Oracle7 Server Utilities

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Using Different Versions of Export

This section describes the general behavior and restrictions of running an Export version that is different from the Oracle Server.

Using a Previous Version of Export

In general, any lower version Export utility may be run with a higher version Oracle Server. For example, Export Release 6 can be used with the Oracle7 Server, but note that it creates a Release 6 export file. (This procedure is described in the next section, "Creating Oracle Server Release 6 Export Files from Oracle7".)

Whenever a lower version Export utility runs with a higher version of the Oracle Server, any categories of database objects that did not exist in the lower version are excluded from the export. For example, when running a Release 6 version of Export with the Oracle7 Server, snapshots (which did not exist in Release 6) are excluded from the export. (A complete list of objects excluded in this export is given in the next section.)

Using a Higher Version Export

Attempting to use a higher version of Export with an Oracle Server often produces the following error:

EXP-37: Database export views not compatible with Export utility
EXP-0:  Export terminated unsuccessfully

The error occurs because views that the higher version of Export expects are not present. To avoid this problem, use the version of the Export utility that matches the Oracle Server.

Change in Export File Format

In Release 7.1, the export file format was changed to accommodate stored procedures, functions, and packages that have comments embedded among the creation-statement keywords. As a result, these code objects (and triggers) exported from release 7.1 and beyond cannot be imported into earlier releases, unless a patch is applied that makes earlier versions of Import and Export use the new export file format. All other objects can be imported normally without the patch.

To export from a 7.0.16 database containing code objects with comments between the creation keywords, for example:

CREATE PROCEDURE /* comment */ FOO /* comment */ AS ...

or to export from a 7.0.12 or earlier 7.0 database that contains such code objects, or that contain code objects in which the above creation keywords spanned multiple lines; then the export can be made to succeed either by appropriately re-creating the code objects, or by applying a patch that makes earlier versions of Import and Export use the new export file format.

The following table summarizes the situations and solutions:

Exporting From Objects Affected Situation Solution
7.0.12 procedures, functions, packages, package bodies If the creation keywords for these objects are defined on multiple lines, or if they have comments embedded among the creation keywords, Export fails with a memory violation. Apply the patch or change the definitions so that the creation keywords are all one line to successfully export these objects.
7.0.16 procedures, functions, packages, package bodies If these objects have comments embedded among the creation keywords, they cannot be imported from the export file. Apply the patch or change the definitions to remove the embedded comments, then re-export these objects.
7.1 triggers, procedures, functions, packages, package bodies These objects cannot be imported into a 7.0 release from a 7.1 export file. Apply the patch to the earlier release in to read the new export file format or else put the objects into the proper format and use a Release 7.0 export on the 7.1 database.
Table 1 - 2. Exports and Imports Affected by the Change in Export File Format

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