To run the profor utility on the sample FORTRAN program, enter:
$ make -f sample1
To execute the sample FORTRAN program, enter:
$ sample1
You can now enter additional employees in the demonstration database.
You can build Pro*FORTRAN programs with For example, to precompile, compile, and link the userprog.pfo program, enter:
$ make -f userprog
Note: If your program depends on non-Oracle libraries, you may have to alter to include them.
The FORMAT precompiler option specifies the format of input lines for FORTRAN. If you specify FORMAT=ANSI, columns 1 to 6 contain an optional sequence number, column 7 indicates comments or continuation lines, paragraph names begin in columns 8 to 11, and statements begin in columns 12 to 72.
If you specify FORMAT=TERMINAL, columns 1 to 6 are dropped, making column 7 the leftmost column.
Pro*FORTRAN user exits are not supported on all platforms. Refer to the Oracle7 Installation Guide for your platform and README.doc file for supported user exits. If Pro*FORTRAN user exits are supported, you can use the makefile to create a Pro*FORTRAN user exit.