
(PHP 4 )

get_parent_class -- Retrieves the parent class name for object or class


string get_parent_class ( mixed obj)

If obj is an object, returns the name of the parent class of the class of which obj is an instance.

If obj is a string, returns the name of the parent class of the class with that name. This functionality was added in PHP 4.0.5.

Example 1. Using get_parent_class()


class dad {
    function dad() {
    // implements some logic

class child extends dad {
    function child() {
        echo "I'm " , get_parent_class($this) , "'s son\n";

class child2 extends dad {
    function child2() {
        echo "I'm " , get_parent_class('child2') , "'s son too\n";

$foo = new child();
$bar = new child2();


The output is:

I'm dad's son
I'm dad's son too

See also get_class() and is_subclass_of().