Oracle8 Error Messages
Release 8.0.4






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VMM-01000 to VMM-01999: Not So Critical Error Messages

VMM-01000: Failed to create chart.

Cause: A window handle for a chart could not be obtained.

Action: Try freeing up resources, such as closing other windows.

VMM-01001: Collection name not valid.

Cause: The data collection name you have chosen contained invalid characters.

Action: Use only valid characters: A-Z, a-z, 0-9, _, -, and $.

VMM-01002: System failed to allocate a timer.

Cause: A timer from the system could not be obtained.

Action: Try closing other applications which use timers.

VMM-01003: Failed to connect to database.

Cause: A database session could not be opened.

Action: Specify a different username, password, or connect string.

VMM-01004: Failed to connect to Trace database.

Cause: A Trace database session could not be opened.

Action: Check Trace username, password, and connect string.

VMM-01005: No name specified for data collection.

Cause: You failed to specify a name for the data collection file.

Action: Specify a name in the Data Collection Name dialog box when requested.

VMM-01006: Error during initialization for recording.

Cause: One of the initialization steps for recording failed.

Action: Verify the setup of the environment (such as directory structures).

VMM-01007: The chart should not be modified during recording.

Cause: You tried to modify a chart during recording.

Action: Do not modify a chart during recording.

VMM-01008: The window should not be modified during recording.

Cause: You tried to modify a window during recording.

Action: Do not modify a window during recording.

VMM-01009: Please stop recording before closing window.

Cause: You tried to close a window during recording.

Action: Do not close a window during recording.

VMM-01010: Cannot connect to Oracle Parallel Server.

Cause: Cannot run "OPS Select" statement to determine if it is in OPS mode.

Action: Install Parallel Server scripts.



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