Oracle WebServer User's Guide

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Getting Started

All HTML tags begin with a < (left angle bracket), and end with a > (right angle bracket). There is usually a beginning tag and an ending tag.

An example is the title tag which surrounds the text that is designated as the document's title:

<TITLE>All the Hockey Greats</TITLE>

Tags are usually paired as follows:

<TITLE> and </TITLE>

The ending tag looks like the beginning tag except that a forward slash precedes the text within the bracket. In this example, the tag <TITLE> tells the Web browser to use a title format, and the </TITLE> tells the browser that the title heading is complete.

A few tags, such as <P>, which is a paragraph delimiter, do not need an end tag, but most do.

HTML is not case sensitive; therefore, the previous tags could look like this:

<title>All the Hockey Greats</title>

The convention used in this document is to capitalize all HTML format tags.

Note: Extra spaces, tabs, or returns that you have added by hand are highly discouraged, and will be lost. HTML only interprets tabs, extra spaces, and returns enclosed by the <PRE> </PRE> tags. See "Preformatted Tag" for more information on this HTML option.

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