Oracle7 Server Utilities

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Privileges Required to Use Import

Importing Objects into Your Own Schema

The table below lists the privileges required to import objects into your own schema. All of these privileges initially belong to the RESOURCE role.

Object Privileges Privilege Type
clusters CREATE CLUSTER system
And: tablespace quota, or
database links CREATE DATABASE LINK system
CREATE SESSION on remote db system
database triggers CREATE TRIGGER system
indexes CREATE INDEX system
And: tablespace quota, or
integrity constraints ALTER TABLE object
packages CREATE PROCEDURE system
private synonyms CREATE SYNONYM system
sequences CREATE SEQUENCE system
snapshots CREATE SNAPSHOT system
stored functions CREATE PROCEDURE system
stored procedures CREATE PROCEDURE system
table data INSERT TABLE object
table definitions CREATE TABLE system
And: tablespace quota, or
views CREATE VIEW system
And: SELECT on the base table, or object
Table 2 - 1. Privileges Required to Import Objects into Your Own Schema


Importing Grants

To be able to import the privileges that a user has granted to others, the user initiating the import must either own the objects or have object privileges with the WITH GRANT OPTION. The following table shows the required conditions for the authorizations to be valid on the target system:

Grant Conditions
object privileges Object must exist in the user's schema, or user must have the object privileges with the WITH GRANT OPTION.
system privileges User must have system privileges as well as the WITH ADMIN OPTION.
Table 2 - 2. Privileges Required to Import Grants

Importing Objects into Other Schemas

To import objects into another user's schema, you must have the IMP_FULL_DATABASE role enabled.

Importing System Objects

To import system objects from a full database export file, the IMP_FULL_DATABASE role must be enabled. The import parameter FULL specifies that system objects are included in the import.

The system objects are:

Additional Information: To perform a full database import in Trusted Oracle7 Server, your operating system label must be equivalent to DBHIGH. See the Trusted Oracle7 Server Administrator's Guide for more information.

User Privileges

When user definitions are imported into an Oracle database, they are created with the CREATE USER command. So, when importing from export files created by previous versions of Export, users are not granted CREATE SESSION privileges automatically.

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