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List Tags

List tags allow you to display information in any of the following ways:

Note: All the hypertext procedures (HTP) shown in this section are also available as hypertext functions (HTF).


Syntax htp.listHeader (ctext, cattributes);
Purpose Prints an HTML tag at the beginning of the list
Parameters ctext in varchar2
cattributes in varchar2 DEFAULT NULL
Generates <LH cattributes>ctext</LH>


Syntax htp.listItem (ctext, cclear, cdingbat, csrc, cattributes);
Purpose Prints an HTML tag that formats a listed item.
Parameters ctext in varchar2 DEFAULT NULL
cclear in varchar2 DEFAULT NULL
cdingbat in varchar2 DEFAULT NULL
csrc in varchar2 DEFAULT NULL
cattributes in varchar2 DEFAULT NULL
Generates <LI CLEAR="cclear" DINGBAT="cdingbat" SRC="csrc" cattributes>ctext


Syntax htp.ulistOpen (cclear, cwrap, cdingbat, csrc, cattributes);
Purpose Prints an HTML tag that is used to open an unordered list that presents listed items separated by white space and marked off by bullets.
Parameters cclear in varchar2 DEFAULT NULL
cwrap in varchar2 DEFAULT NULL
cdingbat in varchar2 DEFAULT NULL
csrc in varchar2 DEFAULT NULL
cattributes in varchar2 DEFAULT NULL
Generates <UL CLEAR="cclear" WRAP="cwrap" DINGBAT="cdingbat" SRC="csrc" cattributes>


Syntax htp.ulistClose;
Purpose Prints an HTML tag that ends the unordered list.
Parameters none
Generates </UL>


Syntax htp.olistOpen (cclear, cwrap, cattributes);
Purpose Prints an HTML tag that is used to open an ordered list that presents listed items marked off with numbers.
Parameters cclear in varchar2 DEFAULT NULL
cwrap in varchar2 DEFAULT NULL
cattributes in varchar2 DEFAULT NULL
Generates <OL CLEAR="cclear" WRAP="cwrap" cattributes>


Syntax htp.olistClose;
Purpose Prints an HTML tag that ends an ordered list.
Parameters none
Generates </OL>


Syntax htp.dlistOpen (cclear, cattributes);
Purpose Prints an HTML tag that starts a definition list
Parameters cclear in varchar2 DEFAULT NULL
cattributes in varchar2 DEFAULT NULL
Generates <DL CLEAR="cclear" cattributes>


Syntax htp.dlistClose
Purpose Prints an HTML tag that Ends a definition list
Parameters none
Generates </DL>


Syntax htp.dlistDef (ctext, cclear, cattributes);
Purpose Prints an HTML tag that is used to insert terms, and their corresponding definitions in an indented list format. The htp.dlistTerm must immediately follow this tag.
Parameters ctext in varchar2 DEFAULT NULL
clear in varchar2 DEFAULT NULL
cattributes in varchar2 DEFAULT NULL
Generates <DD CLEAR="cclear" cattributes>ctext


Syntax htp.dlistTerm (ctext, cclear, cattributes);
Purpose Prints an HTML tag used to insert the definition term inside the definition list. This tag must immediately follow the htp.dlistDef.
Parameters ctext in varchar2 DEFAULT NULL
cclear in varchar2 DEFAULT NULL
cattributes in varchar2 DEFAULT NULL
Generates <DT CLEAR="cclear" cattributes>ctext


Syntax htp.menulistOpen;
Purpose Prints an HTML tag that begins a list that presents one line per item, and appears more compact than an unordered list. The htp.listItem will follow this tag.
Parameters none
Generates <MENU>


Syntax htp.menulistClose;
Purpose Prints an HTML tag that ends a menu list.
Paramenters none
Generates </MENU>


Syntax htp.dirlistOpen;
Purpose Prints an HTML tag that begins a directory list. This presents information in a list of items that contain up to 20 characters. Items in this list are typically arranged in columns, typically 24 characters wide. The <LI> or htp.listItem must appear directly after you use this tag.
Parameters none
Generates <DIR>


Syntax htp.dirlistClose;
Purpose Prints an HTML tag that closes the directory list tag, htp.dirlistOpen.
Parameters none
Generates </DIR>

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