Oracle WebServer User's Guide

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Tables in HTML organize data by row and column. Tables can contain a wide range of content, such as headers, lists, paragraphs, or figures. They can include any element or tag in HTML.

Cells can be merged across rows or columns.

Basic Table Tags

This section describes the basic table tags and their meanings.

Table: <TABLE>...</TABLE>

This is the main wrapper for all the other table tags. Other table tags can be ignored if they aren't wrapped inside of the <TABLE></TABLE> tags. By default, tables have no borders. Borders are added if the BORDER attribute is specified. See the next section "Basic Table Attributes".

Table Row: <TR> </TR>

The number of rows in a table is specified by how many <TR> tags are contained within it. <TR> can have both the ALIGN and VALIGN attributes, which if specified become the default alignments for all cells in this row. See the next section, "Basic Table Attributes".

Table Data: <TD> </TD>

This specifies a standard table data cell. Table data cells must only appear within table rows. Each row need not have the same number of cells specified, because short rows will be padded with blank cells on the right. A cell can contain any of the HTML tags normally present in the body of an HTML document. The default alignment of table data is ALIGN=left and VALIGN=middle. These alignments can be overridden by any alignments specified in the containing <TR> tag.

Note: Row alignments are overridden by any attributes assigned to a cell.

By default, lines inside of table cells can be broken up to fit within the overall cell width. Use the NOWRAP attribute described in the section, "Basic Table Attributes," to prevent line breaking for that cell.

Table Header: <TH> </TH>

The table header cells are identical to data cells in all respects, except that header cells are in a bold font and have a default ALIGN=center.

Caption: <CAPTION>... </CAPTION>

This optional tag represents the caption for a table. The <CAPTION> tags should appear inside the <TABLE></TABLE> tags but not inside table rows or cells. The default alignment for the <CAPTION> tag is ALIGN=top but can be explicitly set to ALIGN=bottom. Like table cells, any document body HTML tags can appear in a caption. Captions are always horizontally centered with respect to the table, and they may have their lines broken to fit within the width of the table.

Basic Table Attributes

This section lists the basic table attributes and their meanings.

BORDER: This attribute appears in the Table tag. If present, borders are drawn around all table cells. If absent, there are no borders. By default space is left for borders, so a table has the same width with or without the border attribute.

ALIGN: If the ALIGN attribute appears inside a <CAPTION> </CAPTION> tag, it controls whether the caption appears above or below the table. It can have the values top or bottom. The default attribute is ALIGN=top.

When appearing inside a <TR>, <TH>, or <TD> tag, ALIGN controls whether text inside the table cell(s) is aligned to the left side of the cell, the right side of the cell, or centered within the cell. Values are left, center, and right.

VALIGN: The VALIGN attribute appears inside a <TR>, <TH>, or <TD> tag. This attribute controls whether text inside the table cell(s) is aligned to the top of the cell, the bottom of the cell, or vertically centered within the cell. It can also specify that all the cells in the row should be vertically aligned to the same baseline. Values are top, middle, bottom, and baseline.

NOWRAP: If the NOWRAP attribute appears in any table cell, the lines within this cell cannot be broken to fit the width of the cell. Be cautious in use of this attribute as it can result in excessively wide cells.

COLSPAN: The COLSPAN attribute can appear in any table cell and specifies how many columns of the table a specified cell should span. The default COLSPAN for any cell is 1.

ROWSPAN: The ROWSPAN attribute can appear in any table cell and specifies how many rows of the table this cell should span. The default ROWSPAN for any cell is 1. A span that extends into rows that were not specified with a <TR> tag will be truncated.

COLSPEC: The COLSPEC attribute can be used when needed to exert control over column widths, either by setting explicit widths or by specifying relative widths. Specify the table width explicitly or as a fraction of the current margins.

Example Table

The following is a table using some of the table tags and attributes we have previously discussed:

<CAPTION ALIGN=bottom> Table #1 </CAPTION>
<TR><TD ROWSPAN=2> </TD> <TH COLSPAN=2>Average</TH></TR>
<TR><TD>Males</TD><TD ALIGN=center> 69 </TD>
<TD ALIGN=center>150 </TD></TR>
<TR><TD>Females</TD><TD ALIGN=center> 64 </TD>
<TD ALIGN=center>130 </TD></TR>

The table will look like this:

Height Weight
Males 69 150
Females 64 130
Table #1

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