Oracle7 Server Utilities

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NLS Data Installation Utility


When you order an Oracle distribution set, a default set of NLS objects is included. In future you may receive updates to the data in the form of text files, or you may create your own text-format object files. These files must be converted into binary format and merged into the existing NLS object set. The NLS Data Installation Utility described here will allow you to do this.

Along with the binary object files, a boot file is generated by the NLS Data Installation Utility. This boot file is used by the modules to identify and locate all the NLS objects which it needs to load.

To facilitate boot file distribution and user configuration, three types of boot files are defined:

Installation Boot File This is the boot file which is included as part of the distribution set.
System Boot File This is the boot file which is generated by the NLS Data Installation Utility and which loads the NLS objects. If the user already has an installed installation boot file, its contents can be merged with the new system boot file during object generation.
User Boot File This boot file only contains a subset of the System boot file. For a description on how this file is generated, please refer to the "NLS Configuration Utility" section [*].


The NLS Data Installation Utility is invoked from the command line with the following syntax:

LXINST [ORANLS=pathname] [SYSDIR=pathname] [DESTDIR=pathname] [HELP=[yes | no]]


ORANLS= pathname Specifies where to find the text-format boot and object files and where to store the new binary-format boot and object files. If not specified, the value in the environment variable ORA_NLS (or the equivalent on your operating system will be used. If both are specified, the command line parameter will override the environment variable. If neither is specified, the NLS Data Installation Utility will exit with an error message.
SYSDIR=pathname Specifies where to find the existing system boot file. If not specified, the directory specified in the ORANLS parameter will be used. If no existing system boot file can be found (possibly a first-time installation), the installation boot file which has just been created will be moved or copied to the new system boot file without any changes.
DESTDIR= pathname Specifies where to put the new (merged) system boot file. If not specified, the directory specified in the ORANLS parameter will be used. Any system boot file already existing in this directory will be overwritten.
HELP=[yes | no] If "yes", a help message describing the syntax is printed.

Return Codes

You may receive the following return codes upon executing LXINST:

0 Generation of binary boot and object files and merge of the installation and system boot files successfully completed.
1 Installation has failed, reason of the failure has been indicated by means of an error message.
Note: The actual file names of the boot and object files are strictly imposed by Oracle Server release 7.2. Thus you can only specify the directory path name(s) where boot and object files are read from and written to.


The first step is to create or obtain your new text-format data object files. The distribution includes several example data files that you can use for reference. The next step is to create a text-format system boot file containing references to your new data objects; only those objects referenced in the boot file will be generated. An example system boot file is also included in the distribution. The names to be used for the text-format files are listed in the next section.

Once you have your new text-format files, call LXINST to generate the new binary_ object files. This will generate, in addition to the data object files, both an installation boot file and a system boot file. If you already have an NLS installation, you can set SYSDIR to point to the directory that contains your current data files, and the entries in the system Boot File there will merged into the new system boot file that is generated.

The binary object files will be generated in the directory specified by DESTDIR. If this is not your normal data directory, you must then move the new binary files into that directory. Be careful if DESTDIR is set to your normal data directory, as the current system boot file will be overwritten.

NLS Data Object Files

Read this section if you will be creating your own NLS data objects. It details the formats, contents, and restrictions expected by the NLS Data Installation Utility.

Text-Format Files

NLS data object files are specified in a system-independent, portable text format. In order to accommodate ASCII to EBCDIC conversions, only the following characters are allowed in the data file:

abcdefghiklmnopqrstuvwxyz {|}~ 
<space> character

All other characters, including 8-bit ASCII single-byte characters, multi-byte characters, and control/shift characters, must be specified as octal or hexadecimal escape sequences as defined in the ANSI C standard 6000 for octal numbers, \xhh for hexadecimal numbers). The backslash (\) and double quote (") may be escaped by \\ and \" respectively where necessary.

Some of the data in the object files will be tagged with a specific character set (for example, day/month names); this data should not be subject to ASCII/EBCDIC conversions when transported across hardware platforms (otherwise, a string such as "abc\123" will have its first three characters converted to EBCDIC but the last character will remain as "\123"). In order to ensure this, all of the characters in such strings should be specified in octal format when it is known that a data object file will be moved between platforms. If the file will be generated for only one specific platform, then this restriction is not necessary.

Note that the NLS Data Installation Utility does not convert any characters into octal or hexadecimal format. It is assumed that any characters outside of those listed above will already be in octal or hexadecimal format, and that any backslashes and double quotes are already properly escaped.

It is assumed that the character set used for the data object files will be US7ASCII for ASCII platforms or WE8EBCDIC500 for EBCDIC platforms. This is allowed because NLS data must always include US7ASCII or WE8EBCDIC500.

Object Types

The following object types are currently supported:

Type Name
0 Language
1 Territory
2 Character set
3 Linguistic definition

Object IDs

NLS data objects are uniquely identified by a numeric object ID. The ID may never have a zero or negative value.

In general, you can define new objects as long as you specify the object ID within the range 9000-9999.

Warning: Character set IDs are an exception. When you want to create a new character set, you must report its ID to the Oracle National Language Support Group at Oracle Corporation in order to ensure that the ID is unique; otherwise, its functioning cannot be guaranteed.

Object Names

Only a very restricted set of characters can be used in object names:


Object names can only start with an alphabetic character. Language, territory and character set names cannot contain an underscore character, but linguistic definition names can. There is no case distinction in object names, and the maximum size of an object name is 30 bytes (excluding terminating null).

Data Object File Names

The system-independent object file name is constructed from the generic boot file entry information:



pp NW for the system-independent text files or LX for the system-dependent binary files (files to be loaded by LX)
t 1 digit object type (hex)
dddd 4 digit object ID(hex)
The installation boot file name is pp0BOOT; the system boot file name is pp1BOOT; user boot files are named pp2BOOT, where pp is as stated above. The file extension for all files is D.


Filename Description
NW00001.D Text-format language definition, ID = 1
NW203C2.D Text-format character set definition, ID = 962
NW1BOOT.D Text-format system boot file
1x00001.D Binary language definition, ID = 1
1x30032.D Binary linguistic definition, ID = 50
1x2BOOT.D Binary user boot file

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