p | is a string constant |
m | is a unique fixed-length key used to distinguish each mount point |
/u01 and /u02, or /disk01 and /disk02
Name mount points matching the pattern /qdm, where:
q | is a string denoting that Oracle data is to be stored there |
d | is the value of the db_name initdb_name.ora or configdb_name.ora parameter for the database |
m | is a unique fixed-length key that distinguishes one mount point for a given database from another. |
pm | is a mount point name |
h | is selected from a small set of standard directory names |
u | is the name of the owner of the directory |
Placing all home directories at the same level in the UNIX file system makes it possible to put home directories on different mount points, yet still refer to the collection of login homes with a single pattern. The pattern /*/app/* can be used to refer to all application owner directories on the system.
h | is the login home directory of the Oracle software owner |
v | is the version of the software |
h | is the Oracle software owner's home directory |
d | is the database db_name. |
adhoc | ad hoc SQL scripts for a given database |
arch | archived redo log files |
adump | audit files (Oracle7 audit feature--must clean out periodically) set audit_file_dest in configdb_name.ora to point here) |
bdump | background process trace files |
cdump | core dump files |
create | programs used to create the database |
exp | database export files |
logbook | files recording the status and history of the database |
pfile | instance parameter files |
udump | user SQL trace files |
/pm/q/d/control.ctl | control files |
/pm/q/d/redon.log | redo log files |
/pm/q/d/tn.dbf | data files |
pm | is a mount point |
q | is a string distinguishing Oracle data from all other files |
d | is the db_name of the database |
n | is a fixed-length key for a given file type |
t | is an Oracle tablespace name. |
/pm is the mount point name discussed earlier. The q layer is normally named ORACLE or oradata, satisfying OFA Requirement 10a. Naming the d layer db_name satisfies Requirement 10b. Requirements 10c and 10d are met by including the names for file types and tablespaces directly in the path.
For each Oracle database, create the following special tablespaces, in addition to those needed for application segments:
SYSTEM | data dictionary segments only |
TEMP | temporary segments only |
RBS | rollback segments only |
TOOLS | general-purpose tools only |
USERS | miscellaneous user segments |
Although Oracle7 tablespace names can be thirty characters long, portable UNIX file names are restricted to fourteen characters. Recall that the recommended standard for a data file basename is tn.dbf, where t is a tablespace name and n is a two-digit string. The six-character n.dbf suffix leaves eight characters remaining for t.
Use descriptive names to allow the administrator to easily associate the name of a data file with the tablespace that uses it. For example, the names GLD and GLX might be used for the tablespaces storing General Ledger data and indices, respectively.
Resist the temptation to embed reminders of the word "tablespace" in your tablespace names. Tablespaces are distinguishable as such by their context, and their names do not need to convey information about their type.
In general, standardizing on a single size is recommended. If a single size is used, raw files can be moved from one partition to another safely. The size should be small enough so that a fairly large number can be created, but large enough to be convenient.
For example, a 2 GB drive could be divided into 10 partitions of 200 MB each--a good balance between size and number. Any tablespace using raw devices should stripe them across several drives. If possible, the striping should be done with a logical volume manager.