Oracle7 Server Utilities

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Export's Interactive Mode

Starting Export from the command line with no arguments will initiate Export's interactive mode. Note that the interactive mode does not provide prompts for all of Exports functionality. It is provided only for backward compatibility.

You may not see all the prompts in a given Export session because some prompts depend on your responses to other prompts. Some prompts show a default answer. If the default is acceptable, press [RETURN]. To end your input, enter a period (.) followed by [RETURN].

If you have not specified a username/password on the command line, EXPORT first prompts you for this information. Then the prompts described below are displayed.

Export's Interactive Mode Prompts

Enter array fetch buffer size: 4096 >

Default: 4096

The value specified here determines the space available to buffer rows. Export uses the array fetch program interface call to speed performance. The default is usually adequate, but the buffer must be at least as large as the longest row. If you enter zero, only one row at a time is fetched.

Export file: EXPDAT.DMP >


Specify the name of the export file (the default is EXPDAT.DMP). If you do not specify an extension, the file extension of the export file will default to .DMP.

E(ntire database), U(sers), or T(ables): U >

Default: U

Specify either (T)able or (U)ser mode. Privileged users can also choose (E)ntire database mode. The options above relate to the Export parameters TABLES, OWNER and FULL respectively.

Export grants (Y/N): Y >

Default: Y

Specify (Y)es to export grants or (N)o. The grants that will be exported depend on whether you are in FULL DATABASE mode or USER mode. In FULL DATABASE mode, all grants on a table are exported. In USER mode, only those granted by the owner of the table are exported.

Export table data (Y/N): Y >

Default: Y

Specify (Y)es, to export data in the tables with the table definitions. Specify (N)o, to export only the table definitions.

Compress extents (Y/N): Y >

Default: Y

Specify (Y)es, to have the data for each exported table's used extents consolidated into one large initial extent when imported. Specifying (N)o, will cause all tables to be created with the storage values in effect when the table was exported.

Note: Although used extents are consolidated into one extent upon import, you must request consolidation when exporting, because your request causes the table definition to be exported differently. Thus, if you request consolidation when exporting, you can import the data in consolidated form only.

Schema to export: (RETURN to quit) >

Default: none

Specify the name of the schema to export. To indicate "no user" (and terminate the current Export session), press [RETURN].

Table to be exported: (RETURN to quit) >

Default: none

Specify the name of the table to export. Entering a null table list causes all tables in the schema to be exported.

If no schema prefix is specified, Export defaults to the exporter's schema or the schema containing the last table exported in the current session.

For example, if BETH is a privileged user exporting in table mode, then Export assumes that all tables are in BETH's schema until another schema is specified. Only a privileged user (someone with BACKUP ANY TABLE privileges) can export tables in another user's schema.

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