Oracle7 Server Utilities

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Import's Interactive Mode

Starting Import from the command line with no arguments will initiate Import's interactive mode. Note that the interactive mode does not provide prompts for all of Import's functionality. It is provided only for backward compatibility.

You may not see all the prompts in a given Import session because some prompts depend on your responses to other prompts. Some prompts show a default answer; if the default is acceptable, press [RETURN]. To end your input, enter a period (.) followed by [RETURN].

If you have not specified a username/password on the command line, Import first prompts you for this information. Then the following prompts are displayed:

Import's Interactive Mode Prompts

Import file: EXPDAT.DMP >


Specify the name of the export file to be imported. You do not have to be the Oracle user who exported the file. However, you do need to have current access to the file.

Enter insert buffer size (minimum is 4096): 10240 >

Default: 10240

Specify the buffer size for your tables. You may need to increase the buffer size for tables that have LONG columns. The buffer must be at least as large as the longest row.

List contents of import file only (Y/N): N >

Default: N

When specified, allows you to see what is in the export file (for example, a particular table exported to the export file). Equivalent to the command-line parameter SHOW.

If you specify Y, Import will not import the rows but will prompt you whether to display the entire export file or only portions of it. Import can also display the SQL statements contained in the export file in the order they would be executed on import.

Ignore create errors due to object existence (Y/N): N >

Default: N

Import will generate an error if an object to be imported already exists. This prompt allows you to specify how you want the errors to be handled.

If you accept the default (N) Import will issue an error message each time it encounters a table that already exists and will not import that table's data.

Specifying Y has two effects on the import process. If Import encounters non-table objects, it skips that object and does not issue an error message. If Import encounters a pre-existing table, it imports the rows into the table.

For example, you may want to import data into a pre-existing table -- perhaps because you want to use unique storage parameters, or because you have pre-created the table in a cluster. You can do so by specifying Y at this prompt. The rows of data will be imported into the pre-existing table.

Import grants (Y/N): Y >

Default: Y

By default, any grants that were exported will be imported. If the export was done in user mode, only first-level grants (those granted by the owner) are in the export file. If the export was done in full database mode, all grants are in the export file, including lower-level grants (those granted by users given a privilege with the WITH GRANT option). Specifying N will prevent any grants from being imported.

Import table data (Y/N): Y >

Default: Y

By default, Import will import the data rows. However, specifying N, causes Import to execute such SQL statements as CREATE TABLE or CREATE VIEW, but does not insert any data rows. Indexes and grants are created.

Import entire export file (Y/N): Y >

Default: Y

By default, Import will import the entire export file. By specifying N at this prompt, you can choose specific tables for import. If you choose to import specific tables, you will need to specify the tables at the next prompt.

Username: Enter table names. Null list means all tables for user Enter table name or . if done:

If you specified N at the previous prompt, Import will prompt you for a schema name and the tables names you want to import for that schema. Entering a null table list causes all tables in the schema to be imported. Only one schema at a time can be specified in interactive mode.

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