Oracle7 Server Utilities
SQL*Loader Extensions to the DB2 Load Utility
SQL*Loader can use any DB2 Load Utility control file. SQL*Loader also offers numerous extensions to the DB2 loader by supporting the following features:
- The automatic generation of unique sequential keys
- The ability to specify the record length explicitly
- Loading data from multiple data files of different file types
- Fixed-format, delimited-format, and variable-length records
- The ability to treat a single physical record as multiple
logical records
- The ability to combine multiple physical records into one logical record via CONCATENATE, CONTINUEIF NEXT, and CONTINUEIF THIS (IBM supports only CONTINUEIF THIS)
- More thorough error reporting
- Bad file (DB2 stops on first error)
- Control over the number of records to skip, the number to load, and the number of errors to allow
- FIELDS clause for default field characteristics