Oracle7 Server Utilities
SQL*Loader Basics
SQL*Loader moves data from external files into tables in an Oracle database. It has many features of the DB2 Load Utility from IBM. It also has several other features that add power and flexibility.
SQL*Loader loads data in a variety of formats, performs filtering (selectively loading records based upon the data values), and loads multiple tables simultaneously.
During execution, SQL*Loader produces a detailed log file with statistics about the load. It may also produce a bad file (containing records rejected because of incorrect data) and a discard file (containing records that did not meet the specified selection criteria).
SQL*Loader can:
- load data from multiple datafiles of different file types
- handle fixed-format, delimited-format, and variable-length records
- manipulate data fields with SQL functions before inserting the data into database columns
- support a wide range of datatypes, including DATE, BINARY, PACKED DECIMAL, and ZONED DECIMAL
- load multiple tables during the same run, loading selected rows into each table
- combine multiple physical records into a single logical record
- treat a single physical record as multiple logical records
- generate unique, sequential key values in specified columns
- use your operating system's file or record management system to access datafiles
- load data from disk or tape
- provide thorough error reporting capabilities, so you can easily adjust and load all records
- use high-performance "direct" loads to load data directly into database files without Oracle processing. This feature is discussed in Chapter 8, "SQL*Loader Conventional and Direct Path Loads".