One of the main goals of the Oracle Web Agent is to eliminate the PL/SQL programmer's need to be intimately familiar with World Wide Web technology. To this end, the Oracle WebServer includes a Developer's Toolkit made up of several PL/SQL packages that minimize the programmer's need to know HTML syntax. Although the programmer is still required to have a working knowledge of HTML, by using the Toolkit he or she will not need to hard code the exact syntax of HTML tags into PL/SQL procedures. For instance, a programmer still needs to realize that an anchor tag is needed, but he or she doesn't need to know the exact sequence of characters needed to generate an anchor.
The Oracle WebServer Developer's Toolkit includes the following PL/SQL Packages:
is functionally equivalent to:
Every hypertext function (HTF) has a corresponding hypertext procedure (HTP). Thus, HTF functions are generally used only when the programmer needs to nest calls, such as:
In this example, 'htf.italic' will generate the following character string:
This string is then passed to the 'htp.header' procedure and the following line will appear in the HTML document being formatted: