
(PHP 5 CVS only)

yaz_set_option -- Sets one or more options for connection


string yaz_set_option ( resource id, string name, string value)

Sets option name to value.

Table 1. PYP/YAZ Connection Options

implementationNameimplementation name of target
implementationVersionimplementation version of target
implementationIdimplementation ID of target
schemaschema for retrieval. By default, no schema is used. Setting this option is equivalent to using function yaz_schema()
preferredRecordSyntaxrecord syntax for retrieval. By default, no syntax is used. Setting this option is equivalent to using function yaz_syntax()
startoffset for first record to be retrieved via yaz_search() or yaz_present(). Records are numbered from zero and upwards. Setting this option in combination with option count has the same effect as calling yaz_range() except that records are numbered from 1 in yaz_range()
countmaximum number of records to be retrieved via yaz_search() or yaz_present().
elementSetNameelement-set-name for retrieval. Setting this option is equivalent to calling yaz_element().