the procedure returns the number of lines actually retrieved. If this number is less than the number of lines requested, there are no more lines in the buffer.
Table 8 - 12. DBMS_OUTPUT.GET_LINE Procedure Parameters

Examples Using the DBMS_OUTPUT Package

The DBMS_OUTPUT package is commonly used to debug stored procedures and triggers, as shown in example 1. This package can also be used to allow a user to retrieve information about an object and format this output, as shown in example 2.

Example 1

An example of a function that queries the employee table and returns the total salary for a specified department follows. The function includes several calls to the PUT_LINE procedure:

   CURSOR emp_cursor IS
      SELECT sal, comm FROM emp WHERE deptno = dnum;
   total_wages    NUMBER(11, 2) := 0;
   counter        NUMBER(10) := 1;
   FOR emp_record IN emp_cursor LOOP
      emp_record.comm := NVL(emp_record.comm, 0);
      total_wages := total_wages + emp_record.sal
         + emp_record.comm;
      DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Loop number = ' || counter || 
         '; Wages = '|| TO_CHAR(total_wages));  /* Debug line */
      counter := counter + 1; /* Increment debug counter */
   /* Debug line */
   DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Total wages = ' ||
   RETURN total_wages;
END dept_salary;

Assume the EMP table contains the following rows:

EMPNO          SAL     COMM     DEPT
-----        ------- -------- -------
1002           1500      500      20
1203           1000               30
1289           1000               10
1347           1000      250      20

Assume you execute the following statements in the Server Manager SQL Worksheet input pane:

EXECUTE :salary := dept_salary(20);

You would then see the following information displayed in the output pane:

Loop number = 1; Wages = 2000
Loop number = 2; Wages = 3250
Total wages = 3250

PL/SQL procedure successfully executed.

Example 2

This example assumes that the user has used the EXPLAIN PLAN command to retrieve information about the execution plan for a statement and store it in PLAN_TABLE, and that the user has assigned a statement ID to this statement. The example EXPLAIN_OUT procedure retrieves the information from this table and formats the output in a nested manner that more closely depicts the order of steps undergone in processing the SQL statement.

/* Create EXPLAIN_OUT procedure. User must pass STATEMENT_ID to */
/* to procedure, to uniquely identify statement.                */
   (statement_id IN VARCHAR2) AS 

   -- Retrieve information from PLAN_TABLE into cursor
   CURSOR explain_rows IS 
      SELECT level, id, position, operation, options,
      FROM plan_table 
      WHERE statement_id = explain_out.statement_id 
      CONNECT BY PRIOR id = parent_id 
         AND statement_id = explain_out.statement_id 
      START WITH id = 0
       ORDER BY id; 
   -- Loop through information retrieved from PLAN_TABLE 
   FOR line IN explain_rows LOOP 

      -- At start of output, include heading with estimated cost.
      IF = 0 THEN 
         DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('Plan for statement '
            || statement_id
            || ', estimated cost = ' || line.position); 
      END IF; 

      -- Output formatted information. LEVEL is used to
      -- determine indention level.
      DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE (lpad(' ',2*(line.level-1)) ||
         line.operation || ' ' || line.options || ' ' ||

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